Calvary Logo Green

Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Third Sunday after the Epiphany

8 a.m. - The Holy Eucharist, Rite II

A said service of Holy Communion 

in the Chapel

9 a.m. - The Holy Eucharist, Rite II

A service at the Crossing in the Church,

with congregational hymns and organ music

11 a.m. - The Holy Eucharist, Rite II

A service at the High Altar in the Church,

with music for choir, organ, and congregation

[This service will be Livestreamed]

Doors Open

Online Worship

Follow this link for the livestream: 


The bulletin and readings may be viewed

on the Calvary website as PDFs at

Visit our YouTube page where you will find an archive

of our services, sermons, and classes at


Are you looking for a way to help the people affected by the terrible wildfires in the Los Angeles area? Consider making a donation to Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD). ERD is partnering with the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles to provide immediate financial assistance to people who have lost homes or jobs due to the fires. Donations to the Wildlife Response Fund at ERD will allow ERD to support survivors now and also to continue recovery work into the long-term.

Episcopal Relief and Development, if you are not familiar with it, is the agency of the Episcopal Church that responds to human suffering. They have been working for over 80 years in the United States and around the world to create lasting change in communities affected by poverty, injustice, climate change, and disasters. To learn more, visit their website at

Appeal Header


The Stewardship Committee thanks our generous congregation for the pledges received thus far for the 2025 annual appeal. We are proud to share that we have reached 210 pledges totaling $733,494.00 for Calvary’s operational expenses, employee salaries, and outreach programs in 2025.

QR Code for Donation

If you have been meaning to make your 2025 pledge, it’s not too late! Your contribution will ensure that Calvary thrives and successfully serves its various ministries throughout the new year. To make your pledge, scan the QR code for an electronic submission, or complete and mail back a physical pledge card (envelopes with pledging information are located near the entrances to the Church and in the reception area). If you have questions about pledging or giving to Calvary, do not hesitate to ask any of Calvary’s clergy.

Your generosity is appreciated and allows our faith community to prosper and serve Christ in the year ahead!


Please Join us for Choral Evening Prayer at 5 p.m. on

Sunday, February 2 and Sunday, March 9

[The services will be livestreamed]

Newcomers' Dessert Night

Dessert Night

Calling all newcomers—join us Tuesday, February 18, at 7 p.m. for our Newcomers Dessert Night. The Dessert night is a time of fellowship with newcomers, parishioners, and clergy. It's a wonderful opportunity to connect, build relationships, and learn more about Calvary. If this is your first week at Calvary or you've been attending for a while and want to learn more, please know you are welcome. Please RSVP to the Rev. Bonnie-Marie Yager-Wiggan at

Sunday Brunch

Sunday Brunch

Calvary Young Adults—Sunday Brunch is back! On the first Sunday of the month, you are invited to join us for brunch following the 11 o'clock service. On February 2, we will meet for brunch at Square Cafe at 12:45 p.m. We will meet at the reception desk at 12:30 p.m. if you want to walk from the church. Reach out to Rev. Bonnie-Marie if you have any questions!


The Envelope Please

Offering envelopes for those who have requested them are available in the Parish Hall. Please pick them up to help defray the unnecessary costs of mailing.

Christian Formation Title

Children's Faith Formation

Children's Faith Formation classes are held on Sundays, 10:00-10:50 a.m. Visit to learn more.


Children’s Liturgy of the Word

011225 CF1

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLW) at the 11 o'clock Service is a special time for children to pray, ask questions, and hear the good news of God’s love. The Sunday scripture readings are proclaimed and explained on a level appropriate to children 4 years and older. Any child in this age group may participate - no registration is necessary.

Children are invited to gather with adult leaders after the Opening Prayer and process to the Refectory. They return to their families at the time of the Peace. If you are running a little late and miss the beginning of the service, no worries! Drop in and join us in the Refectory.

Nursery Care

0915 Nursery

Open on Sundays from 8:45 AM. to 12:30 PM and for other church events as published. Details at

Faith Formation Highlights

Last week, the Faith Formation students explored the theme "We Belong" in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The lesson focused on unity, diversity, and how each of us is uniquely created by God for a special purpose.

