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 Call for Applications

Freedom and Power in the Digital Age

Speaker Series Featuring Google Experts
Plus Educators Seminar
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The World Affairs Councils of America is pleased to announce a new Engage America Speaker Series in partnership with Google:


Freedom and Power in the Digital Age
Up to eight councils will be selected to host the program, which will feature notable Google experts as speakers and is supported by a grant from Google. The program also includes an Educators Seminar with a separate team of Google experts who will address how teachers and students can best leverage the tools of the new digital age to further their educational missions.
Applications are due October 1, 2013
About the Program


Freedom and Power in the Digital Age

In the last 25 years, the Internet has changed the way people access and share information, and has shifted the dynamics of societies around the globe. Until the Internet, almost all forms of mass communication were run by the elite and powerful. Today, citizens with a web connection have the potential to take any message and reach an audience of millions. But this individual potential is only possible when the Internet is open and free for its users. More than 600 million Internet users - over 30% of the world's total Internet population - live in countries where there is substantial filtering or censorship of online content. Understanding what the Internet and online freedom mean for the world is critical for the future of democracy, human rights, and economic development everywhere and it will be the central focus of this Engage America Speaker Series. 

The program will consist of two major features:
1. Main Speaker Event
The centerpiece of the program will be a keynote address by one speaker from Google discussing Freedom and Power in the Digital Age. This event should be open to regular council event attendees including council members, sponsors, board members, trustees, students, and young professionals. We expect councils to engage the largest possible audience.


The main event should also be supplemented by additional activities featuring the keynote speaker at community events such as local radio and press interviews, visits to local universities or high schools, or small group community discussions. Additional activities are subject to the speaker's schedule. 
2. Educators Seminar
Each main speaking event will be supplemented with a 2-3 hour tutorial seminar conducted by a separate small team of Google experts for educators. This event should be open to educators in each council's network and community. The seminar would address more specific issues of how teachers and students can best leverage the tools of the new digital age to further their educational missions. The seminar should take place on or close to the day of the main speaking event.

Speakers may include the following Google experts. Councils may indicate a preference, but need to be open to hosting any Google expert.



Jared Cohen, Google Ideas Director



Ross LaJeunesse, Global Head of Freedom of Expression and International Relations






David Drummond, SVP and Chief Legal Officer



Victoria Grand, Director of Global Policy and   Communications, YouTube







Scott Carpenter, Google Ideas Principal

Events will be held December 2013-December 2014. 


Councils will be reimbursed after the submission of a final event report for up to $5,000 to cover travel and lodging for the speaker and event costs. Councils are encouraged to plan events that will utilize the full amount of the grant.


To Apply
Fill out this Application and email it to Althea Georgantas at [email protected] by October 1, 2013.

The World Affairs Councils of America 

1200 18th St., NW, Suite 902, Washington, DC 20036

Phone (202) 833-4557  Fax (202) 833-4555

Email [email protected] Website