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In-person Worship at all services

October 9, 2022

The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost


8 a.m. - The Holy Eucharist, Rite II

A said service of Holy Communion 

in the Chapel

9 a.m. - The Holy Eucharist, Rite II

A service at the Crossing,

with congregational hymns and organ music

11 a.m. - The Holy Eucharist, Rite II

A service at the High Altar in the Church

with music for choir, organ, and congregation

[This service will be Livestreamed]

3 p.m. - Blessing of the Animals

in the Swan Garden

5 p.m. - Eventide, Rite I

The Holy Eucharist, celebrated at the Crossing

[This service will be Livestreamed]

A Priest and a Rabbi Walk into a Classroom

Priest and Rabbi

Beginning on Sunday, October 9 at 10 a.m., Rabbi Aaron Bisno and the Rev. Jonathon Jensen will teach a class together on the parables of Jesus. We will learn together from Jewish and Christian perspectives and how we all might benefit from this wisdom.

The classes will be in person in McClintic Hall, also known as the choir room, on Sundays from 10 a.m. to about 10:45 a.m. Classes will be held each Sunday through December 18 (No class on October 30 due to the Bazaar). Sessions will be recorded and available on Calvary’s YouTube page with a link in the Friday email. All are welcome to attend.Click on the class date below to view the printed handout.

October 9

The Purpose of Parables and the Sower

[Luke 8:4-15]

October 16

Parables of Being Found; Lost Sheep, Lost Coin,

and Lost (Prodigal) Son

[Luke 15:4-32]

October 23

What is the Kingdom of God; Weeds, Mustard Seed, Yeast, Treasure, the Pearl, and the Dragnet

[Matthew 13:24-50]

October 30Calvary Bazaar weekend; no class

Doors Open
Online Worship
Follow this link for the livestream:
The bulletin and readings may be viewed
on the Calvary website as PDFs at 

Visit our YouTube page where you will find an archive
of our services, sermons, and classes at
Masking at Calvary

  • Calvary recommends, rather than requires, that masks be worn while in the building. This supersedes the prior policy requiring that masks be worn while in the building.

  • Please note: Masks will be required for anyone seated in the North Transept for an indoor service. We will continue to mark off every other pew in this portion of the building. This is to provide space for those who are unable to be vaccinated or are more comfortable sitting with those wearing a mask.
Blessing of Animals
Ethiopian Bonfire
Wednesday Worship

Beginning Wednesday, October 12,

the Holy Eucharist will be celebrated on Wednesdays

in the Lady Chapel at 12 Noon


Coffee with Cameron+

I am delighted to be now living in Pittsburgh and to have joined the staff at Calvary. I am looking forward to exploring this great city and learning about this parish over the coming year. My responsibilities as the Associate Rector include overseeing pastoral care and the young adult ministry. Please contact me for either of these areas. Additionally, being new, I very much want to get to know the people of Calvary! I invite you to email or call me to find a time for us to meet over coffee or tea. I want to get to know you and hear your stories.

I can be reached at or 412.661.0120 ext. 123.             –The Rev. Cameron Soulis

Mah Jong

Interfaith Community-Building

Our friends at the Tree of Life Synagogue are forming a Mah Jong group and have invited Calvary members to participate. The group will meet at Calvary. The world will not be changed by playing a game invented in Asia in the 19th century but you may make a new friend that will change you and the friend.

If you are interested, please contact Stacey Hausman at No experience necessary. We will meet in the Refectory at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 12.

A Reflection

by The Rev. Geoffrey Royce

Beans email

For Beans: December 22, 2006 – October 1, 2022

We lost a member of our family over the weekend. We called him Beans. He was one of our pet dogs. He was already twelve when we adopted him from a high kill shelter. And so, for four years he helped to fill our home with love. Kam and I will miss him tapping our feet (his polite signal requesting that we pick him up). He really did enjoy the times when we would all be together. He kept track of us until we were all in the same room. Bedtime, when we were all neatly arranged including his brother dachshund, was his favorite. He would run to jump into his bed occasionally also doing zoomies.

