Dear Tilton families,

I just wanted to give you all an update on our second round of testing. If your student had a positive test or were contact traced, they have been notified. If they have not heard from the health center or student life office, then they are in the clear!

Moving forward, we conducted another round of testing for boarding students last night, and faculty, staff and day students were tested at the Health Center today. If your student has had a positive test in the past 90 days, they are exempt from testing and do not need to test. 

You may have heard that CDC and NH DHHS have released new guidance for isolation and quarantine. Tilton School is adopting those guidelines going forward. The new isolation and quarantine guidelines are attached.

Please help us to keep our community healthy and well by helping your student to:

  1. Wear a mask properly whenever indoors (covering mouth and nose) unless in a personal dorm room or sitting to eat in the dining hall.
  2. Wash hands or use hand sanitizer frequently throughout the day, especially before eating.
  3. Socially distance when possible.
  4. Report to the health center if they are not feeling well.
  5. Get sleep! Sleep is vital to keeping the immune system fighting against viruses.

Our goal is to maintain a healthy community, and it requires diligence of our entire community to ensure this is possible. Stay healthy and well!


Barbara Hanson
Director of Health Services