Caltrain Construction Weekly Notice
September 18 to September 24, 2021
Caltrain is committed to the health and safety of our passengers and staff. To that end, we've adapted our service to operate under continually changing conditions in light of COVID-19. For more information, visit our COVID-19 Updates page.


South San Francisco Station Improvement Project

Starting on Monday, September 20, riders will begin using the new platform at the South San Francisco Station. Please see the temporary wayfinding signage installed at the station. Note, access to the station remains the same.

Night/Weekend Work
On Saturday, September 18, construction crews may be demolishing the temporary platform, working on railing and guardrails. Construction crews may be working from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m.

On Monday, September 20 to Friday, September 24, construction crews may be working at night to demolish the temporary platform. Neighbors should expect some noise. Night work hours will be from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Weekday Work
During the day on Monday, September 20 to Friday, September 24, construction crews may be working to demolish the temporary platform, installing guardrails and working on railing. Construction crews may be working extended hours from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Neighbors may hear additional noises from heavy machinery and equipment backup alarms. We apologize for any inconvenience these activities may cause.
Traffic Notices
Poletti Way Traffic Notice
Due to construction, Poletti has been converted to a one-lane street. Traffic control is in place to guide traffic. Poletti will remain a one-lane road for the duration of the project. There will be no impacts to the 101 off-ramp.

After the completion of the South San Francisco Station Project, Poletti Way will become a two-way street, with the Southbound lane being reserved for buses serving passengers at the new South San Francisco Station.

25th Avenue Grade Separation Project

Night Work

Weekday Work 
(Monday, September 20 to Friday, September 24)
  • Borel: Crews will grade north of Borel.
  • 25th Avenue: Crews will install irrigation and plantings.
  • 28th Avenue: Crews will install signage.
  • Permanent Parking Lot: Crews will install fencing and handrails.
  • 10th to 14th Avenues: Soil was originally distributed in this location in preparation for a replacement parking track as the previous one was removed due to the grade separation project. To view the latest updates and for more information visit

Caltrain, in cooperation with the City of San Mateo, will raise the tracks and slightly lower the road (grade separate) at E. 25th Avenue in San Mateo. This will improve safety for both motorists and pedestrians, and it will reduce local traffic congestion in San Mateo. In addition, the project will create new east-west street connections at 28th and 31st Avenues; and as part of the project improvements, Caltrain will build a new elevated Hillsdale Station with updated amenities between E. 28th and E. 31st Avenues. 

In order to maintain regular train service, some activities will be conducted during nights and weekends, outside of normal train service hours. Neighbors may experience construction noise and light during these times. The overall project construction is expected to be complete in fall 2021.

How to Stay Informed
For more information on the 25th Avenue Grade Separation Project, please visit For questions about the project, please call the Caltrain Customer Service at 1.800.660.4287 or email

Caltrain Electrification
Caltrain Electrification is a key component of the Caltrain Modernization program which will electrify the Caltrain Corridor from San Francisco's 4th and King Caltrain Station to approximately the Tamien Caltrain Station.

The primary purpose of Caltrain Electrification is to improve Caltrain system performance, reduce long-term environmental impact by reducing noise, improving regional air quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. An electrified Caltrain system would better address Peninsula commuters' vision of increased service and improved travel times in an environmentally friendly and reliable way. This also is expected to help accommodate increase system ridership through improved system operations. 
For information on upcoming community construction update meetings, please visit the Caltrain Electrification Project events page at

San Francisco
On September 18 to September 24, Caltrain will be working during the day to install foundations. Caltrain will be working during the night to install foundations and locate underground utilities. Day work hours will be from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Night work hours will be from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and the field team will work as quietly as possible.

Caltrain is currently constructing two Paralleling Station facilities in San Francisco. To learn more, please visit our Resources page.

During work hours at the 22nd St. station all passengers will board and de-board from the same platforms. Please look for the signs to indicate which platform to use. If you have any questions, feel free to call Caltrain Customer Service at 1.800.660.4287.

On September 18 to September 24, Caltrain will be working during the day to install foundations. Caltrain will be working during the night to install foundations and locate underground utilities. Day work hours will be from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Night work hours will be from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and the field team will work as quietly as possible.

Caltrain is currently constructing a Paralleling Station facility at the Bayshore Station parking lot. The Bayshore Station will remain open during construction. To learn more, please visit our Resources page.

During work hours at the Bayshore station all passengers will board and de-board from the same platforms. Please look for the signs to indicate which platform to use. If you have any questions, feel free to call Caltrain Customer Service at 1.800.660.4287.

South San Francisco
No work anticipated this week.

San Bruno
No work anticipated this week.

On September 18 to September 24, Caltrain will be working during the night to install poles. Night work hours will be from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and the field team will work as quietly as possible.

During work hours at the Millbrae station all passengers will board and de-board from the same platforms. Please look for the signs to indicate which platform to use. If you have any questions, feel free to call Caltrain Customer Service at 1.800.660.4287.

On September 18 to September 24, Caltrain will be working during the night to install poles. Night work hours will be from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and the field team will work as quietly as possible.

