
February 07, 2024

Lord, make us, your Church, into the people you want us to be,

and forgive us when we fall short.

Teach us to be generous in judgment,

bold in commitment,

and sensitive in listening.

Where we find no love, let us bring love,

and make us more like you.

- from The Book of a Thousand Prayers

A Message from the Rector


Dear Friends in Christ,


I recently saw a bumper sticker that said, “more wagging, less barking.” As the owner of three poodles who can get quite loud from time to time, I’ve tried to give them that advice. The dog owners among us will know how well they took my advice. But it reminded me of a quote from the book The Light in the Heart by Roy T. Bennett. He said, “More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate.”

Can you imagine what a difference our world would be if we smiled more and worried less? Or what if we showed more compassion and were less judgmental? Or if we blessed others and stopped stressing over small stuff? Or if we loved more and hated less? What if we wagged more and barked less?

You and I have a choice in how we respond to the world around us. We can choose to smile, to be compassionate, to bless others, to love others, and yes, even to wag more. Can you imagine what a difference that would make in our world? Let’s stop imaging it and make it happen. 

Father Robert Harvey

THIS WEEK! Don't miss out!

Shrove Tuesday Jambalaya

Calvary will once again be holding our traditional Jambalaya Dinner on February 13 from 5-7 p.m. in Hughson Hall. The meal will include a serving of jambalaya (with or without shrimp), salad, corn bread, a piece of pecan pie, and beverages. (BYOB is permitted.) This year we will also be offering chicken nuggets as a child friendly alternative for our families.

This event is being made available as a free will offering for those attending in person ($12-15.00 per adult would be a suggested amount.) Guests are welcome to attend as well. We will also have 1-quart sized take out containers of Jambalaya only on sale for $15.00 each. There is a sign-up sheet in the reception room for this event. Laissez le bon temps rouler!

Ashes to Go

Since Ash Wednesday falls on February 14, Valentine’s Day, this year’s theme is Love: Love God & Love Others. In keeping with this theme, red wristbands will be given to everyone who comes for ashes. The red wristband has the phrase “Love God & Love Others” inscribed on it. Included is a challenge to show ways we love God and others in the weeks of Lent and beyond.

Fr. Robert is looking for volunteers to help distribute ashes in one hour shifts. There are still two slots open from 6-7 a.m. and one slot from 7-8 a.m. on the sign up sheet in the Reception Room. It is best if there are at least two people signed up for each hour.


Volunteers will have a brief training after the 10 am service on Sunday, February 11.


Traditional Ash Wednesday services in the church will be held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

Rector's Forum

Come learn about new updates to the Calvary Areas of Ministry Chart at the Rector’s Forum this coming Sunday at 9 a.m. Did you know that each year the Calvary Areas of Ministry chart is updated? The 2024 version is on our website right now, and you can download it here. This year there are many new things to see and understand how we at Calvary function and how all of our ministries relate to each other. We’ll look at the big picture this week and then in the following weeks we’ll look at each area of ministry and the work that’s going on all around us all the time at Calvary. Hope you can join us for this vital conversation.    

This meeting will be held in person or online. Use this link to join by Zoom, or call 646-558-8656 and use Meeting ID 814 1129 2286 and Passcode 289958 to join by phone.

Is Coffee Hour your cup of tea?!?


Not everyone stays after the 10:00 service for coffee and fellowship, but it’s a wonderful time to get to know your Calvary family better and to welcome newcomers and visitors. Calvary always has been a very social place, and we definitely fit the old stereotype that “Episcopalians drink coffee as if it were the third sacrament…”!


So, the next time you’re enjoying some refreshments at Coffee Hour, why not sign up to be a host on an upcoming Sunday? It’s easy to do, and there are step-by-step instructions posted on the bulletin board next to the sign-up sheet (right across from the reception desk). You can sign up with another parishioner or the other members of a committee you are on, and there always are people around to answer questions and help out, if needed.


Our ministry of fellowship and hospitality allows us an opportunity to build relationships, to make Calvary a stronger parish, to spread the love of God, and to skip the long line at Tim Horton’s!