There are moments when we notice how frail we are, how tenuous our lives with all life’s connections are. We get to hold so little and not for very long. We do so many things with such freedom without understanding how much they will affect us in the end. But we go ahead and do them anyway, or so we think. There is a cost to every endearment, to everything that touches our hearts. How unfathomable is that? Where does all that love come from? We certainly are not capable of containing it. Rather, we are contained by it. We live and move and have our being in it; in that love. In the end it doesn’t matter whether we understand it or not. It matters that we see it is greater than we are.

Without it we would have to face alone how small and helpless we are. We cannot undo the great hardships that we all inevitably come to face. We cannot secure the experiences that teach us the most essential lessons. We can at our best, bind the wounds of others, cleanse what has been soiled, retrieve what is lost to neglect. We pray that we do or be what ever life calls us to do or be a little better than before. We try to answer the unspoken questions posed by that which exceeds the holy mystery in which we abide. Treasures of all sorts come our way not so much for us to keep but rather inviting our trust in what may or may not come.

Because we are so made, mystery of mystery born, it behooves us to notice when we are spending that which is not actually ours but what we have been given, something so much greater than ourselves on simple and precious verities that ultimately, we will have to leave behind.

With them we will leave part of ourselves behind creating a bit of empty space that at first is filled with emotion, perhaps sadness, anger, even anxiety. A hollow is formed in place of the dedication anchoring our heart in endearment. That hollow is always repurposed in the expression of a new generosity, a new spilling over of that love we cannot contain.

Eventide October 9
Christian Formation Title

Classes have started,

but it's not too late to sign up!

Click and Register
Formation 0925

Confirmation email

There are still spots available!

In-person Confirmation Preparation Classes for students entering 8th and 9th grade meet on Sundays 10 – 10:50 a.m. in the Calvary Conference room. Register online here:


Raising Tweens, Teens, and Young Adults

Are you a parent or caregiver of a tween, teen, or young adult looking for a safe place to share your thoughts and feelings? If so, you are not alone! This group provides a space where we can support each other, share ideas, collaborate, and commiserate while discussing the challenges of raising older children in today’s rapidly changing and complex world. We are in this together!

Group Hug

Please join us on Tuesday, October 25, 7–8 p.m. at the Galley Bakery Square for food, fun, and casual discussion about our parenting journey. Hope to see you there! For questions and/or to receive group updates, please email

POLO circle

Parents of Little Ones (P.O.L.O.)

Are you a parent of a baby or preschooler? Parents of Little Ones is a ministry that forges spiritual, supportive, and social connections for families with children aged newborn through kindergarten. Life changes a lot with that first newborn. It changes again sending that last Kindergartener to school. For those days and everything between, friendships within the P.O.L.O. community support the journey. Be on the lookout for info about our next meet-up coming soon! To receive group updates, please email

Children's Liturgy

Introduction to Children’s Liturgy of the Word

at the 9 a.m. Sunday Service

Children ages 5 - 9 y.o.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a time for children to gather to pray, ask questions, and hear the good news of God’s love. The Sunday scripture readings are proclaimed and explained during the 9 o'clock Sunday service on a level appropriate to children

ages 5-9 y.o. Any child in this age group may participate - no registration is necessary.

Children are invited to gather with adult leaders after the Opening Prayer and process to the Refectory. They return to their families at the time of the Peace.

Faith Formation Highlight

Students in Level III enjoyed making dog biscuits to sell at the Calary Bazaar slated for later this month. It was fun baking together and also tied in nicely with our lesson on St. Francis of Assisi. Thank you, Miss Adele for leading this project!

