Volume 131 / September 21, 2022

To know and worship our God and Savior Jesus Christ,

and to make Him known to the world.

Weekly Bulletin

This weekly bulletin will serve as a place to stay connected with one another and share important church information, as well as, prayer requests, Bible studies and more!
Visit our Website


Sunday, September 25TH, 10 AM

Pastor Joe Holden

Epistle of Jude

For those who can't attend, the message will also be posted on

the Podcast and on Youtube.


Wednesday, September 21st, 7:00 PM

Pastor Joe Holden

Gospel of John 19

For those who can't attend, the message will also be posted on

the Podcast and on Youtube.


KSDW 88.9 FM Radio Outreach
Every Sunday, Pastor Joe's prerecorded Bible messages (starting with the book of Philippians) will be airing from 10AM - 11AM on KSDW 88.9 FM to reach out beyond our CCTV four walls to listeners from the Temecula Valley to downtown San Diego areas. Please pray the Lord uses this ministry to illuminate the Scriptures and brings the Gospel to all who tune-in for Pastor Joe's Bible teaching.
Check our website to hear Pastor Joe on the radio at


Harvest Night

Christian Illusionist

Jerry Langford

Monday, October 31st, 6:30 PM

Bring your family and friends to a entertaining Harvest Night with Jerry Langford, an amazing Christian Illusionist. This night will include popcorn AND candy!

Doctrinal Foundations Class

Apologetic Evangelism

Sundays, 11:45AM

September 18, 25

October 2,9,23,30


Children’s Ministry Room


Join us for a time of equipping and more

effectively sharing and defending your faith.


Please sign up at the Welcome Center

Baptism and BBQ

Sunday, October 16th,

12 PM, after church

The Gorton's Home

This will be a wonderful opportunity for those who are saved and would like to publicly acknowledge their confession of faith and belief in the gospel message, to be baptized.

Please sign up at the Welcome Center to attend, be baptized, and bring a dish to share by Sunday, October 9th.


Candy Donations Needed

Our Harvest night is just around the corner, and we are in need of Candy Donations. Please, no scary or Halloween graphics. There will be a bin in the foyer for the collection. 

Homeless Ministry Needs

For Jean: Gently used socks.

For Project Touch: Cleaning Supplies, toiletries and toilet paper

Contact Jean Worley if you have any questions.



Child Care for Wednesday Nights

We would love to offer childcare on Wednesday night during our Midweek Study from 6:45-8:15 PM. We are looking for adults over 18 years of age. Please contact Matt Enterline if you want this opportunity.

CCTV Audio Visual Ministry

The Audio Video ministry supports the musical worship and teaching ministries of CCTV. Sound & video techs, Power Point, and I.T. tech volunteers are currently needed during live Sunday & Wednesday church services and for post-service audio & video editing. There are opportunities for people with technical skills & experience as well as entry level assistants. If you would like to become a part of this vitally important ministry, please contact the church office or contact Leo Rose @  



Helping Hands

If you are in need of help but unsure who to ask there are three ways to let the Helping Hands Ministry know:

  1. Complete the Helping Hands Form found in the Acrylic Box next to the tithe Boxes in the Sanctuary and place it into the Tithe Box.
  2. Click on the QR Code complete and submit.
  3. Email or call the church at 951-699-0553.

If you have questions about the ministry and/or would like to be a 'helping hand'. Please contact Tamara LaComb or Scottie DiBernardo.



Come join us as we share our faith with those God brings in our path. This is a perfect opportunity to be a light to a dark world and provide hope and love to those who don't know our amazing Savior! For questions or to join the team please contact Jess Farol, Pastor Layne Oaks or Pastor Chad LaComb, and/or sign up at the Welcome Center.

Evangelism Schedule


24 9:30 AM, Open Air Campaigners Training and Outreach



Church Directory

With all of our new friends at church it's time to put together a new Church Directory. If you wish to be included, please complete a Church Directory card and put it in a Tithe Box or hand it to our Welcome Center Hostess.
If you know you were in our last directory, and nothing has changed you may just put your name on the card.


Sunday, 10 AM after worship

Yaweh's Youth Room

located at Hera Hub

(at the North side of the front parking lot)

Book of Genesis

Come and spend time in God's Word with us.

Wednesday, 7 PM

Children's Ministry Room

Join us for a night of study and fellowship 


Sunday, 10:00 AM

The Life of Jesus

Bring your children to be captivated by learning all about the life of our Savior.

Mother's Room

For children 2 years old and younger with their mothers, we have a mother's room located next to our lobby.

For inquiries contact CM Director Pastor Matt Enterline,


CCTV Men's Group


Mondays, 6:30 PM, Church Foyer,

"1 & 2 Peter"

Join us for awesome teaching, fellowship and worship.

For more information, please contact Dan Morgan at 951-760-5167.

The Men’s Ministry Presents

 A Night of Cosmic Bowling:

Men’s Bowling Tournament And Pizza


Friday, September 23rd, 6:30 PM


 Come join the competition at the

Temecula Lanes Bowling Alley

27475 Jefferson Avenue, Temecula


Cost: $4 for shoes to be paid at the Alley.