The session began with a prayer of thanksgiving, celebrating the uniqueness of each child and the unity of God's family. The students reflected on 1 Corinthians 12:12-20, discussing how the many parts of the Body of Christ work together in harmony.

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They also learned about Martin Luther King Jr.'s life and mission, emphasizing his message of love, equality, and belonging. The students engaged with these ideas by reading When God Made You and sharing what makes them unique and how they can show love to others.

Finally, the class worked on a collaborative paper quilt project, where each child decorated a square to represent themselves. The completed quilt symbolizes how their individual gifts and differences come together to create a beautiful, unified community, mirroring God's big plan for all of us.

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"Let us live together in peace and love in a Beloved Community"

-Martin Luther King Jr.

Life in the Vine

Be sure to check out the Children's Faith Formation Blog at for more about what’s going on in class!

Parish Life Title
Three Priests and Rabbi

The Rector will continue a series on the book of Ecclesiastes. Join us live at 10 a.m. in McClintic Hall. The class is recorded and posted on the Calvary YouTube page.


Thank you for the Winterwear!

Thank you to everyone who donated coats, mittens, beanies, and blankets for the Trinity Cathedral Walk-In Ministry. Mike Radziwon, the Ministry's director, asked me to share their thanks, too. Every coat Calvary has donated has gone to a client. Calvary has donated about 75 coats and many other winterwear items. Given the need, we will continue to collect coats and winterwear through the end of February 2025. The donation bin can be found in the lobby, across from the reception desk.

Coffee Hour

We are looking for groups and any individuals to volunteer to organize refreshments for our Coffee Hour each Sunday following the 11 o'clock service. If you are interested in either sponsoring or helping let us know by emailing Kathy Farrington at

Bookstore Heading
Bookstore 1 0126

It’s great weather to stay cozy indoors with a good book! The Bookstore has very gently used hardback bestsellers on sale for just $10, including works by Amor Towles and Ann Patchett.

Bookstore 2 0126

Post-inventory discounts on Christmas items will continue until the end of the month. The Bookstore will continue celebrating its 20th anniversary year with monthly 20 percent discounts on a different merchandise category each month. February is jewelry! Stop in to see our beautiful selection with something to suit all tastes.

If you’re shopping for books online, consider doing it on Type zip code 15206 in the Bookstore Near Me box, click on Calvary Bookstore, then the red Support the Shop! Order any book at all and a portion of the proceeds will go to the Bookstore. 

The Bookstore is open Sundays from 8:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. If you can’t stop by, call the Bookstore at 412.661.0120, ext. 133 (please leave a message) or email and we will contact you.

Spiritual Reflection 011225

Spiritual Reflection –

Lost in Wonder


Adult spiritual formation may be described as the step-by-step discovery of God’s presence in our lives and our personal transformation along the way. Calvary’s Spiritual Reflection meetings continue to be a regular and familiar forum for small group sharing and prayer. 

For this term we use “Lost in Wonder: Rediscovering the Spiritual Art of Attentiveness,” by Esther de Waal. A foremost scholar in the Benedictine and Celtic traditions, de Waal has published extensively in both fields. In Lost in Wonder, she uses the everyday circumstances of our lives - the restrictions and frustrations as well as the gifts and opportunities - as our own way to God.

Meetings are held in the Conference Room from 7-8 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday evening of each month. The meetings are hybrid, allowing “in person” conversation while others join remotely using Zoom. Upcoming meeting dates are February 4 and 18. 

Email Matt Muldoon ( or Sondra Krimmel ( for information or to be added to the email list. Please feel welcome to join us at any time.

Contemplative Prayer

The Contemplative Prayer group meets for silent prayer and reflection, both in person and on Zoom Mondays at 7 p.m. in the Evans Room. For more info and a Zoom invitation, contact Lucy Weingartner at


Save the Date! 

Saturday, January 25, 2025, 10 a.m.

at Fermata Brewing Company:

Hymn Sing and Blues Eucharist

Across cultures and through history, Christians have come to the living God through song: hymns and spirituals, psalms and chants, in a diversity of sound and genre. In this event, Incarnation will partner with the Beaver Falls Street Ministry to offer an old-fashioned hymn-sing and an artistic sung Eucharist service, chanted in a minor key inspired by the blues. The Rev. Deanna Briody will be joined by local musicians to offer an experience that blends the richness of traditional Christian worship with the living beauty of the arts.


