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Monthly Update
April 2018

Meet the Team

Monthly Update

Donnell Probst

Executive Director

Michelle Ciulla Lipkin

Board of Directors

Erin Reilly
Sherri Hope Culver
Past President

David Kleeman
Vice President
Joanne Parsont

Tony Streit

Kristi Avram

Steve Hargadon

Tori Horton

Gonca Latif-Schmitt
Cynthia Lieberman

Lynette Owens

Daniel Rhone
Nicole Starr

DC Vito

Kelly Whitney

Leadership Council

Rachel Arteaga

Caitlin Barry

Natasha Casey

Belinha S. De Abreu

David Cooper Moore

Elizaveta Friesem

Yonty Friesem

Kelsey Greene

Jaclyn Kahn Siegel

Emily Keating

David Magolis

Dee Morgenthaler

Tina Peterson

Theresa Redmond

Rebecca Reynolds

Laurie Chin Sayres

Evelien  Schilder

Julie Smith

Benjamin Thevenin

Jiwon Yoon

Student Leadership Council

Emily Bailin

Catherine Burgess

Nneka Gigi

Jasmin Goodman

Donnell Probst

Alexis Romero

Zoey Wang

core principles

The purpose of  media literacy education is to develop the habits of inquiry and skills of expression needed by critical thinkers, effective communicators, and active citizens in today's world.



What's new with you?  
Tell us and we'll include it in a future issue of Update. We are especially interested in updates from our student, individual and organizational members.

Email us now 
w ith the subject header "Update."

Next submission deadline:

Friday, May 4


TopIn this issue...

Save the Date!

JUNE 26-28, 2019
Washington, D.C.

A Path Forward: 
Elevating Conversation, Unifying Voices



Washington Post: Alan Miller and The News Literacy Project
Alan Miller, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and the CEO and founder of The News Literacy Project (NLP) was interviewed by the Washington Post about his journey with NLP and the state of media literacy education.  [ read more ]

#iCanHelp Blog: The 6 E's 
NAMLE Executive Director, Michelle Ciulla-Lipkin, wrote a blog post for #iCanHelp addressing the growing disconnect between parents and children and their perception of the role of technology in their lives. The blog includes a series of tips for parents to help build conversation inside the home called "the 6 Es:" exemplify, explain, engage, empathize, educate and empower.  [ read more ]

CalendarMark Your Calendar

DigCit Summit Ireland
Trinity College
Dublin, Ireland
Apr 28 [learn more]

From News Literacy to 'Newsgames': 
Conversations Celebrating World Press Freedom Day
United Nations Headquarters
New York, NY
May 3 [learn more]

DIGITAL engAGEment Conference 2018
Brooklyn College
New York, NY
May 18 [ learn more]

Media & Information Literacy Summit
Sacramento, CA
May 23 [learn more]

68th Annual International Communication Association Conference
Prague, Czech Republic
May 24-28 [learn more]

Media & Learning 2018: 
Video in Higher Education
Leuven, Belgium
Jun 14-15 [learn more]

2018 Summer Institute in Digital Literacy
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, RI
Jul 15-20 [learn more]

U.S. Media Literacy Week 2018
Nov 5-9, 2018 [ learn more]

Northeast Regional Media Literacy Conference
Providence, RI
Nov 10 [learn more]

2018 Information & Media Literacy Conference
University of Passau
Nov 23-24 [learn more]

MembersM-Passion ed: Meet our Members
Alan Berry
Media Literacy Educator

"Currently I'm based in Kosovo as a Fulbright Research Fellow looking at media literacy education in the country. I'll be spending nine months mapping the media literacy landscape, speaking with NGOs and educators, surveying students, and understanding media literacy education from a global perspective - and learning Albanian!  While I'm here I'll also be collaborating with teachers and organizations to design and facilitate media literacy programs for Kosovar teens and young adults. It would be great to include some mediated cultural exchange with students from the U.S. within these programs, so please contact me via email if you're an educator interested in collaborating on a media literacy exchange. [ read more ]

Want to recommend an M-Passioned NAMLE member who should be in our next feature? Contact Evelien Schilder at