The Women's Ministry Presents

The October Ladies Birthday Bash

Date change, TBD

Saigon Noodle House

27523 Jefferson Ave. Temecula

The October birthday ladies are:

10-9 Linda Mena

10-11 Juie Hamilton

10-19 Johanna Lopez

10-20 Jamie Birbal

10-21 Lori Jones

Please sign up at the Welcome Center by Sunday, October 16th.

Remember the rules: no gifts, everyone purchases their own meal, and birthday cards will be provided for you to sign. We hope you can join us!

Calling all women. Come join us at our fall study.

We will be using Warren Wiersbe's book, "Be Patient", Job

On Tuesdays:

Morning: 10 AM at EAT Marketplace, 28410 Old Town Front Street, Temecula

Evening: 6:30 PM at the church

Cost $15

Sign up and pay at the Welcome Center.

CCTV Women's Ministry Presents

The Women's

Koffee Klatch

Tuesday Mornings, 9 AM 


E.A.T. (Extraordinary Artisan Table) Marketplace

28410 Old Town Front Street, Temecula

Have you wanted to make new friends or just catch up with old friends? Join us at our Women's Koffee Klatch, an informal time to share our lives and encourage one another in our Christian walk. You never know what God has in mind for our time together. 

For questions contact Leah DiBernardo or the church office at 951- 699-0553.


Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa's podcast:
Women Worth Knowing
Exciting bios of women used by God with Jasmine Alnutt. Check it out at:


Home Groups

Join a home fellowship to be encouraged in the word and stay connected!

If you are interested in joining a Home Fellowship sign up at the Welcome Center and Pastor Dan will contact you.

Layne and Claudette Oaks:


On Summer break, resumes Thursday, September 29th.

Thursday night at 7 PM

Sign up and get more information at the Welcome Center.

Dan and Sheri Morgan:


Sunday Afternoon at 1:00 PM

Sign up at the Welcome Center or

Contact Dan at


Join us for an incredible time of prayer as we intercede for friends and family and come before our amazing Lord with adoration and praise. Led by Jess and Blanca Farol. 

Our next Prayer night will be Thursday night, September 15th, from 6:30-7:30 in the Multipurpose Room at church. Enter through the Lobby doors. We'd love to have you join us.

Please pray:

  • As Pastor Joe shared in Acts 2:42, "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayers." pray that we would follow their example and continue steadfast in all of these.
  • For the ministry leaders, for wisdom and guidance as they lead each ministry in the church. 
  • For relationships between husbands and wives, parents and children, siblings and relatives, pray they are godly and nurtured.
  • For salvation for unsaved family and friends. That God would give each of us the words and opportunities to share our faith and give open ears to those who need to hear.


Acts 1:8, "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. And you will be my witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth"

Matthew 28:19-20, " Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

Join us in prayer and support for our CCTV Missionaries around the world.

Jim Davis with Pastoral Training to Asia

Wendy Haefeli, Honduras

The Lopez Family, Tijuana, Mexico

The Richards family in Ensenada, Mexico

Monty Sharp with Student Venture (International)

Dimitry Tribelsky ministries in St, Petersburg, Russia

Please also be in prayer for our other para-church ministries:

Daily Bread's RBC Ministry

Samaritan's Purse

CCTV's Short Term Mission Trips

World Vision Child Sponsorship (Sindi) and Special Projects

YWAM Russia Missions

Project Touch/CCTV Homeless Ministry

News from Wendy Haefeli, our Missionary in Honduras.

From your generous donations she was able to help so many children and bring them hope.

September 7th

Hi Everyone, Blessings. Here today school supplies were given to 50 children. Thank you so much for helping them and giving them hope. Many of them came to me, hugged me and wanted pictures with me as well, my heart is overjoyed and couldn’t contain my tears. I also brought food so they ate afterwards and drink sodas. Such a lovely and blessed day.

 September 9th

Hello dear Brothers and Sisters, here are the pictures of the children who received school supplies, in total 48. Thank you so much for your support to help them here in Honduras. They were so happy and in awe that someone brought them a gift. God bless you all and thanks once again.

September 11th,

International Children's Day 

Thank you for giving them a very happy day. The whole community also helped to decorate, to serve the food and refreshments.

Daily Devotional
We encourage you to be in the Word daily. Here's a great resource to help you!



CCTV Event Calendar


24 Evangelism

25, Morgan's Home Fellowship

27 Koffee Klatch, Women's Ministry

26, Men's Bible Study, Men's Ministry

27, Women's Bible Study, Women's Ministry

29, Oak's Home Fellowship


16, Baptism and BBQ, All Church

TBD, Ladies Birthday Bash, Women's Ministry

31, Harvest Night, All Church

Some events will need sign ups. Please check the Welcome Center in the foyer for details.


"So, let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity;

for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7

Your continued support of our church during this time is greatly appreciated and needed. Here are three ways to give:

AT CHURCH: Offering boxes are in the Sanctuary.

MAIL: 27462 Enterprise Circle West, Temecula, CA 92590


CURRENT TITHE: ($5000 needed/week)

9/11/2022 $2135

9/18/2022 $2967

We look forward to serving you! Though our office is not taking walk-in traffic, please feel free to call Monday through Wednesday from 9am-2pm or email anytime to schedule an in-person appointment.

Phone #: (951) 699-0553