Note from the Dean
Dear Faculty and Staff Colleagues:
Each day this week Oxford College faculty are featured on five segments of The Academic Minute, sponsored by NPR, the AAC&U, and linked from Inside Higher Ed. Three of these recordings are already posted. Here is the link listing all five: This is a great way to feature the voices of Oxford College faculty to broad public and academic audiences across the country. Please join me in listening during the second Oxford College "takeover week" in the past two years!
Faculty publications and presentations
Rowman & Littlefield published The Art of Ancient Music by David Leinweber, associate professor of history. Book synopsis: From the very beginning, music has helped us create our world — everything from language, to technology, to philosophy and religion. The Art of Ancient Music discusses the important role music has played in shaping human development. While emphasizing shared human themes, the text has a special focus on the rise of Western music in the ancient Near East, the Bible, and the Classical worlds. A final chapter provides a discussion of the way music helped bridge the gap between the ancient world and the Middle Ages, especially in the guise of church music.
Provost search listening session with Oxford faculty and staff on November 20
A message from Ken Carter, a representative of the Provost Search Advisory Committee:
As you may know, Emory University is in the process of hiring its next provost and executive vice president for academic affairs. As the chief academic officer, the provost provides essential leadership for teaching, research, and service at Emory and will partner with the president, deans, faculty, and staff to achieve this mission. With the search now underway, ideas and feedback from faculty will be vital to the process. As a member of the Provost Search Advisory Committee, I will be facilitating a listening session for Oxford faculty and staff on November 20 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. I hope you can join me to share your thoughts about what you would like to see in our next provost. If you cannot participate, please consider sharing your comments and ideas on the feedback page of the provost search site. This site also allows you to nominate individuals you believe would make a great fit for the role of Emory provost.
Meeting ID: 404 201 2342
Passcode: 30054
Oxford College of Emory University week on Inside Higher Ed
The week of November 16-20 is Oxford College of Emory University week on Inside Higher Ed.
The week-long event has faculty speaking on topics related to their field of interest, research, and expertise on the Academic Minute. This daily podcast features professors from top institutions around the country, delving into topics from the serious to the light-hearted.
Listen to episodes aired already below:
Vote for Ken Carter as speaker at SXSW Online 2021
Ken Carter, Charles Howard Candler Professor of Psychology, is on the list of potential speakers for the South by Southwest (SXSW) Online 2021 event. Speakers are selected through a public online vote. Please help send Carter to SXSW online March 16–20, 2021. The digital experience will feature conference keynotes and sessions, screenings, showcases, networking, and exhibitions.
1. Visit and login or create an account (don’t worry they won’t spam you, it’s to prevent ‘bots from voting).
2. Find his panel: "Inside the Minds of Thrill-Seekers, Daredevils, and Adrenaline Junkies" or click this link if you're logged in.
3. Click the up vote in the upper left corner and vote for Carter, then scroll to the bottom and click the "like/recommend" button and add a quick comment.
Emory Cares 2020 Oxford Project and ongoing November opportunities
Thanks to the generous faculty, staff, students, and alumni in the Oxford community, Volunteer Oxford students were able to package and deliver over 100 boxes of toiletries and toys for children in the foster care program with Newton County Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS). We are grateful this annual program continued during what is a difficult year for many. These boxes will provide joy and smiles to local children this December.
There's still time to participate in a virtual Emory Cares activity with the Emory Community! Make a difference no matter where you live. With virtual, flexible opportunities available through the month of November, it’s never been easier to give back and celebrate the 17-year tradition of Emory Cares. Register now and join us today. #EmoryCares
"The Necessity of Compassion for the Survival of Humanity: A Dialogue with His Holiness the Dalai Lama" hosted by Emory on December 8
Mark your calendars for this upcoming discussion with the Dalai Lama hosted by the Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics at Emory University. Emory University President Gregory L. Fenves; Sanjay Gupta, chief medical correspondent for CNN; and Melani Walton of the Rob and Melani Walton Foundation, will be joining His Holiness in a conversation on Tuesday, December 8, at 10:30 p.m. EST.
OSO Thanksgiving Box Lunch to go
Dining Hall | noon-1:00 p.m.
Provost Search Committee listening session with Oxford faculty and staff
To submit a news item for the next Campus Update, please email Ansley Holder.
The newsletter is distributed weekly on Wednesday.
Please send any submissions by Monday afternoon. Thanks for reading!