Caltrain is currently constructing a Paralleling Station on the east side of the Caltrain tracks near 1369 North Carolan Avenue. A virtual community meeting was held on February 3 to discuss the construction of the Paralleling Station. To view the presentation, visit our Resources page.

During work hours at the Burlingame and Broadway stations all passengers will board and de-board from the same platforms. Please look for the signs to indicate which platform to use. If you have any questions, feel free to call Caltrain Customer Service at 1.800.660.4287.

San Mateo
On September 18 to September 24, Caltrain will be working during the night to install conduit and install poles. Night work hours will be from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and the field team will work as quietly as possible.

Caltrain crews will be staging materials, equipment, and poles on Caltrain property near Leslie Street under Route 92 in San Mateo. Staging is scheduled to begin in late June 2021 and continue for 3-4 months, until all poles are installed in San Mateo. To learn more, please visit our Resources page.

During work hours at the San Mateo and Hayward Park stations all passengers will board and de-board from the same platforms. Please look for the signs to indicate which platform to use. If you have any questions, feel free to call Caltrain Customer Service at 1.800.660.4287.

No work anticipated this week.

San Carlos
No work anticipated this week.

Redwood City
No work anticipated this week.

Unincorporated San Mateo County
No work anticipated this week.

On September 18 to September 24, Caltrain will be working during the day to locate underground utilities. Day work hours will be from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and the field team will work as quietly as possible.

Caltrain will be performing signal potholing work in Atherton that will require a partial closure of the Fair Oaks Lane railroad crossing to vehicle traffic. The temporary lane closure is required due to construction equipment and crews entering and exiting the Caltrain right-of-way at Fair Oaks Lane. To learn more, please visit our Resources page.

Menlo Park
On September 18 to September 24, Caltrain will be working during the day to prune and remove trees along the project route. Caltrain will be working during the night to install equipment and string wire on poles. Day work hours will be from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Night work hours will be from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and the field team will work as quietly as possible.

During work hours at the Menlo Park station all passengers will board and de-board from the same platforms. Please look for the signs to indicate which platform to use. If you have any questions, feel free to call Caltrain Customer Service at 1.800.660.4287.

Palo Alto
On September 18 to September 24, Caltrain will be working during the day to prune and remove trees along the project route. Caltrain will be working during the night to install equipment and string wire on poles. Day work hours will be from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Night work hours will be from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and the field team will work as quietly as possible.

During work hours at the Palo Alto and California stations all passengers will board and de-board from the same platforms. Please look for the signs to indicate which platform to use. If you have any questions, feel free to call Caltrain Customer Service at 1.800.660.4287.

Mountain View
On September 18 to September 24, Caltrain will be working during the day to prune and remove trees along the project route. Caltrain will be working the night to perform bridge barrier work and install equipment and string wire on poles. Day work hours will be from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Night work hours will be from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and the field team will work as quietly as possible.

Caltrain will be performing bridge barrier installation work in Mountain View that will require the temporary closure of the right eastbound lane of the Whisman Drive at Central Expressway Bridge. To learn more, please visit our Resources page.

Caltrain will begin performing bridge barrier installation work in Mountain View that will require a temporary closure of the southbound Central Expressway on-ramp from eastbound San Antonio Road and the westbound San Antonio Road exit-ramp from southbound Central Expressway. For more information, please visit our Resources page.

During work hours at the Mountain View and San Antonio stations all passengers will board and de-board from the same platforms. Please look for the signs to indicate which platform to use. If you have any questions, feel free to call Caltrain Customer Service at 1.800.660.4287.

On September 18 to September 24, Caltrain will be working during the day to prune and remove trees along the project route. Caltrain will be working during the night to install equipment and string wire on poles. Day work hours will be from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Night work hours will be from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and the field team will work as quietly as possible.

During work hours at the Sunnyvale and Lawrence stations all passengers will board and de-board from the same platforms. Please look for the signs to indicate which platform to use. If you have any questions, feel free to call Caltrain Customer Service at 1.800.660.4287.

Santa Clara
On September 18 to September 24, Caltrain will be working during the day to prune and remove trees along the project route. Caltrain will be working during the night to install equipment on poles and string wire on poles. Day work hours will be from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Night work hours will be from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and the field team will work as quietly as possible.

During work hours at the Santa Clara station all passengers will board and de-board from the same platforms. Please look for the signs to indicate which platform to use. If you have any questions, feel free to call Caltrain Customer Service at 1.800.660.4287.

San Jose
On September 18 to September 24, Caltrain will be working during the night to string wire on poles. Night work hours will be from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and the field team will work as quietly as possible.

Caltrain is installing poles on the platform at Tamien Station in San Jose as part of Caltrain Electrification. This work will require the temporary closure of eight parking spots in the Tamien Station parking lot. Work will include temporary removal of portions of the steel canopy at Tamien Station, the installation of poles, and the restoration of the canopy after the poles have been installed. While passengers will still be able to board the trains, some sections of the station platform may be closed intermittently. Work in this area is expected to take up to three months and end approximately in late September 2021. Work will occur in typical daytime shifts from 7 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.

