News & Updates
May 24, 2021
May Meeting Minutes
Here are the minutes from our May 11, 2021 meeting. If you have any questions or concerns, contact Lauren.

A record number of Americans died of drugs, alcohol or suicide in 2019, just a year before the COVID-19 pandemic, a new report says.
"The most important key takeaway here is we are dying earlier from preventable causes than we ever have before," Dr. Ben Miller, chief strategy officer of Well Being Trust, tells U.S. News. "The reason we are dying is what we call deaths of despair. And these are deaths of drug, alcohol and suicide. We continue to go in the wrong direction with trends."

LifeSkills Parent Program
We are looking for families with students in Clinton County who want to build and strengthen their communication with their children. Please see the flyer for information.

Fill Out Coalition Membership Agreement

All members who have filled out a coalition membership form are considered members and have voting rights. If you have not filled out a membership form, please do so.