New This Week
  • Camo T-Shirts for Sale
  • Homecoming Volunteers
  • Theatre Update
  • PTSA Kickoff Meeting
  • Leave a Legacy Brick
  • NovaStar Essay Workshop
  • Alzheimer's Association
  • Band Update
  • Upcoming Events
  • Post or Advertise
  • Follow us on Social Media
Join the PTSA


Your membership enables the PTSA to enrich the student experience at GCM through the support of student programs, continuing faculty education, building community, and supporting various student and school needs. Visit to learn more


$20 Adults

$10 Teachers/Staff

$5 Students

Join Here

Special Announcement

Camo Night:

Marshall vs. Madison Game on Thursday Night!

We will be selling Camo shirts during ALL lunch periods this week for $12

Show some Statesmen Pride with a camouflage T-shirt! Students will have a "Camo-Out" day this Thursday before Marshall takes on our cross-town rival, Madison.

Shirts are $12, and students can pay by cash, credit, Venmo, or Apple Pay.

We Need Your Help

Volunteers & Donations Needed for Marshall's Homecoming Dance on

Saturday, October 7th

We are in need of food, drinks, and cash donations, as well as volunteers to sell tickets, decorate, and chaperone. 

 We also need convertibles for the Homecoming Parade. Please sign up.

Sign up today!

Theatre Update


PTSA Kickoff Meeting

Wednesday, September 20th @ 7pm

Marshall Library

Our first PTSA Kick-Off Meeting is coming up, and we are so excited for it. You won't want to miss out on hearing from Principal Litz, who will give us some really great updates on the first month of school and the future of Marshall. Come and connect with other Marshall Parents and hear from the different PTSA Committees.

Mark your calendars now!

We hope to see you there.

Brick Deadline

September 30th

Attention to all Marshall students, alumni, faculty, and supporters! This is your last chance to purchase a commemorative brick to celebrate Marshall's 60th Anniversary. The brick will be installed on a new walkway that's located near the flagpoles. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to leave a lasting memory at the school. The installation is scheduled for November, and we will host a Ribbon Ceremony Celebration.

Purchase your

commemorative brick now!

The sale ends on September 30th.

Order Brick

Empowering Students

Attention Marshall Seniors: College Essay Workshop

Marshall PTSA and Novastar Prep are once again partnering to offer a College Essay Workshop!

Workshops will be offered:

Oct 14th

Oct 21st

Oct 28th

Seats are limited, so register today!

Building Community

Donate Used Athletic Shoes for the Alzheimer's Association

As part of its Marshall Cares initiative, the PTSA will be collecting gently used athletic shoes of all sizes to benefit the Alzheimer's Association. There will be collection bins located outside the main office and the gymnasium. Items may be dropped off until Friday, September 22nd. Thank you for your support of this worthwhile cause! Questions? Contact

Band Update

George C. Marshall Band TAG DAY Fundraising Success!

Last Saturday, 80+ GCM Band Program students raised over $15,000 during the annual Tag Day fundraising event. They went door-to-door in the Marshall High School catchment area, promoting the band and requesting donations. We're still accepting donations via check or our website.

See Marshall Band's dynamic halftime show at all remaining Varsity Home football games or support us at local marching competitions.

Upcoming Events



9th Grade Parent Coffee

8:30 AM



10th & 11th Grade Parent Coffee

8:30 AM



FCPS Holiday - Yom Kippur



12th Grade Parent Coffee

8:30 AM



Homecoming Football Game vs W&L

7:00 PM



Homecoming Dance

8:00 - 11:00 PM



Student Holiday - Indigenous Peoples' Day

If you've got something you want to share in the newsletter, send it via

email to:


Please no attachments; put exactly what you want the article to say in the body of the email along with a headline and sub-headline. The deadline for submissions is Sunday evening

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