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Program Updates

November 15, 2023

Issue No. 18

Honoring Our Veterans

We recognized Veterans Day this past week and we want to take this opportunity to bring awareness to California’s Veterans who may be in need of housing assistance.


The California Mortgage Relief Program can help eligible Veterans who have a mortgage through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) or other mortgage servicers and have fallen behind on their payments. Veteran homeowners can check their eligibility here to see if they qualify for funding assistance.


The California Mortgage Relief Program would like to encourage Veterans and the friends and families of Veterans who are struggling to consider applying for support from the program. More than 26,000 California households have received funding to help save their homes and we'd like to help many more California homeowners who have fallen behind on their housing payments.


If you are interested or know a Veteran who might benefit from the program, please click here to begin the application process.

Reminder: Find Out Your Qualifiying Household Income

To qualify for assistance from the California Mortgage Relief Program, an applicant's combined household income for residents 18 and over must be equal to or below 150% of their Area Median Income (AMI). Income limits are set at the state and county level by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

You can find out your current AMI on the homepage of the program's website or you can also check out a list of income limits by county here.

In Case You Missed It

You may be noticing some new ads in multiple languages around town on local buses, posters, digital platforms and social media compelling homeowners to protect their future by taking advantage of the assistance being offered by the California Mortgage Relief Program.


We want to encourage homeowners to not delay and apply now for the multiple types of assistance available.


Interested homeowners can click here to start their application process and find out if they are eligible.

Helping Homeowners

CA Mortgage Relief in the Community

In partnership with the Sacramento Central Labor Council, Councilmember Caity Maple and Councilmember Mai Vang, the Ring of Democracy hosted a job fair in October where they provided information about the California Mortgage Relief Program to the residents of South Sacramento. At this event, they helped multiple homeowners complete their applications for assistance through the program. 

Within the last several months, the Council for American-Islamic Relations has had many community members express their gratitude for the information the organization is providing about the California Mortgage Relief Program.

They conduct weekly outreach events in the Sacramento Valley/Central California where they are able to share program resources and assist residents with their applications to the program.

During the month of November, the team will be distributing program information and materials at their Know Your Rights and Bystander Intervention trainings.

Thank you to all our community partners for your hard work!

Resources Available

Need assistance or have questions?

Our Contact Center is available Monday through Friday between 8 AM - 6 PM PT.

Assistance is available in over 200 languages. Give us a call! 1-888-840-2594

Need to reach us?

Send us an email and we will respond within 24-48 hours.

Reach out to us at We look forward to hearing from you.

Need application help?

Visit our FAQs for our Frequently Asked Questions here.

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About the California Mortgage Relief Program

While the COVID-19 pandemic has affected millions of Americans and created turmoil for homeowners, California received relief funds from the American Rescue Plan Act’s Homeowner Assistance Fund. Homeowners who have fallen behind on their housing payments due to pandemic-related financial hardship can use these funds to get caught up. 


The California Mortgage Relief Program is being provided to homeowners through the CalHFA Homeowner Relief Corporation.