Call to Action: Short Term Rentals

Dear Vail Board of REALTORS® Members:


We hope you're having a great summer. But in between time having fun in the sun, we have an action item for you:

Short Term Rentals (STR's) have been a hot topic of conversation in unincorporated Eagle County of late. There will likely be a vote this fall regarding potential changes to the County’s STR regulations that could significantly increase the cost to operate a STR and/or deter owners all together from using their property as they wish.


As true believers in home ownership and the property rights that come with it, we have significant concerns about the County imposing unnecessarily bureaucratic licensing/inspection requirements on STRs in addition to exceedingly high fees.


The Vail Board of REALTORS executive team sent a letter to the Eagle County Commissioners urging them not to adopt onerous licensure, fee, and inspection requirements. And now we are asking our members to lend their voices to the cause by reaching out to the County Commissioners and urging the same.


There are a few ways to do this:

  1. Follow this link and provide your feedback on the survey by clicking the button, "Provide Feedback Here". Draft Short Term Rental Ordinance (
  2. Reach out directly to the Eagle County Commissioners at the addresses below. Let them know that while STR's are a topic worthy of discussion, curtailing their effectiveness with fees and regulations is not the right answer.

Thank you in advance for helping to defend our industry by protecting property rights and supporting home ownership.



VBR Board of Directors

Click here to give feedback
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