Senator Anderson on AB 2601 (Pupil instruction: sexual health education: charter schools)
Senator Joel Anderson's Floor Speech Opposing AB 2601

Senator Jeff Stone's Floor Speech Opposing AB 2601
Senator Jeff Stone's Floor Speech Opposing
AB 2601
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Today, AB 2601 passed the California State Senate and will now head to Governor Jerry Brown's desk.

Action items listed below.

AB 2601, by Assemblywoman Weber, would mandate that Charter Schools come into compliance with the controversial California Healthy Youth Act (CHYA).

The California Healthy Youth Act mandates that curriculum used must meet the following criteria:
  • It must teach about gender, gender expression, and gender identity, and explore the harm of negative gender stereotypes.
  • Abstinence only instruction is not permitted.
  • May not promote religious doctrine.
  • Sexual health education must respect and address the needs of students of all genders and sexual orientations.
  • Instruction must affirmatively recognize different sexual orientations and be inclusive of same sex relationships when providing examples of couples or relationships.
Complete information on the CA Healthy Youth Act can be found here.
AB 2601 is a huge expansion of sex education in charter schools. Schools should stick to the basics and leave these topics, which reflect values, morality, and sensitive topics, for parents to discuss in the home. Pushing sex education, specifically from one progressive perspective, is not the proper role of government.
Charter Schools exist as an alternative to traditional public school classrooms, typically chosen by parents who desire more involvement in their child's education. AB 2601 will bring charter schools in line with the radical sex education being pushed in traditional public schools.

This bill is supported by many controversial organizations, which makes the bill all the more concerning. One such organization is the "Free Speech Coalition," which is described: "As the national trade association to the adult entertainment and pleasure products industry, our mission is to lead, protect, and support the growth and well-being of businesses and workers in the adult industry, as well as the communities to which they belong." It is concerning that the CA State Senate would pass legislation affecting children that is promoted by the predatory pornography industry.

Read this letter from the "Free Speech Coalition" in support of AB 2601.

Other controversial organizations in support of AB 2601 include:
  • NARAL Pro-Choice California
  • Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California
  • California State PTA
  • California School Boards Association
  • California Teachers Association
  • Equality California (EQCA)
  • National Center for Lesbian Rights
  • San Francisco Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Community Center
  • San Diego LGBT Community Center
  • Feminist Majority
  • ACLU of California
  • Genders and Sexualities Alliance Network
  • Center on Reproductive Rights and Justice at the UC Berkeley, School of Law
  • More Than Sex-Ed
  • Trans Family Support Services
  • Asian and Pacific Islanders for LGBTQ Equality - LA
  • Bay Area Student Activists
  • Community Action Fund of Planned Parenthood of Orange & San Bernardino Counties

1. Sign & share this petition to Governor Brown letting him know that you OPPOSE AB 2601. 

2. Call Governor Jerry Brown and ask him to VETO AB 2601: 916-445-2841.

3. Call the CA Charter Schools Association and ask them to publically OPPOSE AB 2601 by calling on the Governor to veto this bill: 916-448-0995.