Dear CRA Members,
Below is additional information regarding the mask mandate and FAQ's that were just sent by the Governor's office.
You can access the entire FAQ HERE.
Additionally, exceptions to the universal masking requirements apply in the following circumstances in specified settings:
- Masks may be removed while actively eating or drinking.
- Persons who are working alone in a closed office or room.
- Persons who are actively performing at indoor live or recorded settings or events such as music, acting, or singing. If performers do not wear a mask indoors while performing, CDPH strongly recommends that individuals undergo screening testing at least once weekly. An FDA-approved antigen test, PCR test, or pooled PCR test is acceptable for evaluation of an individual's COVID-19 status.
- Persons who are obtaining a medical or cosmetic service involving the nose or face for which temporary removal of the face covering is necessary to perform the services.
- Workers who wear respiratory protection, per CalOSHA requirements.
- Persons who are specifically exempted from wearing masks by other CDPH guidance.
Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions or need additional clarification.