Call To Action Zoom Tomorrow
Representative Greg Bonnen
Chair of the House Appropriations Committee
On this week's Call to Action Zoom we will have Rep. Greg Bonnen, the Chair of the House Appropriations Committee. As the name implies, this is the committee that deals with state government spending. As you can imagine the Appropriations Committee is quite influential, so it is a great opportunity to hear directly from Chair Bonnen. He is going to be joining us to talk about the appropriations process and the work his committee is engaging in.
We'll also be getting legislative reports from Chair Bonnen's capitol colleagues Sen. Bryan Hughes, Rep. Jacey Jetton and Rep. Stephanie Klick. I look forward to being with everyone tomorrow! Hope you'll be there!
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Call To Action
88th Texas Legislature Zoom Series
Friday, March 17th
7:00 a.m. CST
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The journey of a bill can get complicated. With the Texas Legislature Online (TLO), you can track legislation that’s important to you in real time. Below is an easy guide on how to track a bill using TLO. This resource will help you stay on top of bills as they run the rigor of the legislative process. Read our blog post for more info on how to track a bill and don’t forget to follow us on social media as well to stay up to date on the important priorities this session. | |
Over the past two weeks, House Speaker Dade Phelan has announced the filing of several priority bills by the Texas House. From Property Tax Relief to the creation of a special business court, conservative legislation is paving the way for a new, better Texas. Our Capitol Report will cover all of the conservative priority bills, so stay tuned next week to make sure you see all of the legislation that will impact you.
| The Property Tax Relief Act provides Texans with actual and sustainable property tax relief, while also protecting our economic stability as a state. House Bill 2 by Rep. Morgan Meyer would lower school district property taxes by 28% and reduce the limit on annual appraisal increases to 5% for ALL types of property in the state. HB2 safeguards property owners from price shock of rapidly rising rates. | The demand for higher education is on the rise as jobs are created throughout Texas. It’s projected that roughly 60% of our workforce in the next 10 years will need to have an associate degree, non-credit workforce education programs or other credentials of value to keep pace with our skilled job opportunities in the state. While Texas is home to a number of outstanding community colleges, they are desperately in need of a new funding model, which House Bill 8 can provide. | |
HB 8 by Rep. Gary VanDeaver recognizes and rewards the outstanding work community colleges in Texas are doing to educate and train the future workforce. HB 8 also provides greater scholarship programs and increases financial opportunities for financially disadvantaged students. If implemented, HB 8 will strengthen the Texas economy and support a new generation of students. | House Bill 19 by Rep. Andrew Murr creates a business court system in Texas. This specialized court system strengthens Texas’ pro-business reputation, further incentivizing companies to invest in Texas and our businesses. A separate court for complex businesses cases alleviates the stress on our local courts, while streamlining the process for Texas businesses. HB 19 will simplify legal matters for businesses ensuring that rulings are fair, streamlined, and consistent in manner. | |
*The full RNC Pundit Prep will be posted on my website.
For more information, please click here.
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“Paychecks are worth less, the cost for everything is up, and Biden’s tax-and-spending spree will only worsen the economic burden on American families. Biden’s reckless budget proves how out of touch his administration is with reality.” - RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel
What you need to know:
Yesterday Biden unveiled his budget for FY 2024, a $6.9 trillion spending spree chock full of wasteful spending and higher taxes.
If Biden’s budget were adopted, the national debt would eclipse $50 trillion by 2033, and the debt-to-GDP ratio would surpass the record set just after WWII.
- Biden wants to crush the American people with more taxes.
His budget includes $4.7 trillion in new and expanded taxes.
- Biden's budget is full of wasteful spending.
Over the next 10 years, Biden’s budget would result in over $82 trillion in cumulative federal government spending.
- Biden’s budget includes far-left priorities:
$3 billion to advance gender equity and equality.
$150 million for illegal immigrants’ legal fees
$50 million to retrofit low-income housing with “efficient electric” appliances rather than helping these communities escape poverty.
$57 million to support the UN Population Fund, which supports abortion and forced sterilization in China.
- Biden's budget puts U.S. National Security at risk.
In the midst of a border crisis, Biden’s budget would cut funding for the Department of Homeland Security.
Completely missing from Biden’s budget is a plan to address Social Security’s looming insolvency – something he has been hypocritically, and falsely, hitting Republicans on for months.
The bottom line:
Middle and lower-class Americans already struggling to afford gas and groceries, and Biden’s budget will only compound these difficulties.
Democrats Won't Keep You Safe |
2022 was another record-breaking year for crime in many Democrat-run cities, yet Democrats continue to support pro-criminal policies.
What you need to know:
- Crime is surging across the country.
At least nine cities, seven of which are Democrat-run, saw record homicides last year.
- The Democrat Party has become the pro-criminal party – many of the Democrats elected this past November ran on pro-criminal platforms.
173 House Democrats recently backed a law that reduces penalties for murders, carjackings, armed robberies, armed home invasions, and sexual assault offenses.
- Thanks to the new Republican House Majority, DC City Council’s dangerous, soft-on-crime law was overturned.
- Law enforcement officers are paying the price for Democrats’ policies.
- Police departments are struggling to combat both a lack of funds and a lack of respect as they try to do their jobs.
- As crime has surged, so have attacks on the men and women in blue.
- Police departments across the county are seeing historic drops in staffing as police officers have become fed up with the lack of support.
- Polling consistently shows the American people are fed up with Democrats’ soft-on-crime policies.
In a recent Harvard/Harris poll, just 39% of voters approved of Biden’s handling of crime.
In an ABC News/Ipsos poll, 58% of voters disapproved of Biden’s handling of crime.
With Democrats in charge, it’s no wonder 72% of Americans believe the crime rate will rise in 2023.
The bottom line:
Biden and Democrats need to stop their soft-on-crime policies and support law enforcement officials so that Americans feel safe again.
Thank you for allowing me to continue to serve you as your Texas Representative to the RNC! As always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions you might have at, or follow me on Facebook or Twitter at the links below. Thank you for being a strong Texas Republican, and together, let us work to Keep Texas RED!
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Paid for by Toni Anne Dashiell RNC National Committeewoman for Texas
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