 | Call for Artists
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Deadline to Apply:
6PM Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Join us for an Artist Information Session:
4:30PM Tuesday, October 9, 2012
at Intermedia Arts
Intermedia Arts, a nonprofit arts center in Minneapolis, MN, is seeking four artists to participate in Creative CityMaking, a new partnership with the City of Minneapolis that fosters collaborations between local artists and City planners to develop fresh and innovative approaches for addressing long-term transportation, land use, economic, environmental and social issues facing Minneapolis.
Creative CityMaking will embed four artists in the Planning Division of the Minneapolis Department of Community Planning and Economic Development (CPED). Their collaborative talents and work will be showcased throughout the year at community meetings related to city planning projects, citywide community events, and will culminate in a public exhibition and forum at Intermedia Arts. In addition, artists and planners will come together throughout the year in a series of participant convenings, where they will share ideas, learnings, successes and challenges.
Across Minneapolis, artists are initiating discussions with community members around key civic issues. Creative CityMaking builds on their pioneering work, with the goals of increasing the participation of underrepresented communities in determining the city's future and developing a city that is a living work of art. This project builds on work happening in cities around the globe centered on the impact of people-oriented planning and the role of the arts and the creative process in developing vibrant urban places.
 | Eligibility:
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We are seeking experienced artists or artist teams from in a broad range of artistic disciplines, including but not limited to: visual arts, literary arts, media arts, performing arts, interdisciplinary and/or multidisciplinary arts.
- Artists must have experience with artistic processes that are social, interactive, and physical.
- Artists must be available to attend, in person, all five participant convenings and scheduled program dates (see application guidelines for program dates).
- The project is open to all artists within a reasonable commuting-distance from Minneapolis.
- Members of the Minneapolis Arts Commission, the Commission's Public Arts Advisory Panel, Intermedia Arts staff and City of Minneapolis staff are not eligible to apply.
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Selected artists or artist teams will receive a fee of $30,000 for work that will occur over the course of 12-months, from December 2012 to December 2013.
Project Budget:
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Selected artists will be paired with a city planner who is managing a specific project that is slated for the department's 2013 workplan. Each artist/planner team will have a budget of $15,000 for project expenses related to Creative CityMaking. The artist/planner team will determine the use of the Creative CityMaking project budget collaboratively.
The goals of Creative CityMaking are:
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- to develop new creative strategies for community planning;
- to create a collaborative laboratory and learning environment that engages artists and City staff working with a city department;
- to eengage artists in critical thinking and art making around city and urban issues, and to increase artists' and planners' ability to facilitate community change;
- to provide artists and planners with new tools for community engagement and working with traditionally underrepresented communities;
- to document and communicate lessons learned
City Planning Projects:
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The specific planning projects for Creative CityMaking have yet to be selected, but our aim is to choose projects that address the long-term transportation, economic, environmental and social issues facing the city. For more information, see the attached ."
Artist Scope of Services:
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a. Developing new communication platforms and strategies;
b. Creating connections with traditionally underrepresented communities;
c. Inventing new approaches for facilitating meetings and public events;
d. Developing creative ways to educate the community about the project context and familiarizing them with the parameters the plan needs to address;
e. Conducting interviews and gathering stories, and collecting information through alternative f. methods, such as participatory tours, or assembling sound and visual data;
f. Innovatively presenting planning concepts, ideas and stories to the community and other stakeholders for the purpose of making the information more accessible and relevant;
g. Bringing a new perspective to project sites and other contexts;
h. Creatively mapping assets and other issues related to the plan;
i. Identifying strategies for presenting draft and final City plans to the community;
- Participate in project orientation and five (5) two-day convenings with all of the planner/artist teams.
- Coordinate and present relevant information through at least one creative community event with the planning project's community.
- Participate in the Creative CityMaking culminating event and exhibit at Intermedia Arts
- Become familiar with appropriate background information, including relevant research and data.
- Work with the local agencies engaged in each of the individual planning projects, including public agencies and one anchor organization identified for the project.
- Utilize the ArtsHub co-working space at Intermedia Arts (intermediaarts.org/arts-hub).
- Share documentation of the process and activities, as well as information on new tools that are generated.
- Contribute as needed to the program's monthly blog.
- Participate in the program evaluation.
- Meet regularly with City planners and the project manager and staff team as needed.
- Attend and participate in planning and community meetings/presentations as needed.
Intellectual Property Rights:
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The purpose of this project is to collaboratively develop new tools and processes for data collection, community engagement, reporting and presentations that can be used in future processes by the City, Intermedia Arts, the artists and the planning teams. Artists will be expected to enter into a copy and proprietary rights agreement that supports these goals.
Artist Qualifications/Selection Criteria:
1. Experience as a Practicing Artist
- Demonstrated five years minimum experience as a practicing, working artist
- A focus on urban and social issues, as central to his/her creative expression
2. Connections to the City and Planning
- Strong interest in the intersection of art and city planning issues
- Ability to work collaboratively and in a team-based environment
- Experience at navigating systems and willingness to work within required public processes
3. Connections to the Community - Demonstrated experience or strong interest in working with communities and/or the general public in the creative process
- Knowledge of the local communities
- Able to bring valuable resources to the table in terms of working in and with traditionally underrepresented communities
4. Personal Capacity
- Strong communication, facilitation and presentation skills
- Willingness and ability to learn and grow while meeting the changing requirements of the work
- Regular availability during the project timeline (December 2012- December 2013)
NOTE: A selection panel consisting of people with the following areas of expertise will review applications and select artists: Artist, curator, CPED-city planner, City administration, community arts, community member.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012 Informational Workshop, Intermedia Arts; 4:30PM
Friday, October 19, 2012 Deadline for all questions regarding content; 4PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 Deadline to apply. Submissions must be received at Intermedia Arts by 6PM.
Week of November 5, 2012 Panel Selects Finalists
Week of November 12, 2012 Finalist Interviews
Week of November 19, 2012 Artist Orientation & Contract Signing
December 7-8, 2012 Participant Convening #1: Initial Gathering of Teams
January 25-26, 2013 Participant Convening #2
April 26-27, 2013 Participant Convening #3
August 23-24, 2013 Participant Convening #4
November 21-23, 2013 Culminating Public Events & Exhibition at Intermedia Arts
December 6-7, 2013 Final Participant Convening
NOTE: Participant convenings will be full-day events.
Applications must be received by Intermedia Arts no later than 6PM on Wednesday, October 24, 2012. This is not a postmark date.
Email or call Info@IntermediaArts.org or 612.871.4444
About Intermedia Arts
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A multidisciplinary, multicultural arts center, Intermedia Arts builds understanding among people by catalyzing and inspiring artists and audiences to make changes in their lives and communities. We are a nationally recognized leader in empowering artists and community leaders to use arts-based approaches to solve community issues. From graffiti art to digital technology to performance art to spoken word, we work from the community up to unearth and enliven new and emerging artists and art forms while challenging and exploring the role of art in our lives. By stimulating civic dialogue and giving voice to the issues and experiences of underrepresented communities locally, nationally and internationally, we contribute to a stronger, healthier society.
Intermedia Arts // 2822 Lyndale Ave South // Minneapolis, Minnesota 55408 // (612) 871-4444 // Info@IntermediaArts.org