MSU EDA University Center for

Regional Economic Innovation

E-Update | September 2022

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2023 Call for Projects!

The MSU U.S. EDA University Center for Regional Economic Innovation (REI) funds several types of projects: Co-Learning Plans Projects, researched and written by professionals; Co-Implementation Plans, led by Innovation Fellows; and Student-Led, Faculty-Guided Technical Assistance projects, researched and written by student teams at Michigan universities and colleges. Submitted projects will receive priority if they serve Asset Limited-Income Constrained-Employed (ALICE) populations living within Redevelopment Ready Communities (RRCs) and/or Opportunity Zones (OZs). Projects are encouraged to focus on one of four foci areas, including: resiliency planning, financial resiliency, circular economies, or 21st-century communications infrastructure. Keep an eye out for 2023 project applications, which will be opening soon!

Community and University Podcast is Now Live

The Center for Community and Economic Development is excited to announce that the Community and University podcast series is now available on both Spotify and Apple Podcasts. The MSU Center for Community and Economic Development podcast is aimed at providing outreach to community members and students throughout the state of Michigan. The Community and University podcast series features economic developers and committed scholars who share their knowledge and experience around equitable economic development within their communities and across Michigan. The podcast provides an additional platform for strategic partnerships, knowledge sharing, responsive community engagement, and collaborative learning to support the creation and identification of innovative tools, models, policies and practices to increase the number of small businesses; create access to job skill development; improve public infrastructure; advance high-growth entrepreneurship and strengthen underserved communities and historically excluded citizens. By hearing various insights and perspectives, an opportunity is created to enrich the continuing discussion around equitable economic development and thought given to the wider implications that economic development practices have on distressed communities in Michigan. To listen to these podcasts, you can either search Community and University into Apple Podcasts or check them out on Spotify by clicking the button below.

Spotify Podcasts
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