September 30, 2020
A note from the Dean
Dear Faculty & Staff Colleagues: 
This past weekend a group of 20 Oxford faculty and staff members gathered to run and walk a socially-distanced 5K as Team Hardin for the Emory Winship Virtual 5K Race. This year our team honored Coach Pernilla Hardin, and we were delighted to visit with her and her husband before and after the race on the lawn of the Dean's residence. I shared a short clip of the start of the race on my Twitter account, @dougahicks. 

The Oxford community raised over $7,400 to support cancer research at the Winship Cancer Institute, more than twice the amount raised in any previous year. There is still time to donate, which you can do by visiting the Oxford Team Hardin page.
Thanks to those who participated, those who donated, and those who have expressed support to Coach Hardin. Together, we take care of each other. 
Notes from ChapLyn 
As we enter October and move closer to election season, I hope you have made your plans to vote. There are a variety of ways to cast your vote this year. Check out the Emory Votes Initiative if you have questions about voting and registration. For me, voting is not only a civic duty; it’s a moral one. That’s why I’m excited that this year’s Chaplain’s Lecture Series speaker is Valarie Kaur. Valarie is an activist and change agent who brings a much needed message of hope and revolutionary love in her new book, See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love. This event is free thanks to the generous support of the Pierce Program in Religion and the Office of Religious & Spiritual Life. Make plans now to attend on Wednesday, October 14, at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom. You may view a trailer for the book and get a sense of Valarie’s message here.
Southern Circuit Film Series: Hurdle
The Southern Circuit Film Series continues with the October 6 screening of Hurdle and a Q&A with director, producer, cinematographer, and editor Michael Rowley. Content will go live at 7:30 p.m. View the film. A recording of the film and Q&A will be screened again on October 11 at 4:00 p.m.
Hurdle reveals a riveting story emerging from Palestinian youth living under Israeli military occupation. The new generation responds to a world of walls, checkpoints and arrests in an unexpected and inspiring way. Hurdle’s protagonists, Sami and Mohammad, begin teaching the creative practices of parkour and photography, respectively, to the youth of their communities as a means to overcome the personal and political obstacles that often feel inescapable. Though these young men are separated by a wall, they are united in leading the next generation toward freedom and self-determination through creative practices. 

With breathtaking visuals, intimate access and action-packed scenes, award-winning Hurdle (from first-time filmmaker Michael Rowley) provides audiences and critics alike with a fresh look at an old conflict. The next generation must decide what to do with the wars and walls they inherit and ultimately find ways to practice their freedom. 

Southern Circuit screenings are funded in part by a grant from South Arts, a regional arts organization, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. For more information about Southern Circuit and South Arts, visit 
Welcome new staff
Ivy Harvey joined the Campus Life division in August as the Isolation and Quarantine Housing Coordinator. Harvey is responsible for intake of Oxford students in isolation and quarantine and will assist with student needs while in isolation or quarantine. She holds a bachelor of science in health science from Clemson University and comes to Oxford from Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Okla.
Emory University Provost search advisory committee announced
Emory University President Gregory L. Fenves updated community members on the search for Emory University’s next provost and executive vice president for academic affairs. As the chief academic officer, the provost provides essential leadership for education and research at Emory. A search
advisory committee has been announced and is comprised of faculty members in Emory’s nine schools and colleges as well as two students, two deans, and one trustee. Ken Carter, Charles Howard Candler Professor of Psychology, serves as Oxford College's representative on the search advisory committee. Visit the search website for more information, to nominate a candidate, or provide your thoughts on the next provost. Emory has retained Ilene H. Nagel of Education Executives, LLC to work with the advisory committee as it identifies a pool of outstanding, diverse candidates and moves forward through the search process. Comments, inquiries, or nominations may be sent to
GCAA Hall of Fame 2020 inducts Pernilla Hardin
Men's and Women's Head Tennis Coach Pernilla Hardin was inducted into the Georgia Collegiate Athletic Association Hall of Fame on August 28.
Read more in this article about this honor and Hardin's accomplishments at Oxford.
Molly McGehee to give lecture October 7
On October 7 at 7:00 p.m., Molly McGehee, associate dean for faculty development, director of the Oxford Center for Teaching and Scholarship, and associate professor of English and American studies, joins the University of Georgia Libraries for a virtual discussion on her research for the chapter "'Vienners' at Odum's: DeAundra Peek and the Atlanta Televisual Drag Scene” featured in Queering the South on Screen, published by UGA Press in April 2020. 

