June 12, 2022; Vol 3, Issue 19

MSNO Board Members appreciate how tired many of you are at the end of a challenging 2.5 years of school nursing.

Thanks to your advocacy and MSNO persistence over the past 5 years, we are closer than ever before to getting the postural screening bill to a vote by legislators. 

Please find 5 minutes this week to contact your legislators about the postural screening bill!  See below for next steps.

The School Medicaid bill has gone to study (died during this legislative cycle) and the Senate amendment for the state budget for the DPH School Health Services line item did not pass. 


The postural screening bill, an Act to update postural screening requirements in schools (House Bill 2335 accompanied by Senate Bill 1401) would reduce the mandated frequency of postural screening from students in all five grades (5, 6, 7, 8, 9) annually to students in one grade (6,7,8, or 9) annually. 

The bill was recently reported favorably by Health Care Finance Joint Committee (made up of House and Sente legislators) and moved to the House Ways and Means (HWM) Committee, thanks in part to the more than 140 school nurses who contacted their legislators in March and April! What this means is that the Joint Finance Committee believes it would be a good bill to consider. Now the HWM Committee will further consider it and present it to the floor of the House for a vote. If the House votes to approve it, it would move to the Senate for consideration. 

If your representative is on the Ways and Means Committee listed below, please call their office to ask them to support the bill!  You can find their phone # and email by clicking on their name on the HWM Committee webpage: https://malegislature.gov/Committees/Detail/H34/192 

Aaron Michlewitz, Chair

Ann-Margaret FerranteVice Chair

Paul J. Donato (Assistant Vice Chair)

Christine P. Barber

David Biele

Natalie M. Blais

John Barrett, III

Marcos A. Devers

Russell E. Holmes

Nika C. Elugardo

Dylan A. Fernandes

Natalie M. Higgins

Brian W. Murray

Christina A. Minicucci

Elizabeth A. Malia

Kathleen R. LaNatra

James K. Hawkins

Jack Patrick Lewis

Patrick Joseph Kearney

Meghan Kilcoyne

Paul A. Schmid, III

Alan Silvia

Chynah Tyler

Paul F. Tucker

Bud L. Williams

Steven Ultrino

Andres X. Vargas

Todd M. Smola (Ranking Minority)

Angelo L. D'Emilia

Donald R. Berthiaume, Jr.

Peter J. Durant

James M. Kelcourse

Joseph D. McKenna

Mathew J. Muratore

Timothy R. Whelan

If you are unsure of who is your Representative, you can find out here: https://malegislature.gov/search/findmylegislator

Scroll down for more info on letting MSNO know if you have contacted your legislators about the postural screening bill. Thank you to all the school nurses who have contacted their legislators in this latest campaign!  

Amy Grniet

Caroline Aguirre

Carilyn Rains

Corinne Jackman

Debra Loizzo

Doreen Crowe

Erika Almquist

Helen Fuller

Janessa Charles

Jenny Gormley

Karen Palm

Kathleen Thompson

Kathy Hassey

Linda Leanard

Maggie Panetti

Marette Power

Maria Antonuccio

Mary Ellen Palazzi

Meaghan Kalpin

Melissa West

Michele Salvadore

Nancy Thorsen

Ruth Mahoney

Shari Johnson

Post Screen bill ma gov.png

Please email MSNO Region 5 Co-chair, Marette Power, pennurse86@gmail.com, to let her know who you contacted to help us with this state level advocacy for the postural screening bill. Marette has kindly offered to help Jenny Gormley, Carilyn Rains and the MSNO Advocacy Committee with this project.  

Thank you for your efforts!

