NEFLIN invites you to submit a proposal for the members-only

What's a TechSpace? It's a place where a library can showcase the technology used at their institution. Participating libraries should plan to demonstrate the technology, allow attendees to try it out for themselves (when appropriate), and explain the ways they are using the technology in programming and services. The goal is for attendees to learn how different devices and technology works with hands-on familiarization.

What kind of ideas do we want to see? How your library uses technology: apps, hardware, mobile devices, wearables, programming ideas... any new (or new-to-you) technology your library uses and wants to share!

When is the deadline to submit a proposal? March 31 by 5 PM
Presenting at TechSpace: 
  • Presenters will have wifi access.
  • Access to electrical outlets may be limited. If you need it, you may want to bring a power strip.
Expectations for Presenters:
  • TechSpace presenters must register to attend the 2023 NEFLIN Technology Conference.
  • Presenters must bring all necessary equipment for their presentation. A table and two chairs will be provided.
  • TechSpace will be open during all three afternoon breakout sessions. If you are unable to staff the table for this complete time, please design your display to tell its own story.
Complete this brief proposal and apply today:
What: 2023 NEFLIN Technology Conference

When: Friday, April 21, 2023

The deadline for proposal submission is 5:00 PM March 31.
If your proposal is chosen you will be notified the following week. We will send acceptance and regret notifications via email.

Questions? Contact us at or (904) 278-5620.
This project was funded either under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act from the Institute of Museum and Library Services or the Library Cooperative Grant program. Florida’s LSTA and LCG programs are administered by the Department of State’s Division of Library and Information Services.
For FY2022-23, the total state and federal budgets for NEFLIN's programs are $688,109. 42% of the total costs ($288,109) are supported by federal funds, and 58% of this program ($400,000) is supported by state funds.