"El Magonista"
Vol. 6 No. 38
Dec. 19, 2018

In this holiday season:
The CMSC wishes you a happy and safe Christmas and a prosperous New Year
The California-Mexico Studies Center 
Armando Vazquez-Ramos, President & CEO  
1551 N. Studebaker Road, Long Beach, CA 90815
Phone: (562) 430-5541 Cell: (562) 972-0986
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The California-Mexico Studies Center (CMSC) is pleased to announce that our Campaign to Restore Advance Parole for DACA recipients is moving forward to the national level during January 14-17, 2019 in Washington, D.C.
On Tuesday, December 11, 2018 Congress members Alan Lowenthal (CA-47) and Nanette Barragán (CA-44) led a coalition of 14 Members of Congress on  a letter urging Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen to restore the ability of DACA recipients to travel abroad with an Advance Parole authorization.
Since 2012, individuals under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)-better known as Dreamers-had been able to apply for advance parole to travel abroad for humanitarian, employment, and/or educational purposes. Advance parole is a travel authorization granted by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that allows Dreamers to travel outside of the U.S. and return without penalty.

Obtaining this status allowed Dreamers to pursue employment opportunities that required foreign travel, to tend to loved ones suffering from serious illness, and to participate in educational programs abroad. However, since the Trump Administration's order to rescind the DACA program on Sept. 5, 2017, DHS halted the approval of advance parole for Dreamers. 
While court orders since January 2017 have ordered continuation of the DACA program, the Trump Administration has not reinstated the ability of Dreamers to apply for advance parole. As a result of this administrative practice, Dreamers have been unable to be with their loved ones at critical moments, as it was the case of Mayra Garibo, a Senior at CSU Dominguez Hills and a DACA recipient, who could not attend her dad's funeral when he suddenly passed away in an accident in Mexico, on January 11, 2018 . Moreover, the suspension of Advance Parole has denied Dreamers educational and employment opportunities abroad. 
We believe that continued denial of Advance Parole for DACA recipients is causing irreparable harm, it's inhumane and discriminatory. 

For that reason, we are committed to take our advocacy to the national level, motivated by the support and leadership of Reps. Alan Lowenthal and Nanette Barragán. 

Thus, the CMSC plans to take a delegation of Dreamers to Washington, D.C. during January 14-17, to mobilize increased congressional support, and meet with DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.


The CMSC proposes the following action plan:
  • Secure more congressional signatures for the Alan Lowenthal and Nanette Barragán letter by new members of congress who start on January 3, 2019.
  • Secure a complimentary advocacy letter from the U.S. Senate.
  • Host a seminar on Advance Parole in Washington, D.C.
  • Convene a mobilization day on January 16, 2019
This is the CMSC's most significant effort to restore Advance Parole for DACA recipients to date, but we cannot do it alone.


  • ENGAGE: Spread the word and share our call to reinstate Advance Parole for DACA recipients, by signing the campaign's petition, send letters, and make calls to congress members and the Homeland Security Administration Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. Instructions will be provided to those who sign the petition.
  • SHOW UP: If you are in the DC-area, we need you to show up at our seminar and mobilization day. Please, sign up and indicate if you need travel assistance.
  • DONATE: Help us help others to be there and for us to continue expanding the Campaign to Restore DACA's Advance Parole for Dreamers. You can donate here or click on the donate button below.
  • SPONSORS: Sponsor or helps us secure sponsors to defray the travel and operational costs of the campaign and our mobilization in Washington, D.C.
  • ORGANIZATIONAL SPONSORS: Sign the Organizational Sponsors Pledge in support of the Lowenthal / Barragán letter and the Campaign to Restore DACA's Advance Parole for Dreamers.
For more information and media inquiries:

C ontact Prof. Armando Vazquez-Ramos
Cel: 1 (
562) 972-0986

Aside from taking over 160 Dreamers to study in Mexico as part of a unique study abroad program for DACA recipients, the California-Mexico Studies Center has a long history of projects and programs that have helped create awareness about the importance of Advance Parole for DACA recipients, including the production of:

A 30-minute documentary film that f ollows Mayra Garibo's  plight to re-establish Advance Parole for all Dreamers and to be able to reunite with her family in times of hardship.  Watch Here
A play produced by the California Repertory Company and CSULB's Theater Arts Department in collaboration with the CMSC.  Featuring testimonials of our very own California-Mexico Dreamers Study Abroad Program participants, the play invites the question of who gets to dream the American Dream ...  Watch Here
A short documentary video series that features stories, voices and testimonies from DACA recipients who traveled with Advance Parole, and those Dreamers who have been denied the travel authorization since the administrative suspension of AP...   Watch Here

Please help us continue our work towards restoring Advance Parole for DACA recipients!

