Open call for applications for 1 Chair or 2 Co-Chairs of the
IMBeR Scientific Steering Committee
The Integrated Marine Biosphere Research project (IMBeR, welcomes applications either from one person for the role of Chair or from two people willing to act as Co-Chairs of its international Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) for a term of three years beginning on 1 January 2022.
The Chair or Co-Chairs of the SSC will be responsible for the overarching leadership and future scientific direction of IMBeR including the successful completion of the scientific and capacity building objectives in the IMBeR Science Plan and Implementation Strategy 2016-2025, and the appropriate positioning of the IMBeR community to take advantage of future funding and scientific opportunities after 2025. Considering the current funding landscape, we envisage that a new IMBeR Chair would have expertise in natural sciences such as marine ecology or biogeochemistry, whereas the joint expertise of two Co-Chairs could span these natural sciences and a social / interdisciplinary science. More information on the role of the Chair or Co-Chairs of the SSC is available here.
IMBeR is looking for scientific excellence, and a high level of commitment to IMBeR’s goals, but also seeks to achieve a balance of expertise, nationality, gender, and career stage across its SSC. Applications should include a brief curriculum vitae and personal statement and be sent to the IMBeR Director, Dr. John Claydon by 1st December 2021. To be considered for a Co-Chair, applications can be submitted by separate potential Co-Chairs, or as joint applications by the potential Co-Chair team.
Informal enquiries can be directed to the current SSC Chair and Chair of the Appointments Committee, Prof. Carol Robinson.