On June 1st, Thomas Wohlmut and benefactors of the film documentary, Bobbe George, Billie Barnes Jensen, Thomas Layton and Kathryn Young attended a screening of the Light Tower documentary at a luncheon for the California Pioneers of Santa Clara County. The showing to over 75 was an immense success.

Wohlmut gave a brief talk about the making of the film and then after the screening he and Tom Layton conducted a Q&A session. Wohlmut also donated 30 limited edition mugs for the Pioneers to sell to those in attendance.

The Pioneers made over $560 from direct sales of the mugs. A whopping $1,000 was received from a generous donation by Linda Lee Lester, also a film benefactor. Linda donated the $1,000 for two mugs of her own! Hang on to those mugs, they may become valuable collectors items in the future!

Thank you Linda from the bottom of our hearts and we are so glad to see that the film documentary is having legs in supporting the non-profits in San Jose! And thank you all the donors who made the making of the "Light Between Two Towers" possible.

Paul Bernal, Board Member of
the Pioneers of Santa Clara said:

“Thomas Wohlmut performed an incredible job researching the topic, and an outstanding job in applying cinematography to the story. The result is masterful.”

The California Pioneers of Santa Clara County was established in 1875. It is one of the two oldest pioneer societies in California. The California Pioneers of Santa Clara County was formed with about 400 members. We are proud to state today, after about 140 years, we still have more than 400 members. http://californiapioneers.com/
For more information: 510-825-7402