We received a call from CHKD asking us to reach out to our customers to make face masks for Adults as well as Children. They have a tremendous and onging need right now for these masks.
So we are asking for your help
The mask style or pattern that you use is not of importance, only that you differentiate your masks between Adult and Child. If you are out of elastic use ties (20" is a good length per tie).
Below is an easy pattern for an Adult or Child sized Face Mask, if you do not have a pattern. This is a great way to use up your scraps and make a difference in the community.
Once you have some masks ready, please separate your masks between Adult and Child and place the masks in one bag labeled Adult and/or one bag labeled Child. Clear ziplock bags are ideal for this, but not mandatory. Bring your bag(s) to any of our 9 locations (including our Corporate office) and place in the clear bin labeled FACE MASK DONATIONS. For your convenience, we will come out to your car and receive your donations if you would like. Just call when you arrive. We will deliver the masks frequently to the Volunteer Service Director for distribution at CHKD.
This will be on ongoing project for us and we will let you know when the need subsides. Please continue to donate.
Feel free to include an encouraging message taped to your mask!
Thank you for your help!
Below is a list of our stores and their phone #'s. The stores are open Monday - Friday 9:30 am - 5:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. If you need addresses and directions to our stores, click on the locations button at the bottom of this email. Please call us if you have any questions.
- Newport News 757-595-7850
- Virginia Beach - Kemps River 757-420-5803
- Virgina Beach - London Bridge 757-340-3481
- Williamsburg 757-220-8710