JUNE 5, 2022
From the Pastor. Our worship service on June 5 will be a time of prayer for our kids and adults going to church camp later this month. Twenty-one are signed up to attend. I'm so excited about that! The dates of the camp are June 22-25. We will also pray for other church groups, the Daniel Springs staff and leadership to allow God to work in our lives while at camp and to make life-long eternal changes and decisions.

We would also ask that you pray about a special offering for Daniel Springs during this month. Three major projects are underway, vital improvements that will make an impact on all those who attend. Daniel Springs is a year-long retreat center in addition to the summer camps, all together serving thousands each year. The 54 acre facility is going on 60 years old with much of the infrastructure at Daniel Springs badly in need updates and improvements. It is a ministry that touches many lives. Tundra Church has been a partner with Daniel Springs for much of those sixty years. Insert the following URL in your browser or simply click on the link Daniel Springs Projects to learn more about these improvements.

Ladies Night Out, this Wednesday, June 8. This will be the last lesson from "You'll Get Through: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times," a Bible study series led by Gay Decker. Join us for a time of food, fellowship and fun. Get to know other women at Tundra. You'll enjoy it! Don't forget to bring items for our Christmas shoeboxes.
Camp "Sundae," June 5, a special day of prayer and information about church camp, ending the day with a "Sundae" Social, 6:00 pm in the fellowship hall. We'll have all the toppings for your favorite ice cream sundae, with several Blue Bell choices and also some special homemade options from our Tundra ice cream experts. Don't miss it!
Church camp is coming up real soon, June 22-25. We have 21 going to this combo camp which is two exciting camps the same week. One for pre-teens ages 3rd thru 6th grade and for students ages 7th grade to college. Activities and Bible study sessions for adults as well.