Fermata Brewing Co. is a community-focused and music-loving brewery on Merchant Street in Ambridge that is kid-friendly, with lots of open space and plenty of board games. Children are welcome at this event! Coffee and pastries will be served. Fermata is hosting a bluegrass festival following the Hymn Sing and Eucharist—we hope you’ll stick around to enjoy the music and some Fermata brews with us!


Questions? Visit our website or contact the Rev. Deanna Briody at

Local News Title
Diocesan News
Epiphany Prayer

Dear Friends,

The entire course will be offered online via an easy to register Zoom link here.

We will meet every Sunday till the end of the Epiphany season on Sunday, March 2. Each gathering should last about an hour.

If you don’t like to pray, or if you need some encouragement to renew your efforts to pray, or if you are already a faithful person of prayer, your participation is welcome. If a participant has to miss a session, it is okay to pick up on the next session and continue the course.

Please join me in this time of learning together as we draw our hearts closer to God and strengthen our ministry partnerships with Jesus and each other.

This gathering is also a wonderful lead up to a diocesan-wide 24-hour online prayer vigil to be held on Ash Wednesday, March 5.

I look forward to studying with you as I meditate over these words from Jesus to his disciples: “I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If in my name you ask me for anything, I will do it.” John 14:13-14


Bishop Sig
Camp 1
Camp 2


Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

AA: Alcoholics Anonymous; CLASP: Calvary Lincoln After school Program;

CYAM: Calvary Young Adult Ministry; ESL: English as a Second Language;

FLMH: Functional Literacy Ministry of Haiti

Friday January 24, 2025

 Florence Li Tim-Oi, First Woman Priest in the

 Anglican Communion, 1992

Saturday January 25, 2025

 The Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle

5:30 p.m.   Chili Fest Food Arrival begins

6:00 p.m.    Chili Fest in the Parish Hall

Sunday January 26, 2025

 The Third Sunday after the Epiphany

The Holy Eucharist at 8, 9, and 11 a.m.

10:00 a.m.   Children/Youth Formation

10:00 a.m.   Gospel and Breakfast (GAB)

10:00 a.m.   Priest/Rabbi Class

10:00 a.m.   Calvary Creation Care

10:00 a.m.   Choir Warm-up

11:00 a.m.   Children’s Liturgy

12:00 p.m.   Coffee Hour

Monday January 27, 2025

 John Chrysostom, Bishop and Theologian, 407

6:15 p.m.   Vestry Dinner

7:00 p.m.   Vestry Meeting

7:00 p.m.   Contemplative Prayer

Tuesday January 28, 2025

 Thomas Aquinas, Friar and Theologian, 1274

11:00 a.m.   Staff Meeting

7:00 p.m.   AA Meeting

Wednesday January 29, 2025

10:00 a.m.   ESL Conversation Class

12:00 p.m.   Holy Eucharist

12:00 p.m.   Soup Group

6:00 p.m.   Interlude Group

Thursday January 30, 2025

6:30 p.m.   Mahjong

7:00 p.m.   Choir Rehearsal

Friday January 31, 2025

 Samuel Shoemaker, Priest and Evangelist, 1963;

 Marcella of Rome, Monastic and Scholar, 410

Saturday February 1, 2025

 Brigid of Kildare, Monastic, c.523

9:30 a.m.   Heinz Chapel Choir Retreat

Sunday February 2, 2025

 The Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple

The Holy Eucharist at 8, 9, and 11 a.m.

10:00 a.m..   Children/Youth Formation

10:00 a.m..   Gospel and Breakfast (GAB)

10:00 a.m..   Priest/Rabbi Class

10:00 a.m.   Choir Warm-up

11:00 a.m.   Children’s Liturgy

12:00 p.m.   Coffee Hour

3:30 p.m.   Choir Warm-up

5:00 p.m.   Evensong

email archive

An archive of the past months weekly email blasts

may be viewed on the Calvary website at

Visit the Calvary website