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Calvert County Republican

Central Committee

Central Committee Volunteers

The CCRCC is always in need of Volunteers and appreciates any help we can get to keep our Calvert Values and keep Calvert RED!

"It is the time we protect our children and grandchildren. We do not want to look back at this election and say what if…what if we gave more time; what if we gave more money. We are asking you to donate a small portion of your time to ensure our children and country have a bright future." - Chair Josh Johnson

Volunteers Needed - Early Voting

24-31 October 7am-8pm

3 locations

3 Locations - More Info.

The current priority is filling the following Time Slots for the WEEK long Early Voting:

Volunteer for Early Voting

Volunteers Needed - Election Day

Tuesday 5 November 7am-8pm

17 locations

Most Republicans vote on Election Day. We need as much coverage as possible to hand out sample ballots and ensure everyone on our side knows who to vote for. 17 total locations.

Volunteer - Election Day

Talking Points for Volunteers

The only local/county election this year is for Board of Education. Here are your 3 Republican Endorsed candidates:

  • Melissa Goshorn
  • Joe Marchio
  • Paul Harrison
  • Easy way to remember their names: Gives Me Hope

Two Points of Emphasis:

  1. Board of Education is a "non-partisan" race, so you will not see an R or a D next to their names. That is why we are making sure every voter knows who the Republicans are.
  2. Regardless of which district you live in, you can vote for all 3 candidates.

Support our candidates and save our public schools - make sure all your friends know who to vote for! Get your Sample Ballot!

Donate Now or Pay Later
Sample Ballot

Stop by HQ to pick some up to give to friends or print some off yourself!

(near Radioshack)

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 1-5 pm

424 Solomons Island Rd.

Prince Frederick, MD 206778


Upcoming Events

19 Oct - Halloween in the Garden 10-4pm More Info.

20 Oct - Hogan Bus Tour / Ruddy Duck Brewery 330pm

24-31 Oct - Early Voting 7am-8pm - More Info.

5 Nov - Election Day 7am-8pm - More Info.

6 Nov - CCRCC monthly meeting

See Calendar

Calvert County Republican Central Committee

424 Solomons Island Rd.

Prince Frederick, MD 206778


Authorized by Donna Zupancic, Treasurer

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