December 2021 Updates
Welcome to the CMSF updates newsletter! In this issue, you will find
updates from our programs including marine protected areas (MPAs),
water quality, technology and fiscal sponsorship. 
NEW CMSF Website Launched
Wondering what CMSF is all about?

Check out our newly launched website to learn about our different programs working to advance the understanding and stewardship of ocean resources in California.

Join the Sea Level Rise Awareness Campaign
The science is clear: Sea level rise in California will be much worse -- and come much more quickly -- than previously projected. Our coast faces a significant risk of seas rising more than 7 feet by 2100. Yet, awareness about the issue and solutions for building a more resilient California are sorely lacking. 

On September 28, the CMSF team, along with May 77 Communications and Puentes Strategies, helped the California Ocean Protection (OPC) and the California Natural Resources Agency release California's Sea Level Rise awareness campaign called “The Ocean Is Moving In”. State agencies are partnering to advance science, develop adaptation strategies, offer guidance, and educate the general public.

Help us raise awareness about sea level rise by joining in the campaign! Use this digital toolkit with images, videos, and messaging to share on your social channels. Content is available in English, Spanish, and Mandarin.

Download the toolkits here:

We hope you will join us in sharing these campaign assets with your audiences!
Marine Protected Area Outreach Tool Evaluation Report
We are pleased to announce the release of the Marine Protected Area Education & Outreach Tool Evaluation Report.

Over the past decade of implementing the state's network of 124 marine protected areas (MPAs), California prioritized outreach and education, but little has been done to understand the impact of these investments. Our study, funded by OPC, is the first commissioned evaluation assessing the efficacy of select outreach tools for increasing awareness of MPAs among primary coastal user groups.

This report provides invaluable insight into the utility of MPA outreach tools and provides a better understanding of outreach successes. Findings elucidate where future investments should be focused for greatest impacts.

The report can be downloaded here: 
New Marine Protected Area Outreach Materials
We’re excited to announce new MPA outreach resources developed with funding from the Ocean Protection Council (OPC). Check them out below!
Videos for Anglers
Check out the new, short films created for California’s recreational angling community! The videos highlight Calico Bass, California Collaborative Fisheries Research Program, youth fishing, and the spillover concept.
County-Specific MPA Presentations
A statewide series of PowerPoint trainings is now available for download. Two scripted versions for each coastal county - one for anglers and one for interpretive audiences- are available. You can pick and choose from the slide decks to tailor to your audience, or use the entire PowerPoint as is. 

MPA Exhibits For Your Use
There are 3 new MPA exhibits available for your use! Pick from the following topics or use them all: Science of MPAs, Recreation & MPAs, and Fishing & MPAs.

Are you attending an upcoming event or looking for some temporary colorful displays for your interpretive center, museum, or aquarium? You can use all three or request them individually.

If interested, please fill out this request form and we will contact you. 
Signage Grant Award
On September 14, CMSF and the MPA Collaborative Network were awarded an OPC grant to implement an important MPA Signage Project. As a part of this project, we will evaluate existing signage efficacy, engage stakeholders to develop locally relevant content, and create and install 75 to 100 new signs.

Stay tuned for more updates.
Drip Irrigation Tape- A Call For Action
Plastic use has led to many advances in the agriculture industry; offering longer growing seasons, efficient resource use, lower labor costs, increased crop yield and quality, and lowered agrichemical use. However, plastics used in open fields pose a major risk of transport to the ocean. In 2021, CMSF partnered with MBNMS and TNC to increase recycling of Drip Irrigation Tape (DIT). Though drip irrigation minimizes water use, it is currently not being widely recycled.
In some cases drip irrigation tape (DIT) is mechanically rolled into a megaroll and then taken to be recycled.
Photo source: Jazmine Mejia-Muñoz
In October, CMSF co-hosted a collaborative, solution-oriented meeting to help increase recycling of drip tape in Monterey agricultural fields. Together with the Monterey County’s Farm Bureau this meeting was a call to action for increased DIT recycling. Recyclers, manufacturers, educators, and other key stakeholders discussed the impacts of agriculture plastics, barriers to recycling, and brainstormed ideas to help drive recycling efforts. Four key action areas that were identified include: 1) expanded education and outreach efforts, 2) the need for collection centers, 3) reduction in costs associated with transportation, and 4) the creation of a stakeholder-driven working group. This meeting served as a reminder that the responsibility for progress in increasing the recycling of DIT rests on commitment from multilevel key stakeholders.

Since the meeting, CMSF has created flyers and brochures to guide recycling of DIT. To learn more, email Jazmine Mejia-Muñoz at
Team OCEAN Tours
CMSF is just wrapping up a joint project with National Marine Sanctuary Foundation’s Monterey Bay chapter funded through the Ocean Protection Council and Coastal Quest. The project, Team OCEAN Tours, focused on connecting students online either individually or in classrooms, with on-the-water instructors in Elkhorn Slough and kelp forests off Monterey. By showcasing sea otters, eel grass, kelp, pelicans, crabs, and jellyfish students learned about food webs, habitats, adaptations, and local Marine Protected Areas.
A total of 2,311 students from Monterey, Santa Cruz, Alameda, and Sacramento Counties participated in the program that ran five weeks in the Spring and another five weeks in the Fall. For many students that live far from the ocean, this was a chance to get to know our planet’s salty waters better and ask naturalists questions about life on the bay and in the slough. One student stayed on our Zoom session longer just to be able to ask questions about marine worms! Student and teacher response to the program was outstanding. CMSF is currently looking for funding to continue this program into the future and serve more students.
2021 Team Member of the Year Award
CMSF’s very own Pam Krone received a 2021 Team Member of the Year Award for her dedicated service, leadership and expertise contributing to outstanding achievements in resource, coastal community and ocean ecosystem protection. The Team Member of the Year award is presented to members of the workforce who are not NOAA Federal employees. This prestigious award recognizes outstanding contributions to the National Ocean Service (NOS) programs and the demonstrated exceptional and sustained effort toward accomplishment of NOS missions.

Congratulations Pam!!

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