Dear Parents,
Beginning Monday, March 15th we will be revising our Hybrid schedule. The schedule will allow students on campus 4 days per week. In effect we will have students A-Z on campus, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We will continue to keep Wednesday as a white day, all Zoom day. This will allow us to continue with our deep sanitizing efforts as safety is our priority during this transition. Students who wish to continue to remain 100% remote may continue with that option. We are asking that you complete the Hybrid/Remote choice form so we can make sure all of our classrooms are set up for the appropriate number of students. All CDC requirements for safe schools will still be enforced.
1. Points of Entry - Students will be allowed on campus starting at 7:30am and may enter through the gate located in the Senior Parking Lot and the Main Entrance off of Fresno Street. These gates will be open from 7:30-9:15am. The Junior Parking Lot will be open from 8:30-9:15am.
2. Temperature and Screening - All students entering campus must have their temperature checked and pre-screening completed. The screening app will be accessible for all students and must be completed as they enter campus.
3. Face Masks - All students will be required to wear face masks at all times while on campus...NO EXCEPTIONS. Please review the face mask guidelines attached. All face masks must follow school requirements.
4. Uniform Guidelines - Please review the uniform guidelines and grooming policies for students as these policies will be enforced. Please refer to pages 48-52 of the Student Parent Handbook for Uniform and Grooming guidelines.
5. Lunch - Students will need to bring their own lunch as food options on campus will be very limited for safety reasons. Furthermore, food deliveries from outside vendors, parents, friends, siblings, etc will not be allowed. They will be turned away at the gate to further keep our campus safe.
6. Transportation - Brandy Rodriguez will be in charge of communicating all transportation questions and protocols. Her email is
7. Form Indicating Student Return - Please complete the attached form signifying whether your student chooses the 4-day Hybrid model or the 100% remote model. This form must be completed by Wednesday, March 10th so we can place your student in the right model.
8. Visitors/Drop-offs - Students will not be allowed any visitors to campus. Parents may drop-off school materials like athletic equipment, books, iPad, etc to the attendance office when those items are needed for students.
9. Extra-Curricular Policy Change - Students can choose either model, Hybrid or Remote and participate in all extra-curricular activities. There is no penalty for students who choose the remote model.