Marine Renewable Energy Collaborative News
March 10, 2014
ICOE 2014 Call for Abstracts Due March 15, 2014


ICOE banner  

We invite you to submit an abstract for the 5th International Conference on Ocean Energy to be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia November 4-6, 2014. Abstract topics should encompass the theme "Advancing an International Ocean Energy Delivery Industry."  By speaking at and attending ICOE, you will join between 700-900 delegates from around the world to discuss and learn about the leading activities in building the world's ocean energy industry. Each conference year, the International Committee works to address the most relevant issues affecting the industrial development of ocean energy.


For more information about abstract criteria and submission, visit:   http://www.icoe2014canada.org/abstracts/


Call for Ocean Energy Abstracts for Oceans'14


Oceans 14  

Call for Papers and Posters - 9.1 Ocean Energy Topics

Abstracts due March 26, 2014



Calling for abstracts on topics related to Ocean Energy (Marine Renewable Energy) including: Energy generation from: wave, tide, current, offshore wind, thermal gradients, or salinity gradients; Monitoring and environmental impacts, In-water testing and demonstration; Moorings and foundations, Site characterization, Resource assessment, Marine spatial planning; Innovation and commercialization, Workforce readiness and careers.  


Jointly sponsored by the Marine Technology Society (MTS) and the Oceanic Engineering Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE/OES), OCEANS '14 is a major international forum for scientists, engineers, and responsible ocean users to present the latest research results, ideas, developments, and applications in Oceanic Engineering and Marine Technology.


The Marine Renewable Energy Committee of the Marine Technology Society aims to bring the emerging challenges of obtaining energy from ocean processes into the Oceans 2014 conference to enable information exchange between the many disciplines of ocean science and technology.  


The core technical tracks of Oceans'14 are: Underwater Acoustics and Acoustical Oceanography; Sonar Signal/Image Processing and Communication; Ocean Observing Platforms, Systems and Instrumentation; Remote Sensing; Ocean Data Visualization, Modeling and Information Management; Marine Environment, Oceanography and Meteorology; Optics, Imaging, Vision and E-M Systems; Marine Law, Policy, Management and Education; Offshore Structures and Technology; Ocean Vehicles and Floating Structures; and Ocean Energy.

Abstract submissions are due on March 26.
Authors will be notified on May 14, and the final deadline for papers and posters is June 12 to be included in the OCEANS`14 MTS/IEEE St. John's Newfoundland Proceedings. Student poster competition winners will be selected to attend the conference. Papers presented at the conference will be included in the Proceedings.


For details, got to http://oceans14mtsieeestjohns.org/main.cfm/EID/38/Call-for-Abstracts-and-Submission-Process/  For questions contact Technical Co-Chair: Randy Gillespie at  Randy.Gillespie@oceans14mtsieeestjohns.org 


For information on the MTS MRE Committee: Contact Cliff Merz; Univ. of South Florida cmerz@usf.edu; Ken Baldwin, Univ. of New Hampshire Kenneth.Baldwin@unh.edu(Co-chairs MTS MRE Committee).



Marine Renewable Energy Collaborative
PO Box 479 Marion, MA 02738
508.728.5825  mrecnewengland@gmail.com