Lenten Bible Study & Potluck

The Adult Christian Ed committee is excited to announce that during Lent we will again have potluck suppers on Wednesday evenings, and we will be reading and discussing The Book of Acts. This picks up where we left off in Lent a few years ago, reading the Gospel of Luke: The Acts of the Apostles tells the continuing story of Jesus' work at the birth of the Church. It is a short book, but one of the most dynamic books of the Bible – and it truly reads like an adventure story. Here we see miraculous healings, great speeches, visions, a stoning, beatings, attempted murder, sorcery, people dropping dead when caught in a lie, multiple jailbreaks, protests and riots, trials before Jewish priests and Roman governors, even a shipwreck – and throughout, we see acts of courage, conviction, and compassion, as the apostles bear witness to the truth about Jesus. 

Please join us for potluck dinners starting Wednesday Feb. 21, from 5:30 to about 7:00 p.m.; bring a dish, or just come. Please read the Book of Acts first: it is only 32 pages (or about 50 in a large print bible). In our discussions we will follow the study guide "Acts: Seeing the Spirit at Work" by John Stott, Anglican priest and leader in international evangelism, which is available from booksellers and online retailers.

The Fellowship Ministry

The Fellowship Ministry at Calvary will have a hybrid fellowship meeting on Thursday, February 22 from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. The Fellowship Ministry serves to provide our parishioners whether they are newcomers or long standing members with opportunities to enjoy socializing together. 

This meeting will focus primarily on planning for newcomers. If you are unable to attend this meeting, but have ideas you would like to share or learn how you can help with future events, please email [email protected] 

Churchyard Update

The Board members of the Calvary Churchyard met in late January to review our operating costs for 2024 and to determine if we need to increase the price of gravesites going forward. The current cost of each gravesite is $450, which has been in effect for several years. We voted to raise the fee to $550, effective July 1st, 2024. The $450 charge will remain in effect through June 30, 2024.

If members of the parish want to purchase gravesites for themselves or their family members, please contact Linda McKenna at [email protected] or 716.479.2029 to set up an appointment, which usually takes less than an hour. The required paperwork and full payment will be completed then. 

Episcopal Church Lent resources - available online


Click here for a full list of new and updated resources for individuals, small groups, and congregations. Or click on the individual links in the brief descriptions below:


Diocesan Partnership and Church News


  • Sign up for Diocesan Partnership newsletters read recent editions here.
  • A report on the Partnership offers updates on the work of our two dioceses.
  • For more news about the Dioceses of WNY and NWPA and to sign up for emailed newsletters, go here.
  • The Episcopal Church website offers resources for individuals, congregations, and various ministries. 

Worship at Calvary

In-person worship

  • Sunday 8 a.m. Holy Communion
  • Sunday 10 a.m. Holy Communion. This worship service is also live streamed.
  • Saturday, 4 p.m. Holy Communion
  • Wednesday, 7 a.m. Holy Communion

Online worship

  • Sunday 10 a.m. Holy Communion, which is an in-person service, is also live streamed. The link to Calvary's 10 a.m. service can be found on the Calvary website or streamed on Facebook and YouTube. All three places will have the recording to watch later.

Vestry Liaisons


Each area of ministry at Calvary is assigned a Vestry member liaison. The liaison serves as an intermediary between the committee and the whole Vestry. These are the liaison assignments for 2024:

  • Worship & Music - Fr. Robert & Nancy Bolton
  • Christian Formation - Kelly Blackey
  • Gathering Socially - Lorrie Archdeacon & Laurie Kaiser
  • Reaching In - Ted Andrews
  • Reaching Out - Larry Bernhard & Sandra Handy
  • Spreading the Word - Howard Craig
  • Property - Michael Bommer
  • Giving / Development - Dennis McCoy
  • Church Finances - Guy Whalen


Online viewers came from NY and OH.

O Tree of Calvary, send your roots deep into my soul. Gather together my frailties -- my soiled heart, my sandy instability and my muddy desires -- and entwine them with the strong roots of your arboreal love.

- from Daily Prayer for All Seasons

20 Milton Street, Williamsville, NY 14221