Autism Campus Inclusion

What is the Autism Campus Inclusion (ACI) Summer Institute? The ACI Summer Institute is a week-long training for Autistic college students. The training is meant to prepare students to engage in self-advocacy and pro-neurodiversity activism on their college campuses. 


Who is eligible for the ACI Summer Institute? Any current Autistic college student in the United States is eligible to attend. Students should have at least one more year remaining in college. Because of the support we are receiving from our partners, we are offering this institute at no cost to the students chosen for the program, including travel accommodations, room and board. The institute will take place August 12th through August 17th in Baltimore, MD.


What will participants learn at the ACI Summer Institute? With curriculum based on our collaboration with the Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation in the Empowering Disabled Leaders handbook and materials produced and developed with the help of University of New Hampshire's Institute on Disability, the participants will learn how to engage in activism and advocacy activities on their college campuses.  


Applications are due by March 30, 2012 with accepted applicants being contacted in May 2012. If you feel you would like to participate, please fill out the application and submit it with your responses to the essay questions and your resume to Melody Latimer at . All questions should also be directed to Melody.


We look forward to hearing from you.




Melody Latimer

Director of Community Engagement 

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network

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