Baking Together
ZOOM Bible Study
led by The Reverend Geoffrey Royce, Deacon

Sign-up to receive the Zoom link
by writing to

This will be a discussion study lasting about one hour.
We are reading The Book of Job.
Reading Saints
The Reverend Geoffrey Royce hosts Reading the Saints, a ministry which will help us to keep the memory of the saints and encourage us to look into the wisdom of their example and writings. A saint is an ordinary person, now born into eternal life, who has accomplished in their lifetime extraordinary outcomes as a result of their devotion in faith.  We are encouraged by our tradition to celebrate their witness and contribution to the Kingdom of God in our midst. This video series is posted on the Calvary website under Recorded Classes.

Spiritual Reflection – Ross Gay

Ross Headshot

Adult spiritual formation may be described as the step-by-step discovery of God’s presence in our lives and our personal transformation along the way. Calvary’s Spiritual Reflection meetings continue to be a regular and familiar forum for small group peer ministry.

In October we will turn to Ross Gay, author of four books of poetry and short essays. Our group will use The Book of Delights, a New York Times bestselling book of essays celebrating ordinary delights in the world around us.

Meetings are held in the Evans Room from 7–8 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday evening of each month. The meetings are hybrid, allowing “in person” conversation while using Zoom so others can join remotely. The next meeting is on October 18.

Email Matt Muldoon ( or Sondra Krimmel ( for more information or to be added to the email list. Please feel welcome to join at any time.

Parish Life Title
Grant Committee

Do you like to give donations to deserving local non-profit organizations? Here is your chance to join the WOC Grant Committee to do just that. 

The committee is small (5-6 members) and only meets twice a year in the fall. One meeting is to decide which organizations will receive an application. The second, and most important and rewarding meeting is to review the applications, and award the funds from the previous year’s Bazaar.

If you feel called to this lovely ministry, please contact Peggy O’Rourke at or 412.661.5818, or talk with her after the 8 a.m. Sunday service.

Calling All Readers

I want to invite those of you who love to read to join me in a new ministry launching soon at Calvary. It is to be a ministry of public reading offered to people who bring their brown bag lunch to the nave at Calvary.

It will take place during the work week, once a week around noon. The readings will be curated and designed to last about a half hour. They will be selected broadly across many forms of literature and across the ages.

In most monastic orders at mealtime, Nuns and monks eat in silence. All keep silent but one, who is chosen for their ability, reads aloud to the rest.

• Sit in silence and enjoy your meal while your imagination is engaged and fed as it deserves to be.

• Rest within the enclosure of a truly beautiful architectural gem.

The Rev. Geoffrey Royce is initiating this public ministry. If you are interested in participating as a reader in this ministry, please speak to him after the worship service.

Bookstore Heading

Is your leashed pet coming to the Blessing of the Animals on October 9 at Calvary at 3 p.m. in the Courtyard? The Bookstore has Episcopal dog collars and leashes available in a variety of sizes and colors that will surely make an impression at any event. In addition, a selection of medallions with the theme of protecting our pets are available to be placed on their collars.


The Coventry Circle selection for October is The Soul of the Family Tree: Ancestors, Stories, and the Spirits We Inherit by Lori Erickson. The author crosses the globe in search of her genetic heritage, and her spiritual DNA, which has been shaped by members of her extended Norse family tree — as well as by others she has encountered in life or literature — even if she isn’t their biological descendant. There is a 20% discount to all purchasers on the book designated for Coventry Circle.

The Bookstore is open on Sundays from 8:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. During the week, contact the Bookstore at 412.661.0120 ext. 133 (please leave a message) or by email at bookstore@ and we will contact you. In addition, we can arrange for contactless pick-up of your items. Cash, check, Discover®, MasterCard, and Visa along with touch-free payments are accepted.

Bazaar Header

Just three weeks away, the Calvary Bazaar is set for Saturday, October 29, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Donations can be brought to the church and placed in the entranceway off the church parking lot. All donations, brand new or used, should be clean and packed securely in boxes labeled with the area for which they are intended (i.e., Silent Auction, New-to-You Room, Linens Table.)

There is a POD in the church parking lot for storage of donations. A truck has been rented to pick up large donations such as furniture on Wednesday, October 26. Contact Kathy Farrington at for information. Contact info is below for Bazaar organizers and the area they oversee.

