Who is eligible in the ECRAC 5 county region?
Individual artists of any artistic discipline; all non profit arts or other organizations (501c3 status); all public entities such as K-12 schools, community eds, colleges, and government branches.
What to prepare for an application?
Project director's resume (organizations and public entities); Artist's resume (all grants); A detailed budget for the the project: expenses and income (all grants); Resumes for all paid personnel; artists, musicians, performers, etc. (all grants); and Artistic work samples (all grants).
When is it due and other details?
Grant Deadlines: April 1, 2020, 11:59 pm
Multiple applications are accepted from organizations, one project per grant program.
What kind of funding is available? $1,000 with the ACHF Individual Artist Grant; $2,500 with the Mid-Career Artist Grant (brand new this year); $500 to $5,000 with the Small/Art Project Grant (organizations and public entities) $3,000 with the Art In Our Schools Grant (schools only); and $5,000 to $15,000 with the ACHF Organization Art Project Grant (organizations and public entities).