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January 29, 2018


Project LEAN has had a tremendous 2017 having educated and informed over 3,900 recipients directly through webinars, workshops, trainings, and convenings influencing numerous districts, school and communities to advance healthier environments via health and wellness policies impacting the majority of California's 6 million school children.

Below, read more about our new partnership and ways you can learn more about how we are impacting schools and communities.

We look forward to an even more successful 2018. 
In health,
California Project LEAN
Partners in Health

California Project LEAN is excited to announce a new partnership with the Center for Wellness and Nutrition to further advance nutrition and physical activity policies and practices in schools and communities. This partnership is part of Project LEAN's new strategic initiative to leverage expertise, resources, and relationships to better meet local needs implementing comprehensive programs and services across California and the nation.
For more information about the Center for Wellness and Nutrition, please visit their website at

For more information regarding some of our current joint service offerings, please download our catalog.

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Protect School Foods: Don't Delay - DO IT TODAY!

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently proposed changes that would weaken school nutrition: delaying the next levels of sodium reduction (Target 2) by three years (from School Year 2017-2018 to School Year 2021-2022); continuing the whole-grains waiver; and allowing flavored 1 percent milk to be sold. 
USDA, Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) invites interested persons to submit written comments on the proposed changes.
National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity (NANA) has developed a model comment for organizations
Deadline to submit a comment to the docket here
is today, January 29th.

THANK YOU to Previous and Current Supporters!
Project LEAN would like to that the following for their financial support:
  • The California Endowment, Building Healthy Communities - South Kern
  • Kaiser Permanente Northern California Community Benefit Grants Programs, Diablo and South Bay
  • Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, Kern
  • County of Santa Barbara Public Health Department
  • Riverside University Health System-Public Health
  • Kern County Public Health Services
  • Sonoma County Department of Health Services
  • Healthy Cooking with Kids, Inc.
  • California Department of Public Health Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention  Branch (CDPH/NEOPB)
Success in South Kern

For the past year and a half, California Project LEAN with support from Building Healthy Communities, South Kern has brought together academic and community stakeholders to talk about the importance of implementing Local School Wellness Policies that are both effective and go above and beyond state and federal requirements.
At the most-recent 7th Dinner Convening: School Health and Academic Achievement, held at the famed Padre Hotel in Bakersfield, California, nearly 50 superintendents, school board members, principals, teachers, parents, state representatives, and other school leaders gathered to talk about the powerful role a student's health has on his or her academic success. 

"We are proud to be leaders in the area of health and wellness. We are especially excited to be able to leverage the support we've received from The California Endowment by using our LCAP supplemental and concentration grant funding to increase our efforts to teach to the whole child by providing certificated PE teachers at all of our school sites." said Arvin Union School District's Superintendent, Dr. Michelle McLean. "It is wonderful to see the results of this partnership as reflected in student attendance, increases in learning, and better physical fitness in our students overall. Health happens in the Arvin Union School District."
Thank you to our presenters who included local Director of Food Services with Arvin Unified School District, Dee Abbema, Nutrition Education Consultant with the California Department of Education, Mike Danzik, and Executive Director of Nutrition Services with Oakland Unified School District, Jennifer LeBarre.

To view presenters' slides, click on the following:
Upcoming Local School Wellness Policy Trainings - Sign up NOW!

Project LEAN is an active member of the California Local School Wellness Policy Collaborative comprised of numerous statewide partners with a vision to
inspire school communities to take their wellness policies from paper to practice.
In partnership with the Collaborative, Project LEAN will co-facilitate and share resources at the upcoming Three Steps to Wellness Policy Implementation Success Workshops.
To sign up for a training near you, click here.
For more information, see the workshop flyer. 

YPAR Webinar - February 21, 2018

The Center for Wellness and Nutrition believes that youth voice and buy-in is imperative to building sustainable healthy communities.  We train and provide technical assistance to organizations to conduct Youth-led Participatory Action Research (YPAR) projects where young people engage with health equity issues that affect their communities to build tangible community change.  These projects not only provide youth with the opportunity to engage their leadership, critical thinking, problem-solving, service learning, and strategic-thinking skills, but also leave lasting effects on the community.  Register today for this 30-minute informational webinar to learn more about YPAR as an approach.  Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 12:30 pm PST.
Also, check out our resources Inspiring Youth,
Growing Change - Nuturing Strong Minds for a Healthy Community and Inspiring Healthy Communities - Empowering Youth in Los Angeles County, for stories of local successes of young people who have implemented YPAR projects and building solutions to the pressing health and nutrition concerns in their community.
Grants to Expand School Breakfast

Find out how you can access these important breakfast grant funds!

California Food Policy Advocates (CFPA) will be hosting an upcoming webinar on February 15, 2018 at 10am.  Register Here
  • Learn about key dates and critical steps for the grant application process
  • Get suggestions about writing a successful grant application
  • Hear about the challenges and successes of implementing after-the-bell breakfast with grant funds
  • Have your questions answered by the staff who will review and score the grant applications
The webinars will feature:
  • Jennifer LeBarre, School Nutrition Specialist, Oakland Unified School District / Zetta Reicker, Oakland Unified School District
  • The California Department of Education - Nutrition Services Division
Read an overview of the grants.  PDF

For more information contact Anna Colby at (213) 482-8200 extension 204. 

California Project LEAN


Your Health Consultancy Partners
Boy eating apple
Click HERE to download the Joint Training Catalog, a collaboration of services provided by California Project LEAN and the Center for Wellness and Nutrition, programs of the Public Health Institute.

About California Project LEAN
California Project LEAN, a program of the Public Health Institute, works to advance nutrition and physical activity policy in schools and communities in order to prevent obesity and its associated chronic diseases. California Project LEAN efforts center on youth, parent and resident empowerment approaches, Policy and Environmental change Strategies (PSE), and community-based solutions that improve nutrition and physical activity environments. For more information, go to www.CaliforniaProjectLEAN.org.
About the Public Health Institute
The Public Health Institute, an independent nonprofit organization, is dedicated to promoting health, well-being and quality of life for people throughout California, across the nation and around the world. For more information, go to www.phi.org.