Calling all Superheroes! Every Friday, we are delivering new opportunities to participate in camp programming via our website and social media. Your family will have new and exciting options to engage in activities, crafts, cabin chat conversations, fun resources, and more to help support you through this unprecedented time.

While we know this doesn’t replace the joy of coming to camp, we hope it provides some respite and happiness to your family. We would LOVE to hear from YOU about what you would like to see included. Are there certain camp games you want to share with your family? Skits you would like to see online? Staff you want to hear from? We want to hear all about it! Please send your ideas to  [email protected].

This week’s theme is " Superheroes!" We here at Camp Korey think each and every one of you is a superhero! This week we will give you opportunities to showcase some superpowers you have and that you can share with others!
Josh Simon, Camp Director
Hey Camp Korey How YOU Feeling? Our Child Life activity for this week is Shields of Bravery!

This week we are creating Shields of Bravery and Shield of Warm Fuzzies!

Watch the video below to learn about how you can create your very own shield!

When creating your shields consider the following… 

Shield of bravery:
Consider ways that you have been brave recently.
Make a list of 4-6 different ways that you have been brave and write those on your shield!  

Shield of Warm Fuzzies:
Consider how you have been spreading Warm Fuzzies to your family and friends.
Make a list of 4-6 different ways you’ve been sending Warm Fuzzies and write them on your shield!  

To share your shield of bravery please email [email protected]. We are so excited to celebrate YOU!
Hey Campers and your amazing superhero caregivers! We hope everyone is having a fantastic day today! We have a couple of INCREDIBLE activities for you in this week’s edition of Guardians of our Galaxy. We wanted to make sure to take a few moments to truly celebrate and acknowledge some superheroes in our own personal world.

Letter to your superhero

Caregiver : Take a moment to w rite a letter to your kids. Describe the things that you love about them. Why they are your superhero. What they mean to you. Qualities you see in them. Ways that they inspire you. Decide together what age they would like to open this letter and save it for that specific birthday!

Camper: Write a letter to your parents/guardians/caregivers and tell them why they are a super hero to you. Think about all the things that they do for you every single day. The ways that they go above and beyond for you in big and small ways. Tell them some specific things that make them “SUPER”. Think of a special time and way that you want to give that letter to them. Maybe you read it out loud for them, or you hide it under their pillow, or tape it to the computer screen. You get to be creative here and surprise them in a fun way!
Storytime with Camp Korey
Take a load off and enjoy 4 of our staff reading some stories for your campers to enjoy!

Caregiver : Take a moment to relax and let Camp Korey take the wheel of the Batmobile for a moment! We want you to just sit, close your eyes for a second, enjoy this peaceful moment and click this link to hear some stories round the campfire.
Campers:  Let your caregiver have this time! Gather round and let’s enjoy some story time together! Shhh….let’s all listen together!
Which was your favorite story?
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Shell
Sleeping Ugly
The Cat in the Hat Comes Back
Cabin Chat is a reflective activity that every camper participates in during summer camp programs. Campers are asked questions and encouraged to share with their new friends. We encourage you to host a Cabin Chat with your family!
  1. Identify a talking object. Whoever has the talking object is the only one sharing at that moment. Fun idea for this week is to find a favorite furry friend! 
  2. Don’t laugh unless it's meant to be funny.
  3. What happens in Cabin Chat stays in Cabin Chat. This is a space where everyone should feel safe to share!
  4. Challenge by Choice. Everyone has the options to choose to share, or choose to pass on a question. 
  • If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
  • What are two qualities in a hero?
  • Who is a superhero in your life?
A favorite activity for our Camp Korey community is getting crafty with some arts and crafts projects! Join us as we get artsy and show our superpowers!

  • Super Hero Popsicle Stick Puppets -- Design and create your own super hero puppet. Don’t have any popsicle sticks at home? That’s ok. Use a fork, use a stick, use a pencil…lots of creative options! After you have created your team of superheroes (and villains if you want), now put them to work! Write your own play and act it out using your new friends!
  • Comic Strips -- Create your own comic strip! There are a lot of online resources you can use or you could just draw your own! All you need is paper, pencil, and imagination! 
  • Superhero Costume Creation -- Everyone loves to dress up and play! Create your very own superhero costume. There is nothing that could not be used to make your own costume! Towels, old shirts, masks, face paint…Don’t forget to come up with a superhero name and superpowers to go along with it! We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

We would LOVE to see some of you incredible superhero projects and art!
Send us pictures or videos so we can share your super powers!
One of the most magical parts of coming to camp is all the fun camp activities you get to do! We want to take this moment to bring some camp magic to you! Come hang out with us as we explore some camp favorites! 

Camp Magic Activities

Start by getting pumped up with the "Batman and Superman" Cheer! A group of our amazing staff and volunteers will teach it in the video below, then you can pass it on to your family, or even teach friends on a video call!
Then, make your own superhero hang out or even villains lair! Blanket fort, box fort, backyard fort…the possibilities are endless! Check out an example below from our staff member Jen and her family:
Finally, enter Superhero Training Camp with a variety of games and activities to help you train to be a superhero! Featuring an extra fun segment by summer staff member Paul that you can see below. Check it it all out here !
One of the best ways to connect with other superheroes is over food and sharing a meal together! Have fun creating this SUPER snack together!

Thor’s Hammers
Pretzel rod (or any stick food)
Cheese or marshmallow or anything you can think of!
How to:
Cut cheese into squares
Place pretzel rod into end
Based on our theme of the week, “Superheroes,” we want to share some fun resources you can explore right from the comfort of your own home!