2024 Cornell Center for Health Equity Symposium

Advancing Health Justice: Policy, Practice and Engagement

April 11, 2024

ILR Conference Center

Sponsored by:

The Cornell Center for Health Equity

Weill Cornell Medicine Division of General Internal Medicine & Cornell Brooks Public Policy

Call for Abstracts

Join us at the 2024 Cornell Center for Health Equity Symposium, themed "Advancing Health Justice: Policy, Practice and Engagement" to showcase your scholarly work in health equity!

This symposium will inform our academic, community, and student members about the diverse research efforts ongoing across the campuses in the area of health equity, and to stimulate discussions about novel cross-campus collaborations through face-to-face dialogue, aiming to kindle new and expanded research collaborations between the campuses.

Abstract Deadline:

January 31st, 2024, at 5 p.m. ET


  • Faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral trainees, and staff at all levels in any department at Cornell University and affiliated institutions and community organizations are eligible to submit an abstract. Student submitting abstracts should include approval from their research supervisors.
  • One abstract submission per first author.
  • Abstracts on original research may be focused on any topic relevant to the health equity of people of all ages. Abstracts with a health justice focus may take priority in the selection process.
  • Abstracts on education research in health equity are welcome.
  • Abstracts on community-based projects or programs are welcome.
  • One of the authors must commit to being present on April 11th to present the work.

Abstract Guidelines

The abstract submission should include the following:

  1. Title
  2. Authors, including institutional affiliation and academic title (or community organization), with the presenting author clearly identified.
  3. If the presenting author is a student or trainee, identify as such and identify the mentor(s).
  4. Funding source, if any; if no funding source, state so.
  5. All author potential conflicts of interest with the topic matter.
  6. Abstract text, including headings of Background, Methods, Results, Limitations, Conclusions, and Implications. Limit text to no more than 500 words.
  7. One figure OR one table may be included. References are not required.

Email abstracts as a PDF to

[email protected]

by January 31st, 2024 at 5 p.m. ET