During work hours at the Diridon, Tamien and College Park stations all passengers will board and de-board from the same platforms. Please look for the signs to indicate which platform to use. If you have any questions, feel free to call Caltrain Customer Service at 1.800.660.4287.

For more information, please call the dedicated outreach line at 650.508.6499; visit the website at or email

Maintenance and Other Projects
Caltrain will perform routine maintenance at several locations next week. To avoid disruptions to service, the work will mainly take place Saturday through Friday from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. For more information about this type of work, click here, or call 650.660.4287.

San Francisco to San Jose
Saturday, September 18, to Friday, September 24, crews will pressure wash and perform janitorial work at Caltrain stations between the San Francisco and Tamien stations.
Saturday, September 18, to Friday, September 24, crews will weld and grind rail at various locations between the San Francisco and Tamien stations. The welding crew uses air compressors, gas-powered generators, small power tools, electric-arc welders and propane heaters. Neighbors may experience maintenance noise during this time. Crews will work as quietly as possible. 

Construction crews may be making repairs and replacing parts of a fence near the tracks and Jerrold Ave in San Francisco. Crews may also be installing fencing along Caltrain tracks near Paul Ave. and Gould St. 

Marin and Napoleon Rail Bridge Improvement Project
Construction has completed on the Marin and Napoleon Street rail bridges in San Francisco. This project replaced the bridge over Napoleon Street, made safety improvements to the Marin Street rail bridge, and track work from Cesar Chavez to Jerrold Street.
Brisbane to San Bruno
Saturday, September 18, to Friday, September 24, crews will resurface rail between the Brisbane and San Bruno stations. Caltrain uses several different on-track, self-propelled machines to replace resurface rail, and neighbors may experience maintenance noise during this time. Crews will work as quietly as possible.
San Bruno to Burlingame
Saturday, September 18, to Friday, September 24, crews will resurface rail between the San Bruno and Burlingame stations. Caltrain uses several different on-track, self-propelled machines to resurface rail, and neighbors may experience maintenance noise during this time. Crews will work as quietly as possible. 

Burlingame to Mountain View
Saturday, September 18, to Friday, September 24, crews will resurface rail between the San Bruno and Burlingame stations. Caltrain uses several different on-track, self-propelled machines to resurface rail, and neighbors may experience maintenance noise during this time. Crews will work as quietly as possible. 

Saturday, September 18, to Friday, September 24, construction crews may be removing and replacing fencing near the Redwood City and Menlo Park stations. A third-party project may have construction crews trimming trees in Redwood City near Main St and Pennsylvania Ave. 

San Mateo: Parking Track Area
Soil was originally distributed in this location in preparation for a replacement parking track as the previous one was removed due to the grade separation project. No parking track installation will occur, as a construction contract has not yet been issued. A survey regarding neighborhood enhancements for the parking track was conducted and the results are now posted online. For more information visit,

Caltrain Grade Crossing Improvements Project in San Mateo and Menlo Park
Caltrain, in cooperation with our city partners, are working to improve the safety at 5 at-grade crossings (intersections where train tracks cross a street) in San Mateo and Menlo Park. These improvements will increase the safety for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists. Improvements include more clearly-marked pedestrian crossings with new paint striping and lettering, and pavement markers. The improvement plan also calls for the installation of a fixed median with flexible bollards. The median is designed to prevent motorists from driving around lowered crossing gates.
Menlo Park Update
Work to relocate the median at the intersection of Glenwood Avenue and Garwood Way in Menlo Park has been completed. We are now working with the city to approve the final median placement. We appreciate the community's patience and cooperation as we've worked to improve the safety of this crossing.

For more information, visit

San Francisquito Bridge Inspection
Caltrain regularly monitors the condition of all track and structures as part of its ongoing efforts and commitment to ensure high-quality, safe, dependable, and reliable rail services. On Saturday, September 18, and Sunday, September 19, the agency is will be inspecting and assessing the San Francisquito Creek rail bridge in Palo Alto to determine and confirm the remaining service life for the bridge. This inspection will provide information for Caltrain to conduct a subsequent analysis of options that will focus on optimizing this important crossing for current and future riders and services.

Mountain View to Santa Clara
Saturday, September 18, to Friday, September 24, crews will resurface rail between the Mountain View and Santa Clara stations. Caltrain uses several different on-track, self-propelled machines to resurface rail, and neighbors may experience maintenance noise during this time. Crews will work as quietly as possible. 

Construction crews may be making repairs and replacing parts of a fence near the tracks in Sunnyvale and Santa Clara. Work may also be done near the Mountain View station to repair and replace traffic poles.

Sunnyvale construction crews may be working on Fair Oaks Ave bridge over the Caltrain tracks.  

Santa Clara to San Jose
Saturday, September 18, to Friday, September 24, crews will change ties between the Lawrence and Tamien stations. Caltrain uses several different on-track, self-propelled machines to replace cross ties, and neighbors may experience maintenance noise during this time. Crews will work as quietly as possible.