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Call Process."
We have entered the discernment stage of the call process which means that we are receiving profiles of candidates from the synod and evaluating them for the interview process. The profiles we have received have been or are being reviewed by the Call Committee. We are proceeding with interviews for those candidates who after prayerful deliberation, seem to fit the needs of the congregation and offer gifts that would advance our mission.
At this stage, the candidate will share a meal with the Call Committee and then have an interview. The next day, the candidate will meet with the Lead Pastor for a meal and interview time. Time may also be spent touring the community. After each interview, the Call Committee will debrief the experience. After all scheduled interviews are finished, the Call Committee will discuss whether to recommend a candidate to the Council. References, background checks, etc., will precede the recommendation.
The names of candidates will not be shared with the congregation during the discernment stage. It is vital that confidentiality be observed to protect the candidates and to maintain the integrity of the work of the Call Committee.
When the committee recommends one candidate to the Congregation Council and the council approves the candidate, the congregation will be informed. After that, arrangements will be made to meet the candidate and hold a congregational meeting to vote on extending a call.
Please continue to pray for the Church, the Call Committee, our synod partners, and candidates seeking to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
A Prayer:
Give us holy patience in this time of our seeking, patience that trusts in you for our present care, knowing that you will bring our good work to fulfillment in your time. Lead us and guide us, gracious God. Amen