Doreen Crowe, MEd, BSN, RN
as of July 1, 2020
Director of Nursing Services
Arlington Public Schools
Jenny Gormley, DNP, RN, NCSN
as of July 1, 2020
Region 9 Co-Chair
Director, Northeastern University School Health Academy
Cathryn Hampson, MSN, RN, NCSN
President Elect, Region 6 Chair
as of July 1, 2020
Nursing Coordinator/School Nurse
No Middlesex Reg. School District

Jessica Gervais, MS, BSN, RN

MSNO Secretary

Secretary & Collaborative Nurse Co-Chair

School Nurse, Assabet Valley Collaborative

Kathleen Charette.jpg

Kathleen Charette, MEd, MSN, RN

MSNO Vice-President Programs

School Nurse, Tantasqua Regional School District

Carilyn Rains, MEd, RN

NASN Director

Director of School Health Services

Plymouth Public Schools

Lee Waingortin, MSN, RN, NCSN


Director of Nursing

Milford Public Schools

Kathy Hassey, DNP, MEd, BSN, RN
Director, Northeastern University
School Health Academy
Denise Schwerzler, MSN, RN, NCSN
School Nurse, Weston Public Schools
Terry Grimm, BSN, RN, NCSN
School Nurse
Belmont Public Schools
Barbara Hedstrom, MSN, RN, NCSN
DESE Liaison & Region 2 Chair
School Nurse
No. Andover Public Schools
Pat Hoban, MEd, BSN, RN, NCSN
NBCSN Liaison
Retired School Nurse
Adria Pavletic. MSN, MS, RN, NCSN
Director of Health Services
St. Mark's School
Shanyn Toulouse,  MEd, BSN,
New Rep to Safe & Supportive Schools Commission
Regional Nurse Consultant
Haverhill Public Schools
Kate Maher, DNP, RN, NCSN
Collaborative Nurse Co-Chair
Director of Nursing,
Assabet Valley Collaborative

Volunteer wanted!

Your name here!
Region 1 Co-Chair

Judi McAuliffe, RN, NCSN
Region 1 Co-Chair & NESNC Liaison
School Nurse, Retired
Pembroke Public Schools
Cheryl Baczak, MSN, RN
North Andover Public Schools
North Andover, MA
Barbara Hedstrom, MSN, RN, NCSN
Retired School Nurse
Region 2 Co-Chairs

Kathleen Charette, MEd, MSN, RN
Region 3 Co-Chair
Tantasqua Regional School District
Sturbridge, MA
Kathleen Schoemer, RN, MSN, CPNP-PC
Region 3 Co-Chair
School Nurse
Oxford Public School District
Estibaliz McCoy, BSN, RN
Region 4 Chair, MSNO Communications Consultant
Quality Improvement & Immunization Nurse, Deerfield Academy

Volunteer wanted!

Your name here!
Region 4 Co-Chair

Marette Power, BSN, RN, NCSN
Region 5 Co-Chair
Lead Nurse
Cape Cod Collaborate School
Stacey Schakel,
Region 5 Co-Chair
School Nurse,
KC COOMBS Elementary
Mashpee Public Schools

Volunteer wanted!

Your name here!
Region 6 Co-Chair

Patty Wright, MEd, BSN, RN, NCSN
Retired School Nurse & Administrator, Weston Public Schools
Karen Rufo, MSN, RN
Region 7 Co-Chair
School Nurse Administrator
Natick Public Schools
Karen Roberto, MEd, BSN, RN, NCSN
Co-Chair NESNC Liaison
& Region 8 Chair
School Nurse
Medford Public Schools
Roselaine Charlucien-Koech, DNP, MEd, RN
NESNC Liaison & Region 8 Co-Chair
School Nurse
Boston Public Schools
Lee Ann David, BSN, RN, NCSN
Region 9 Co-Chair
Lead Nurse Support Specialist
Billerica Public Schools
Judy Aubin, RN, MSN,
Region 10 Co-Chair
Retired School Nurse Leader
Wanda Nunes MSN, BSN, RN
Region 10 Co-Chair
Supervisor of Nurses
New Bedford Public Schools
Mission of MSNO
What we do
MSNO promotes and advances quality school health services throughout the Commonwealth and promotes the rights, interests and professional growth of our members.
197M Boston Post Road West #251
Marlboro, MA 01752
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The information and resources found in our newsletters do not necessarily reflect the views of MSNO. MSNO does not endorse the information or resources and cannot guarantee their accuracy. Your transactions and communications with any individual or organization referenced in our newsletters, listservs and website are solely between you and that individual or organization.