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Given the lack of specific and definitive written information regarding the scope and impact of this expansion proposal, and the lack of justification provided for its necessity, it is the position of Michigan Trout Unlimited to oppose the proposed expansion of the Camp Grayling Joint Maneuver Training Center as presented at this time.

This proposal seeks to greatly increase the size and operations of Camp Grayling, more than doubling it, through encumbering public state-owned lands through leases to Camp Grayling. The proposed lands are extensive, and include enormous portions of the Manistee, Au Sable and Muskegon rivers watersheds and their tributaries. This area is unique geologically, hydrologically, ecologically, recreationally, and aesthetically; and is critical to Michigan’s coldwater fisheries now and in the future. The proposal did not include any detailed justification for the need or necessity of this expansion.

The proposal has also not been accompanied by adequate written information on the uses to be permitted, restrictions to be implemented, nor specific assessments of alternatives or impacts. Given the deficient nature of the proposal at this time, it poses significant possible concerns and no assurances of how these may be addressed. Therefore, Michigan Trout Unlimited must oppose the proposal for Camp Grayling expansion at this time.
P.O. Box 442,
Dewitt, MI 48820-8820