
November 27, 2024

It is right, and a good and joyful thing, always and everywhere to give thanks to you, Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.

The Book of Common Prayer, p. 361

Thanksgiving Blessings to you and your family from the Calvary Staff.

The office will be closed Wednesday afternoon through Friday this week.

A Message from the Rector


Dear Friends in Christ,


As we gather together with our family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving, we are reminded of all the blessings we enjoy each day. Please remember to pray together with your family before you eat dinner. If you’re looking for a special prayer to say together where everyone participates, our Book of Common Prayer has a prayer (page 836-837) for use on Thanksgiving Day around the dinner table. I’m including here for you to use if you don’t have access to a Prayer Book.


Anne and I wish to extend our warmest wishes you and all in your family for a joyful and happy Thanksgiving.


A Litany of Thanksgiving

Let us give thanks to God our Father for all his gifts so freely bestowed upon us.


For the beauty and wonder of your creation, in earth and sky and sea.

We thank you, Lord.


For all that is gracious in the lives of men and women, revealing the image of Christ,

We thank you, Lord.


For our daily food and drink, our homes and families, and our friends,

We thank you, Lord.


For minds to think, and hearts to love, and hands to serve,

We thank you, Lord.


For health and strength to work, and leisure to rest and play,

We thank you, Lord.


For the brave and courageous, who are patient in suffering and faithful in adversity,

We thank you, Lord.


For all valiant seekers after truth, liberty, and justice,

We thank you, Lord.


For the communion of saints, in all times and places,

We thank you, Lord.


Above all, we give you thanks for the great mercies and promises given to us in Christ Jesus our Lord; To him be praise and glory, with you, O Father, and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen.

Father Robert Harvey

Advent Study with Deacon Leann

Deacon Leann will be leading a series of Advent reflections each Sunday in Advent, beginning this Sunday December 1st, from 9:15 through 9:45 A.M. These reflections will touch on the spiritual practices for seeking the sacred in one's everyday life. May we discover the thin spaces: where one finds the space between heaven and earth grows thin, and things sacred and secular almost seem to meet.

·        Advent 1: December 1 --- Thresholds

·        Advent 2: December 8 --- Blessing Each Moment

·        Advent 3: December 15 --- Learning by Heart

·        Advent 4: December 22 --- The Practice of Three Essential Things

Come in person, use this Zoom link, or call 646 558 8656 with Meeting ID 876 6758 6494 and Passcode 029316.

Mitten Tree Update

Thanks to everyone who has participated in the School 30 Mitten Tree Drive so far. The response has been so prompt this year! As of Tuesday, only ten mittens remain to be taken, including 2 reserved for those who cannot shop for a book (see option #2 below).

All mittens must be taken by this Sunday, December 1.

Parishioners may participate in the Mitten Tree in two ways:

1. If you are able to purchase a book:

  • $25 for the fleece jacket only
  • Select a mitten from the tree and submit your name and mitten information to a table volunteer.
  • Purchase the book listed on the mitten.
  • Return the mitten, the book, and $25 payment by December 8th.

2. If you cannot shop for a book:

  • $40 for the fleece jacket plus a book purchased by the Outreach Committee.
  • Do not take a mitten but submit your name to a table volunteer.
  • Pay $40 this Sunday, December 1st.

Please make checks out to Calvary Episcopal Church and write "Mitten Tree" in the memo. Someone took a mitten without writing their name in the binder. Please let us know who you are! Thank you for supporting the Mitten Tree drive and School 30.

One More Chance

We still have some bottles of wine from the Mystery Wine Pull at Pub Night. If you wished to buy one, you can do so during this Sunday’s coffee hour.

Comfort at Christmas, Saturday December 7 at 4 p.m.

If you are in search of hope and healing, we invite you to find it in this service of meditative prayer, poetry, music and reflection.


Please join us at Calvary in a sacred and safe place for a service that will acknowledge loss, plus offer support to uplift us all! This unique service of hope and healing will last about one hour and be followed by a reception. Our hope is that wherever you may be this year, you will find a light in the darkness!

Advent Crafts Celebration Sunday December 8

Sunday School will meet upstairs in Hughson Hall on Sunday December 8 for the annual Advent Craft Celebration. The event will start at 9:30 a.m. with the lighting of the Advent Wreath, followed by a lesson on Advent given by Fr. Robert Harvey. Sunday School students will be able to make a variety of holiday crafts. Parents who wish to assist with the crafts are most welcome to join in! Light refreshments will also be served.

Lessons & Carols, Sunday December 15 at 4 p.m.

