Episcopal Relief and Development (ER&D) is the way our denomination supports disaster response and recovery efforts on the ground. ER&D delivers funds into the hands of bishops who can then provide immediate assistance to people, ministries, and parishes. ER&D is already providing support and assistance to the Diocese of Los Angeles as their bishop and leadership teams determine how to help the people of their beloved city and diocese.
In this case, my friend and colleague, Bishop John Taylor, has declared that all donations to the One Body, One Spirit Annual Appeal of the Diocese of Los Angeles will be used to help institutions and individuals most affected by wildfires.
The need in Los Angeles is urgent and growing in scope. Rather than waiting for funds to be gathered across our diocese, which will delay our response, I urge you and your parish to give now, directly, and generously to ER&D or One Body, One Spirit.
We also must hold the people of Los Angeles in our prayers. Bishop Taylor is posting regular updates on Facebook. I find them helpful to guide my prayers, and I hope you will follow his posts, too. The people of Los Angeles have a long road to travel through this disaster. Our prayers and support with help them with this journey.
Grace and peace,
The Rt. Rev. Carlye J. Hughes
XI Bishop of Newark