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April 1, 2022

An Incredible Start to 2022

Dear WesternU Family,

Thank you! In the few weeks since my arrival, I have received an outpouring of kindness, support, candor, and excitement. I have already met with various departments, colleges, and alumni across the wonderful campus community, and I am excited to meet more in the future. I anticipate a continuation of in-person meetings with the colleges and departmental units to meet both faculty and staff personally. I hope you enjoy reviewing some of the activities in which I have been engaged during my first 30 days.

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In an effort to establish a forum for on-going dynamic dialogue, I am in the process of forming a University Council which will function as a vibrant medium for collaborative, purposeful, and transparent discussion and input on University matters. It is important that the members of this Council reflect the varied groups within our campus community. 

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With Dr. David Baron stepping down from his role as Provost, it is imperative that an internal Interim Provost be appointed pending the completion of the current national search for the permanent hire. Using input from the leaders of the core representative groups (Academic Senate, Staff Council, Deans’ Council, Student Government Association, and University Executive Operations Team, formerly referred to as the Senior Administrative Leadership), an Advisory Group has been created to review the potentials and provide me with their collective recommendation for an Interim Provost. I hope to have this interim appointment in place shortly. 

WesternU Oregon



WesternU will receive a 22.5-million-dollar donation from FamilyCare, Inc., the largest gift in the University’s 45-year history. The donation will help WesternU expand the COMP-NW campus and launch a behavioral health college in Lebanon, Oregon.

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Dr. Jeff Heatherington, president of FamilyCare Health and president and CEO of The Heatherington Foundation for Innovation and Education in Health Care, said the Heatherington Foundation will donate 150 acres of land to WesternU to build the new campus.

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I had the opportunity to enjoy walking down the esplanade and meeting many of our wonderful students. Our campus is one of a kind, filled with compassionate and caring individuals. As a proud, new resident of Pomona, I am eager to work toward WesternU's growth and success in its mission to serve its community and all of humanity.



I had the pleasure of visiting our COMP-NW and CHS-NW campuses this month. Our potential for growth in Oregon and in serving rural communities is exciting. During this visit, we were able to discuss the foundations for the capital campaign that will launch us into the next era for WesternU.

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The first in a series of monthly Welcome Tour meetings with Alumni was held in Orange, CA. I enjoyed talking with and listening to a number of WesternU's engaged Alumni, who are valued ambassadors of our institution's mission. As lifelong members of the WesternU family, our alumni are part of our legacy and we are here to continue serving them in our shared passion for improving the quality of life for patients.


COP 25th Anniversary

I was proud to be among 200 guests for the COP 25th anniversary gala in Pasadena, California. This event provided the College with the opportunity to honor Founders, Alumni, Faculty and supporters for their contributions and to strengthen the connections between all COP stakeholders. From this important milestone, we look forward to another impactful 25 years.

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On March 29, I was able to connect with about 30 Rotarians in attendance at the Pomona Rotary Club monthly meeting. It was a wonderful and engaging group. We talked about our strong history of growing together as a University and a City and we discussed our aspirations for future collaborative engagements that will benefit everyone.

SAE Create


The School of Arts and Enterprise (SAE) held a ribbon-cutting ceremony and open house on February 12, for SAE Create: A Downtown Pomona Community Space, which is housed on the first floor of WesternU’s Anderson Tower on Second Street and Garey Avenue in downtown Pomona. SAE’s partners at Day One will provide the community space’s inaugural programming, including a youth advocate program, a drop-in after-school study zone and community workshops.

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I want to express my heartfelt enthusiasm to have joined the WesternU family and to realize our dreams together! A heartfelt “Thank you” for all that you do for the University and for your patients, and for the sacrifices you have made, particularly over the past two years. I would like to share some preliminary thoughts regarding my vision for WesternU.

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Together, let us build upon our coveted WesternU brand of humanism that has endured for 45 years and will endure for future generations to come. Together let us catapult WesternU to a position of local, regional, national, and international acclaim, pre-eminence, and recognition that it so deserves.

I look forward to meeting with you soon on campus.

My very kindest regards, 

Dr. Robin Farias-Eisner

Office of the President

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We inspire, in a humanistic tradition, health care professionals and biomedical knowledge that enhances and extends the quality of life in our communities.

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