CFP: Teach Access Curriculum 
Development awards  
Teach Access will be awarding 20 grants of $5,000 each to faculty at institutions of higher education to develop modules, presentations, exercises, curriculum enhancements, or syllabus changes that infuse the fundamental concepts and skills of accessible design and development into existing technology and design focused courses. Submission deadline: Jun 4
[ learn more ]

CFP: 2018 MIL  Conference
Submissions are now being accepted for the 2018 Media & Information Literacy Conference at the University of Passau on November 23rd and 24th. The theme of this conference is "Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Education and Digitalization in a Mediatized Information and Knowledge Society." This conference will address the impact of digital transformation facing our society from an interdisciplinary and integrative perspective, adding new ideas and approaches on pressing contemporary challenges in this context.
Submission deadline: Apr 30
[learn more]

2018 #Digital4Good Awards
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2018 #Digital4Good Awards. #Digital4Good is looking for exemplary students who use social media to create a positive space online. Students selected will be honored at the first #Digital4Good conference at Google's offices in San Francisco, CA on Monday, September 17, 2018.
Submission deadline: Apr 30  [ learn more ]

CFS: Journal of Civic Media
The Journal of Civic Media, edited by graduate students enrolled in the Civic Media: Art and Practice (CMAP) Master's program at Emerson College is now accepting submissions. For its inaugural issue, the Journal seeks papers that contemplate the value of a smart city as it is or should be determined by the people who live, work, learn or play there.
Submission deadline: May 4 [learn more]

CFP: Global MIL Week 2018
Academic papers, case study, and project-related presentations are now being accepted for the Global Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Week 2018 Feature Conference. It will be held on October 24th and 25th in Kaunas, Lithuania. Topics for papers and presentations should be within the field of MIL and address the connection of MIL Cities as dynamic environments of media, information, and technology as well as innovative ways to advance MIL development among people.
Submission deadline: May 30 [learn more]

CFP: Northeast Regional 
Media Literacy Conference
The Northeast Regional Media Literacy Conference (NRMLC) invites session proposals from media literacy practitioners related to critical media literacy. This year's theme is "Media Literacy in Times of Uncertainty." The conference will be held on Saturday, November 10, 2018 in Providence, Rhode Island.
Submission deadline: May 31 [learn more]

Book: The Trump Presidency, Journalism, and Democracy
This book examines the disruptive nature 
of Trump news - both the news his administration makes and the coverage of it - related to dominant paradigms and ideologies of U.S. journalism. Contributors to the book include scholars, professionals, and media critics.  [ learn more ]

Ideas: Supporting Student 
Voices and Civic Skills
The 22x20 education working group created a list of the "9 Ways Teachers can Continue to Support Student Voice While Building Civic Skills." This list answers the question, "How can educators use non-partisan frames to support more youth to use their voices while building media literacy skills? [ learn more ]

Virtual Reality 101: What You Need to Know About Kids and VR
Co-authored by researchers at Stanford University's Virtual Human Interaction Lab, Virtual Reality 101 explores the potential positive and negative effects of VR experiences on kids' cognitive, social, and physical well-being as well as its potential to shape young people's perspectives. [ learn more ]

Toolkit for Digitally Literate Teachers
The University of Southern California Rossier School of Education's Toolkit for Digitally-Literate Teachers provides teachers and school administrators with how-to guides, actionable strategies, and real-life examples of the benefits of digital literacy in the classroom. [learn more]
Online Course: First Draft News
Learn how to distinguish good information from bad by attending this free, one hour course from First Draft at the Harvard Kennedy School's Shorenstein Center. This free course teaches participants to verify the authenticity of online content and includes lessons on how to research sources online and independently confirm the time, location, and originality of photos and videos. [learn more]


EmploymentEmployment Opportunities 

Foundation and Corporate Relations Officer
New York, NY or Washington, DC  
Individual Giving Officer
New York, NY or Washington, DC or Chicago, IL
The News Literacy Project
more info ]

Director of SPOT 127 - Youth Media Center
Rio Salado Community College
Tempe, AZ 
[ more info ]

For more listings, visit our organizational 
partner The Alliance's  job bank
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