Linens Table              

Margie Muldoon

New to You Room

Kathy Ayres

Gourmet Table

Leigh Gallagher at 412-400-2032

Café Table

Kathy Farrington at


Laura Marchl – 412-363-2167 

Nature’s Gifts

Michele Bender

Attic Treasures

Joan Dytman

Baked Goods

Maryann Moore


Liz Exler at

Handmade Goods

Nancy Carpenter

Silent Auction

Sandy Ekstrom  or 412-721-9764


Movie Night: Thursday, October 20

"ALFIE" starring Michael Caine

Join us in the Parish Hall at 7 p.m.

followed by a brief discussion led by Clint Van Dusen

Michael Caine is “Alfie” a playboy, a ‘holey’ man, who seeks “birds” everywhere. Not a ‘holy’ man. He fills the holes in his soul with lovers. This can be amusing for a while, but tragedy lurks behind the corners. One lover is agonized; another delivers Alfie his comeuppance.

Contemplative Prayer
The Contemplative Prayer group meets for silent prayer and reflection, both in person and on Zoom Mondays at 7 p.m. in the Evans Room. For more info and a Zoom invitation, contact Catherine Davidson at
Local News Title
Calvary Sunset

A spectacular sunset!

Photo courtesy of Vicki Rispoli

Faith Night

The Pittsburgh Penguins

invite you to a FAITH NIGHT

at the Hunt Armory on Wednesday, November 9


Calvary Episcopal Church, Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church, Tree of Life Synagogue, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church of Pittsburgh, and the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh are invited to come to the new rink at the Armory, see old friends and make new ones, and learn about the Pittsburgh Penguins and their outreach to the community to serve youth in our city through the Willie O’Ree Academy based at the Armory.


There is no charge for the event. There will be skates available or bring your own. You are welcome to skate or simply be present. There will be signups later.


Plan to join us at the Hunt Armory on Emerson Street between Alder and Walnut Streets, on Wednesday, November 9 from 6 to 9 p.m.

Share the Warmth

NEW: Drop off new coats with tags by October 14 at East End Cooperative Ministry, 6140 Station Street, Entrance A, or Highmark Whole Care at 6033 Broad Street, 15206


GENTLY USED: Bring your used coats to Strong II Dry Cleaners between September 6 and October 14 and have them cleaned for free. Strong II will deliver the cleaned coats directly to EECM.


Drop off coats in plastic bags and tell the clerk that they are for the EECM Coat Drive. Bring in your own dry cleaning at the same time – please no leather, suede, fur, or alterations – and receive 50% off when you pre-pay!


Strong II Dry Cleaners is located at 7620 Frankstown Ave. 15206. Open weekdays 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Closed Sunday and Wednesday.


Questions? Contact Tracy Hudson at 412.345.7124 /

East End Cooperative Ministry
East End Cooperative Ministry Food Pantry is still operating during the pandemic, with appropriate plans to protect those receiving food. Below is a list of items particularly requested at this time. Thank you for your on-going support of this ministry.

* Bottled Water
* Canned tomato sauce, vegetables, beans
* Spaghetti and macaroni pasta
* Instant mashed potatoes
* Canned soups
* Oatmeal and whole grain cereals
* Mac & Cheese boxes
* White and brown rice
* Disposable utensils (fork, spoon, knife)
* Disposable plates    * Disposable bowls
* Ziploc bags, any size    * Napkins    * Paper Towels 
* Sugar    * Salt
Diocesan News
LTH Banner

Love+Teach+Heal Academy 2022

Dear Friends,

As the Love+Teach+Heal Academy prepares to enter its fifth year, I invite and encourage you to participate in this exceptional program.

Love+Teach+Heal (LTH) Academy is a diocesan program intended to inspire, form, and equip individuals to serve as lay preachers and worship leaders in their home parishes. The curriculum includes an exploration of biblical and liturgical theology, teaching students how to communicate the content of their Christian faith in both church pulpits and the informal “pulpits” of home, school, and work. The Rev. Canon Natalie Hall (our Canon for Evangelism and Faith Formation) leads the Academy, and she has recruited several esteemed theologians and pastoral leaders to speak throughout the course, as well as myself and local Lutheran Bishop Kurt Kusserow.