A glorious Calvary tradition, this year's program will present new and traditional carols in a festive setting. Join us in celebrating Christ's coming in word and song.


Christmas Flower Donations

To donate to Christmas flowers and decorations, please use this form, and place your gift in the offering plate, send a check to Calvary Church, or make an online donation indicating whether your gift is a memorial or a thanksgiving.

To ensure you loved one's name is publicized this Christmas, please return your list and your contribution to the parish office by Thursday, December 19.

2025 Stewardship Campaign

Many thanks to all those who have pledged during this Stewardship Campaign. Those who pledge demonstrate their sincere commitment to Calvary. This is the reason why pledging the previous year is one of the requirements for warden/vestry candidates to run in the parish elections.  

As of Tuesday's mail, 143 households have pledged $380,664 in support of Calvary in 2025.

Click here if you wish to fill out a 2025 Calvary pledge card online. Calvary's Giving website has further information about ways to make a gift to Calvary.

Brian & Deidre Adler

Guy and Pam Agostinelli

Ted & Vanessa Andrews

Brad & Lorrie Archdeacon

Suzanne Atkinson

Anthony & Lisa Barone

Barry & Jan Barrett

Leeds Baxter

Sara Baxter

Larry Bernhard

Michael & Janis Bommer

Natalie Bottomley

David & Gretchen Brand

Ray & Lindamae Braun

Dona Bronkie

Jim Brophy

Erin Hershey Brown & Justin Brown

TJ & Kimberly Burch

Pat Burt

Dave & Barb Burton

Lou Butenschoen

Sue Butenschoen & Nancy Fultz

Jacque Castilone

Ro Cherpak & Tim Haynes

Helen Cochran

Joan Conschafter

Tom Cornell & Emily Sityar

Howard Craig

Bruce & Karen Davidson

Philip DeFranco

Janice DeLucia

Carlos & Marcy Diaz

Jim & Mary Ellen Donathen

Larry & Phyllis Dudeck

Stephen & Pauline Dyson

Robert Eaton

Cari Evans

Rob & Lisa Evans

George Faeth

Rita Finley

Robert Firestine

Ryan & Jocelyn Fleming

John III & Anne Frank

Mona Gaddis

Sue Gawley

John & Ann Marie Girard

Dal & Carol Giuliani

Charles & Nancy Golightly

Harry Goodrich

Bryan & Amy Gorney

Susan Graham

Betsy & Jim Greno

Gary & Natalie Grosner

Sandra Handy

Janet Hansen

Dale & Elizabeth Harten

Robert & Anne Harvey

Bonnie Hellriegel

Cris Hicks

Arlene Hinds

Chickie Holt

Rick Hopkins

Pete & Jen Howell

Karen Hudson

Garry & Sharon Huff

Laurie & Rob Kaiser

Michael & Marilee Keller

Susie Keller

Donna Kiersz

Young & Min Ja Kim

Tom & Betty Kirchman

Daniel Kraft & Michelle Myers-Kraft

Ken Kreinheder

Eleanor Lenkei

Adam & Samantha Maciejewski

Kay Mahoney

Susan & James Mahoney

Jim & Kathy Marshall

John Kryder & Dori Marshall

Ellen Marshall

George & Barbara Mayer

Carol Mayo

Sandra McCarthy

Leann McConchie

Dennis McCoy

E Joan McCulloch

Anne Meilhede

Lynnette Mende

Debbie Mendel

Janet Metcalfe

Melinda Mets

David Miller & Chris Coburn-Miller

Hugh Sr. & Joan Miller

Jill Morton

Stephen & Cynthia Munschauer

Geri Mycio

Nancy Naylon

Janet Newall

Lynn Niendorf

Lisa Nolan

Nancy Nuzzo

Carl Ohsiek

Sean & Deirdre O'Mahony

Mike Osika & Dan Salcedo

Ellie Parisi

Joe & Deb Pawlowski

Jean Peterson

Lewis & Ann Pierce

Gretchen Porcher

Jim & Sally Porter

Bob & Julie Preston

David Preston & Sue Roberts

Ken Preston

Susan Puerner

Richard Radel

Tom Ralabate

Lois Randaccio

Mary Lou Rath

Moira Restall

David & Tina Reynolds

Sarah Rieth

Judith Robinson

Patty Rooss

Bernadette Ruof

Doug Sandburg I

Jack & Molly Saviola

Ray & Helen Slominski

Bob E & Ellen Spangenthal

Ted & Jackie Spangenthal

Cinda & Wes Stone

Kristen & Phil Streit

Joan Taggart

Susan Tague

Dick & Sandy Thompson

Jack Thompson

Dave & Sandy Tiedemann

Karen Vogt

Ed Jr. & Lauren Weatherbee

Priscilla Welman

Guy & Tricia Whalen

Larry & Ellie Yuhasz

Carl & Pat Zebrowski

Linda Zeitz

Thanks to Carousel's Shop for a Cause

Last Thursday, Carousel's "Shop for a Cause" raised $250 for Calvary's Community Outreach Programs. Many thanks to Carousel's owner, parishioner Laura Joachimiak, and thanks to all who came out to do their holiday shopping in support of Calvary.

