Dear Faculty and Staff Colleagues,
Thanks to everyone who helped make our first in-person Commencement in two years so wonderful. Even the weather cooperated—although it was touch and go for a while! I am especially grateful for Sarah Dobbs and our facilities and events team members, who literally worked around the clock last week to ensure the ceremony went off without a hitch.
If you weren’t able to attend or watch via live stream, you can read about Commencement and Baccalaureate and watch videos from the weekend here. You also can read about AAE’s very successful Alumni Reunion Weekend, with more than 100 alumni back on campus to celebrate their Oxford roots.
I hope each of you will join us for Staff Fest tomorrow (Thursday) to honor your colleagues and enjoy a day of fun on the quad. Staff Service Awards will be announced at 10:30 a.m. in the OSC, followed by a catered lunch in the Greer Forum at noon. There will be games, music, and lots of swag. If you haven’t already done so, please RSVP at, and don’t forget to include your t-shirt size. I look forward to seeing you there.
David Gowler, Pierce Chair of Religion, wrote a piece for Salon titled "Marjorie Taylor Greene's version of Christianity is a massive betrayal of the teachings of Jesus," which you can read here.
Gowler also wrote four brief essays for The Visual Commentary on Scripture, published by the Theology and Religious Studies Department, King’s College, London, about the parable of the Wicked Husbandmen and three representations of it in visual art. You can view each of them below:
The Oxford community sends its congratulations to two families who welcomed newborns over the last two months.
Zachary Binney, Assistant Professor of Quantitative Theory and Methods, and family welcomed Jacob Alexander Binney, born on mother's day at 4:30 p.m. He was 6 pounds, 12 ounces, and 20 inches at birth.
If you'd like to sign up for the Binneys' meal train, you can do so here.
Allyson Studer, Senior Program Coordinator at the Oxford Center for Teaching and Scholarship, and family welcomed Zora Ann Studer to the world on March 28th in Decatur. She was 9 pounds, 7 ounces, 21.5 inches at birth. All are doing well!
If you'd like to sign up for the Studers' meal train, you can do so here.
Emory's 2022 Outstanding Graduates
Every year, Emory profiles an Outstanding Graduate from each of the university's nine schools. Oxford's 2022 Outstanding Graduate was Anya Kasubhai. See all nine Outstanding Graduates here, or jump straight to Anya's profile here.
Come honor your staff colleagues and enjoy a day of fun on the Quad at this year's Staff Fest on Thursday, May 12. The commemorative t-shirts are pictured above. RSVP here.
Web story: "What I Love About Oxford": Sophomores reflect on Oxford experience
As sophomores prepared for Commencement on Saturday, May 7, five students took a break to reflect on their time at Oxford—what they’ll miss most, their favorite memories, and how they feel about heading to the Atlanta campus. Click here to read what Jerry Hong, Sigrid Matthews, Kimberly Pi, William Xu, and Sophie Zweben had to say about why they love Oxford.
Social Justice in/as the Local: Contemporary Queer Activisms in the South
On Thursday, May 12th at 4:00 p.m., please join Emory's Studies in Sexualities program for their final panel discussion with local queer activists, community organizers, and lawyers dedicated to political resistance and transformation in the South. The talk is titled "Social Justice in/as the Local: Contemporary Queer Activisms in the South." You can attend the panel on Zoom here.
Representatives from Lambda Legal, Southerners Organizing on New Ground, Georgia Equality, and Democracy Lab South will map out urgent strategies for contesting structural and systemic violence faced by sexual and racial minorities.
Staff Awards and Staff Fest
The Quad | 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Social Justice in/as the Local: Contemporary Queer Activisms in the South
To submit a news item for the next Campus Update, please email Daniel Christian.
The newsletter is distributed weekly on Wednesday. Please submit items by Monday afternoon.