LTH Academy will meet online Tuesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. beginning October 18 and through the end of May. There will be a final in-person dinner and presentation together with myself and Bishop Kusserow. The cost to participate is limited to acquiring a small set of books (for which there is financial assistance if needed).

LTH Register

The deadline to register is Monday, October 10.

Beloved Community

Sacred Ground is a film- and reading-based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. Small groups are invited to walk through chapters of America’s history of race and racism, while weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional identity. The program gives participants access to a wealth of online resources and focuses largely on the texts Waking Up White by Debby Irving and Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman. The Beloved Community Initiative is hosting concurrent sessions at Calvary and St. Thomas, Oakmont, beginning in November and January. If you are interested in participating at St.

Thomas, please contact Shahnaz Alam Denlinger at or call her 412.828.9680. If you are interested in participating at Calvary from November to January, please email Adam Bailey at Sessions at Calvary will meet on Monday evenings, November 14 to January 23, from 7 to 8:30, with a break for the holidays.


Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

AA: Alcoholics Anonymous; CYAM: Calvary Young Adult Ministry;

ESL: English as a Second Language

Friday October 7, 2022

 Birgitta of Sweden, Mystic and Prophetic Witness, 1373

Agape Deadline

Saturday October 8, 2022

10:00 a.m.   WOC Bazaar Meeting

1:00 p.m.   Ethiopian Orthodox Church Bonfire Service

Sunday October 9, 2022

 The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost [Proper 23]

8:00 a.m.   Holy Eucharist

9:00 a.m.   Holy Eucharist

9:00 a.m.   Children’s Liturgy

10:00 a.m.   Children/Youth Christian Formation

10:00 a.m.   Priest/Rabbi Walk into a Classroom

10:00 a.m.   Faust Discussion Group

11:00 a.m.   Holy Eucharist

3:00 p.m.   Blessing of the Animals

5:00 p.m.   Eventide (Holy Eucharist)

Monday October 10, 2022

 Vida Dutton Scudder, Educator, 1954

8:30 a.m.        Beginnings

6:30 p.m.        Junior Mendelssohn Choir Rehearsal

5:00 p.m.         Beloved Community Initiative Sacred Ground

7:00 p.m.         Contemplative Prayer


Tuesday October 11, 2022

 Philip, Deacon and Evangelist

8:30 a.m.         Beginnings

11:00 a.m.       Staff Meeting

7:00 p.m.         AA Meeting

7:00 p.m.         Coventry Circle


Wednesday October 12, 2022

 Edith Cavell, Nurse, 1915

8:30 a.m.        Beginnings

12:00 p.m.       Holy Eucharist

6:00 p.m.         Interlude Group

6:30 p.m.         Mahjong Players

7:00 p.m.         East Liberty Valley Historical Society Meeting


Thursday October 13, 2022

8:30 a.m.         Beginnings

3:30 p.m.         CLASP

7:30 p.m.         Choir Rehearsal


Friday October 14, 2022

 Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewsky,

 Bishop and Missionary, 1906

8:30 a.m.         Beginnings


Saturday October 15, 2022

 Teresa of Avila, Mystic and Monastic Reformer, 1582

9:00 a.m.         Ethiopian Orthodox Church


Sunday October 16, 2022

 The Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost [Proper 24]

8:00 a.m.         Holy Eucharist

9:00 a.m.         Holy Eucharist

9:00 a.m.         Children’s Liturgy of the Word

10:00 a.m.       Children and Youth Christian Formation

10:00 a.m.       A Priest and a Rabbi Walk into a Classroom

11:00 a.m.       Holy Eucharist

5:00 p.m.         Eventide (Holy Eucharist)

email archive

An archive of the past months weekly email blasts

may be viewed on the Calvary website at

Visit our website