A Huge Thank You

The Altar Guild thanks all the wonderful volunteers who helped set up the church for Advent last Sunday by getting heavy items from storage and setting up the Christmas trees, Advent wreath, large crèche, and the many candles in the chancel and aisle. Because of their efforts, we were able to do the work in less than two hours. We could not possibly have done it without them. 

We thank volunteers Larry Bernhard, Janis and Michael Bommer, Robert Firestine, Paul McKenna, Mike Osika, Dan Salcedo, and Rob Thomson who assisted Altar Guild members Anne Harvey, Kay Mahoney, and Judith Robinson, under the direction of Altar Guild Director Deb Mendel and Fr. Harvey.

If you would like to help the Altar Guild set up for Christmas, please join us immediately after the 10 a.m. service on Sunday, December 22 (Advent 4). 

Friends of Night People

Last Thursday, Calvary volunteers brought a trunk load of donated clothing, tumblers/water bottles, and hand & foot warmers to Friends of Night People. They served 161 dinners to very grateful men and women. Many thanks to all who donated items and/or volunteered.

If you would like to get involved with Friends of Night People, click here to visit their website. Or contact Ro Cherpak at 718 863 4267 or Chris Coburn Miller at 716 597 5263 with your questions.

From the Pet Ministry

As we all are grateful for the unconditional love and joy our pets give us every day, this Thanksgiving Day, let’s be sure to keep them safe! The American Veterinary Medical Association recommends:

  • Keep the feast on the table—not under it.
  • No pie or other desserts for your pet.
  • Yeast dough can cause problems for pets, including painful gas and potentially dangerous bloating.
  • Put the trash away where your pet can't find it.
  • Be careful with decorative plants.
  • Quick action can save lives. Keep these numbers handy:  ASPCA Poison Control Center (888-426-4435), Pet Poison Helpline (855-764-7661), and your nearest Pet Emergency Clinic.
  • For additional information, see: https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/pet-owners/petcare/thanksgiving-pet-safety or Google “thanksgiving safety tips for pets”.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your pets!

Diocesan Partnership and Church News


  • Sign up for Diocesan Partnership newsletters and/or read recent editions here.
  • For more news about the Dioceses of WNY and NWPA and to sign up for emailed newsletters, go here.
  • The Episcopal Church website offers resources for individuals, congregations, and various ministries. 

Worship at Calvary

In-person worship

  • Sunday 8 a.m. Holy Communion
  • Sunday 10 a.m. Holy Communion. This worship service is also live streamed.
  • Saturday, 4 p.m. Holy Communion
  • Wednesday, 7 a.m. Holy Communion

Online worship

  • Sunday 10 a.m. Holy Communion, which is an in-person service, is also live streamed. The link to Calvary's 10 a.m. service can be found on the Calvary website or streamed on Facebook and YouTube. All three places will have the recording to watch later.

Vestry Liaisons


Each area of ministry at Calvary is assigned a Vestry member liaison. The liaison serves as an intermediary between the committee and the whole Vestry. These are the liaison assignments for 2024:

  • Worship & Music - Fr. Robert & Nancy Bolton
  • Christian Formation - Kelly Blackey
  • Gathering Socially - Lorrie Archdeacon & Laurie Kaiser
  • Reaching In - Ted Andrews
  • Reaching Out - Larry Bernhard & Sandra Handy
  • Spreading the Word - Howard Craig
  • Property - Michael Bommer
  • Giving / Development - Dennis McCoy
  • Church Finances - Guy Whalen


On November 24, online viewers for the 10 a.m. service came from NY, PA, OH, FL.

God, fill my heart with gratitude.

Like a child, I cry for my wants, rather than my needs.

My sense of entitlement is immense.

Focus my mind on abundance rather than lack.

Keep me aware that I have all that I need--and then some. Amen.

- from Women's Uncommon Prayers

20 Milton Street, Williamsville, NY 14221