Visit this link for more information about the event and to watch the lecture streamed on Facebook Live.
The conversation is part of the University of Georgia Libraries' fall lecture series celebrating the
25th anniversary of one of its special collections the Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection and its contributions to media preservation, scholarship and filmmaking. The anniversary events highlight Brown’s mission and accomplishment through discussions with documentary filmmakers, scholars and partners and include a family event to help children understand the importance of media preservation. 
McGehee's virtual lecture will mark both LGBT History Month and the 15th anniversary of UGA’s LGBT Resource Center. The event is co-hosted by Brown’s special collections partners in the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library as well as the UGA LGBT Resource Center.
Oxford in the news
Zachary Binney, assistant professor of quantitative theory and methods, was quoted in the Chicago Tribune article "Youth hockey in Illinois has been frozen by COVID-19 restrictions. Some parents say it’s time for a thaw," and the Buffalo News "College football: To play or not to play?"
Refresh from stress
Refresh From Stress (RFS) is a 30-day stress management and emotional well-being program for Emory staff and faculty. Through daily activities, participants can learn useful and easily implemented strategies to enhance their emotional health and increase their capacity to respond to and manage stress. Each day during the month of October, participants are encouraged to practice a stress-relieving activity and choose the activity from a list of suggestions or create their own. Record the completion of activities via Healthy Emory Connect and earn rewards!

Registration is open online now for the the program, which runs Thursday, October 1, through Friday, October 30. Watch this video for more info.
Winship Win the Fight 5K ends October 3
The Winship Win the Fight 5K 2020 virtual race concludes on October 3. Team Hardin is running, walking, and raising funds through Friday in celebration of Pernilla Hardin, men's and women's head tennis coach. There is still time to participate! The team goal is $15,000 and you can help reach this goal by registering to run/walk, or by donating to the team at the online team page. So far they have raised over $7,400 and are currently in 10th place of teams in money raised.

On Saturday morning, some 20 runners and walkers gathered to enjoy a physically-distanced 5K in the Oxford area. They were blessed to have Coach Hardin and her husband Rob (pictured at center in the photo above) join them at the start line to wish them well.
Recreation opportunities: Disc Golf
Chaplain's Lecture Series: Seeing No Stranger with Valarie Kaur
Disc Golf with Dean Hicks hosted by CHL/Recreation Services
1205 Wesley Street | 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Performance: Tameka Cage Conley,“Did You See Light Pour Out of Me?: Literary Art in a Time of Racial Reckoning” 
Zoom event link |7:30 p.m.  
Southern Circuit Film Series: Hurdle
Screening and Q&A with Director, Producer, Cinematographer, Editor Michael Rowley
Screening link | 7:30 p.m.
Valerie Kaur, Revolutionary Love: See No Stranger 
Zoom event link | 7:30 p.m.
Oxford Staff Organization meeting
Zoom event link | 9:00 a.m.
Performance: Khari Joyner, Cello
Zoom event link | 7:30 p.m.
Balkan Quartet, Quartet Performance
Zoom event link | 7:30 p.m.
Lecture: Richie Reseda,Talking Plain About Patriarchy
Zoom event link | 7:00 p.m.
To submit a news item for the next Campus Update, please email Ansley Holder
The newsletter is distributed weekly on Wednesday. 
Please send any submissions by Monday afternoon. Thanks for reading!