Hi Ronni - Let's get the elephant out of the room. Tell me what you feel like as the first woman director of Avoda?
Mostly, I am honored! Excited, and looking forward to using my skills to work with Ken and the rest of the staff to run Camp Avoda!
What do you know about boys?
Well, I married one, raised one, and taught many of them. You know, co-ed camps have boys too! I know that boys can be smart, funny, athletic, artistic, serious, thoughtful, kind, and energetic...sometimes all at once!
Are you replacing PGD?
No-one can replace PGD! I am joining the staff of Camp Avoda, and learning everything I can from PGD...he is probably tired of my emails and calls.
What's your favorite sport?
Does knitting count? Just kidding, I love to knit, but I really love basketball...the speed, need for teamwork and strategy make it lots of fun to watch and play.
What was your favorite activity when you were a camper?
Olympics. At Camp JORI, Olympics was kind of like Color War. Even though I wasn't a great athlete, I could belt out a cheer like no-one's business.
Were you a staff member too?
I was a counselor for 7 years. My specialty was Arts and Crafts, but I got to be an Olympic Captain, too!
So you know what an honor it is to be a captain or general of a camp team?
Ohhh, I do! In fact, I am pretty psyched about Color War at Camp Avoda.
Do you know any Camp Avoda songs yet?
Not yet, who is going to send me a sample so I can get a head start. My email is Ronni@campavoda.org.
Have you heard about the Tispaquin Looney?
Uhhhh...noooooo....what do I need to pack to protect myself this summer?
Do you have kids?
I have 4 kids...well 8 kids, sort of: Ilana and her husband Gabe, Sari and her husband Leo, Aaron and his fiancée Hillary, Deena and her boyfriend Jose, and a granddaughter named Noa!
What camp did they go to?
They all went to camp to Camp JORI with me while I was the director.
What are you looking forward to this summer?
I am looking forward to becoming an Avodian for life! I am really excited to learn what it takes to be a part of the Avoda community that takes such good care of one another. Ok, and trips to Dairy Queen. We don't have any of those in Rhode Island.
Are you nervous?
Hmmm...should I be?
What's the fastest land animal?