Flags in Circle

CALL TO PEACE! a free monthly event

Saturday March 2. 12:30 - 1:30 pm Central.

Hybrid - Join on Facebook Live or Zoom.

Or in-person at The Peace School.

Add your voice to this meditation-in-action!

Let's send love, harmony and peace to humanity, nature and all living things. The Call to Peace is a call and response:

"Peace in..." all countries, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.

This month's SPECIAL GUEST:

Sharon Steffensen

Yoga Chicago Magazine

Sharon Steffensen is a yoga and meditation teacher who created the popular Yoga Chicago Magazine in 1994.

With its interesting articles and comprehensive directory of classes, trainings and retreats, Yoga Chicago is a valuable resource guide to yoga, meditation, and other spiritual activities in the Chicago area. Printing stopped in 2020, but thanks to Sharon and her team the free bi-monthly magazine continues at yogachicago.com.

We're thrilled to welcome Sharon to The Peace School as Yoga Chicago celebrates its 30th anniversary year! If you're in the Chicago area, please join us in-person for this event so you can greet Sharon. Whether in-person or online, you won't want to miss the March 2 Call to Peace.

Join on Zoom (Meeting ID 819 9720 1561) or Facebook Live.

RSVP here for in-person attendance

The Peace School's full name is

International Association for World Peace.

We are a 501c3 not-for-profit organization.

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