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Georgia State University's 3rd Annual Conflict Resolution Symposium

Greetings Colleagues,  

Be sure to mark your calendars and join us to commemorate International Conflict Resolution Day and GSU's annual Conflict Resolution Symposium in the same day! The Georgia State University Office of the Ombudsperson is pleased to announce and welcome back students, colleagues and friends to its 3rd Annual CR Symposium. It will be held this fall on Thursday, October 17, 2013 and will take place once again at Georgia State University's Student Center in Atlanta, Georgia. You won't want to miss out, as this year's theme is sure to draw an array of fascinating participants and presenters!
We look forward to seeing you there!

Click here for video highlights from past symposiums. Click here for a promo video you can send to others.


*Please share this information with whomever it may be of interest. 

Also, like our facebook page and check for updates on presenters, registration, etc.


2013 CR Symposium Theme

This year's symposium is entitled  "Getting to Peace: Using Art as a Tool for Conflict Resolution."  Symposium attendees and presenters will be university students, faculty and staff,  as well as local Conflict Resolution practitioners and like-minded community organizations.


Event Info
Date: Thursday, October 17, 2013
Symposium Time: 3:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. EST
Mediation Tournament Time: 9:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Address: 44 Courtland St, Atlanta, GA 30303-3973
Call for Submissions is Now OPEN!
This one-day symposium will provide an opportunity for students and conflict resolution practitioners to network and showcase their current projects, as well as bring attention to their work nationally. Some topics of interest include:  
  • How are you using art to resolve conflict?
  • What creative problem solving techniques do you employ as a conflict resolution practitioner to handle conflict successfully?
  • Is conflict resolution work an art or a science?
  • How have you creatively managed change or addressed conflicts related to race, ethnicity, gender, identities, sexual orientation, etc.?
  • Come share your work or what you've learned with a community of like-minded people! 


Submission Instructions
  • Open Date: June 25, 2013 
  • Submission Deadlines: 
    • August 25, 2013 for workshop presentation proposals, see instructions below.
    • September 8, 2013 for Gallery Art submissions
    • Gallery Art must be delivered October 1-3, 2013 and will be on display in the GSU Student Center for an entire month. 
  • All documents should be attached to a single message and sent via email to [email protected].
  • Put "Art of CR Symposium Submission" or "Art as CR Symposium Submission" in the subject line and include name, affiliation, bio and contact information in the body. 
  • Include your resume as an attachment. Bio may be sent as an attachment as well. 
  • Submissions must be your own original work.
  • Art of CR submissions cover more traditional facilitator-led workshops pertaining to the skills of conflict resolution practitioners and must include PowerPoint or other account of workshop outline and activities.
  • 2-dimensional, 3-dimensional, media and performance art work that speak specifically to conflict resolution are being accepted for Art as CR submissions. Please indicate size, space and time needed as applicable, as well as desire to participate in panel discussion about your work and its impact on Conflict Resolution. 
  • Notification of accepted works and invitations to present at the symposium will be emailed by September 6, 2013 or September 20, 2013 for Gallery Art submissions.
  • Please feel free to call or email us with questions at 404-413-2514 or [email protected].
Networking and Exhibiting
The CR Symposium will host a networking dinner and exhibition. Half and whole exhibition tables will be available for reservation on a first-come-first-served basis to Conflict Resolution practitioners and programs.


For more information, email us at [email protected].





The Georgia State University Office of the Ombudsperson

looks forward to welcoming you to its 3rd annual

 Conflict Resolution Symposium this October!