August 8, 2023, Greater Los Angeles Area Council, BSA

Dear Greater LA Scouting Family –

I want to share with you the status of Camp Cherry Valley. Like many of you, I was a CCV camper as a youth and have fond memories of all the camp has to offer. I was heartbroken when I crunched the numbers and confirmed what the board of directors already knew: our land lease expires at the end of the year and the economics of continuing to operate were vastly stacked against us.

Prior to my arrival six months ago, the council engaged in an exhaustive review of viable options to continue leasing Camp Cherry Valley. Although many operational factors were examined, the bottom line is that Greater Los Angeles Scouting does not have the $10-$15M of dedicated capital for the infrastructure investment required to compete for a new lease. That said, we are aggressively pursuing a potential partnership with another organization that is interested in taking on a new lease and has significant funding to commit to the camp. This partnership, if it comes to fruition, would allow us to welcome summer campers to Cherry Valley for the 101st year and beyond. While I am cautiously hopeful that this arrangement comes to pass, it is by no means for certain, and several intermediate steps that would facilitate success need to occur first. I expect that in the next four to six weeks I will have an update for you.

Let me emphasize that again – this is only a possibility. Not a sure thing. I trend optimistic by nature, but the pragmatist is ever present and I would feel horrible if this letter left anyone with expectations that outpace the ultimate reality.

Regardless of what happens, we will execute the remainder of our 2023 program schedule at CCV. Among other activities, this includes CCV Staff Alumni Weekend and Golden Nugget Cub Camp.

If this is in fact CCV’s last summer, I want you to know that we finished strong. Summer camp is the quintessential Scouting experience and nearly 3,000 Scouts and adult leaders from 17 councils, including as far away as the Far East Council in Asia, enjoyed the trappings of our wonderful island camp this summer. In our weekly survey, a whopping 99.1% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed with the statement “I had a great time at Camp Cherry Valley” and 95.4% agreed or strongly agreed with the statement “Camp Cherry Valley made the Scouts in my unit better prepared for life and leadership in the future.”

No matter what the ultimate fate of Camp Cherry Valley is, Greater LA Scouting will always remain committed to delivering fun, safe, and impactful camp opportunities for our youth.

Thanks as always for your support, engagement, and dedication to Greater LA Scouting. I will update you as soon as reasonably possible on any news about Camp Cherry Valley.

Scouts lead the way,

Bob Kurkjian

Chief Executive Officer and Scout Executive

Greater LA Scouting

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