Check out our  CrowdRise Campaign, or donate on the button below:

Visit our campaign website:    www.advanceparole.org

Follow the cause on social media:  Facebook |  Instagram |  Twitter

To read Rep. Lowenthal's press release and Advance Parole letter of support, please  click here. 

President Donald Trump has a golden opportunity to deliver on his campaign promise to build a border wall and at the same time get a law passed to protect the Dreamers, as he  asked Congress to do over a year ago. But the president can't wait - the time to act is now.   In the blink of an eye, Congress will adjourn for the year. Soon, Democrats will have control of the U.S. House of Representatives. ..  Read More
A White House official said on Friday that the Trump administration was not responsible for the death of a 7-year-old Guatemalan girl who died from dehydration last week while in the custody of the Border Patrol. Officials said the girl, Jakelin Caal Maquin, and her father were among 163 migrants who turned themselves in to the Border Patrol in a remote area of desert in New Mexico, shortly after the group crossed into the United States...  Read More
After a 7-year-old girl died in Border Patrol custody, a White House spokesman called on Congress to "disincentivize" Central American migrants from undertaking the perilous northward trek to the United States. In fact, there is just such a plan in the works, one already presented to President Trump, that has the makings of an effective long-term strategy for reducing the migrant flow, as well as tensions at the border. Mr. Trump would be wise to embrace it.... Read More
Aún ya con un pie dentro de los Estados Unidos, Emma Sánchez está que no se la cree.
Después de 12 años y medio separada de su esposo y tres hijos, este sábado pudo reingresar a los Estados Unidos para reunirse con su familia . ... Leer Más
Irene Sotelo has seen many changes in her life and overcome many obstacles. Sotelo has gone from drugs, prison and homelessness to getting her degree from CSULB in criminology and now pursuing her master degree in Long Beach on Tuesday, November. 20, 2018. She has also founded the Rising Scholars program at Cal State Long Beach, a community for those who have been incarcerated or have family members who've served time. .. Read More  
CSULB President Jane Close Conoley wrote a letter in response to the proposed rule would discourage both immigrant youth and U.S. citizen youth with non-citizen parents from pursuing a college education, which is proven to promote self-sufficiency. It is estimated about 41 percent of the roughly 18 million immigrant families who received benefits between 2014 and 2016 live in either California or New York...   Read More
Long Beach's 1st District Councilwoman Lena Gonzalez announced today that she's running for District 33 of the California State Senate, a seat vacated by California Insurance Commissioner-Elect Ricardo Lara as he takes on his new role. The announcement comes with Lara's endorsement, according to Gonzalez . ..  Read More 
He may be mayor of California's seventh-largest city, but Robert Garcia says he's as nervous as anyone else about to get married. "This is a big step in front of a lot of family and friends, and I want everything to be nice and go right," he told me last week about planning for his marriage to longtime partner Matt Mendez on Saturday, Dec. 22...   Read More
Over the course of several days this month, an estimated nine million people visited the basilica, with some seven million of them filing through the building between Tuesday and Wednesday, to celebrate what believers say was the appearance of the Virgin Mary before an indigenous Mexican peasant named Juan Diego in 1531. It is hard to overstate the singular importance of the Virgin of Guadalupe to the Mexican identity . ...   Read More
Harvard University student Dario Guerrero Meneses was at a film festival in Maine when he got the call from his father. Doctors found his mother, who the family thought had an unusually lengthy cold, had terminal kidney cancer.   It was early in the fall 2013 semester for Meneses. So, the Long Beach film student tried to push the shock of the diagnosis to the back of his mind while he focused on studying. ..  Read More
It's tempting to compare Cuarón's extraordinary new film, "Roma" - which has already won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival and begins streaming on Netflix on Dec. 14 - to landmark neorealist movies. An exquisite party scene at a country estate reminded me of Jean Renoir's "The Rules of the Game." A climax near a churning ocean brought to mind François Truffaut's "The 400 Blows . ..  Read More