"Campus Update" is a weekly e-newsletter published by LaGuardia's Division of Communications and External Affairs to provide news and information to the college community.

The Division of Communications and External Affairs offers various additional resources to help you share news with the campus, including an event calendar, photography, graphic design, and more.

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LaGuardia Celebrates Graduates of Registered Nursing Program

LaGuardia hosted a graduation ceremony on December 16 to honor students who successfully completed the Nursing (Registered Nurse/RN) Program. The ceremony took place in the Mainstage Theater, where 36 graduates gathered with their families to celebrate their academic achievements. President Kenneth Adams presented congratulatory remarks along with Dr. Billie Gastic Rosado, Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Alexis McLean, Vice President for Student Affairs; Dr. Philip Gimber, Chairperson of the Health Sciences Department, and Professor Faith Armstrong, Director of Nursing Programs. The keynote speaker was Keith Winters, RN, BSN, TCRN, CCRN, who is a 2022 graduate of LaGuardia. The ceremony included the traditional pinning, candle lighting ceremony, and the presentation of Academic and Leadership Awards and the NACLI Leadership Awards. Special remarks were presented by Patrick Lee, Nursing Club Vice President, and I Wayan Widiarta, Nursing Club President.

Queensboro Correctional Facility Residents Earn College Credits Through ACT Project 

Earlier this month, Professor John Chaney (Social Sciences) and Dr. Joni Schwartz-Chaney (Humanities) celebrated with its second cohort of students at New York State’s Queensboro Correctional Facility who successfully completed HUC119 Non-Verbal Communication. One of four courses being offered at the facility through LaGuardia’s Accelerated College Transition (ACT) project, each student will receive three credits for this flexible core class upon their admission to LaGuardia. The ACT project, supported by a three-year $900,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice awarded to LaGuardia in October 2023, provides educational opportunities and wraparound services to residents of the facility. Professor Chaney is the Principal Investigator and Dr. Schwartz-Chaney is the Co-Investigator for this federal grant.

Professor Michele de Goeas-Malone to Receive CUNY Teaching Award in March

The City University of New York (CUNY) is presenting a Teaching Award to LaGuardia Professor Michele de Goeas-Malone, for her achievement and commitment to advancing teaching excellence and student success. CUNY will host a special reception on Thursday, March 13, 2025 at the CUNY Central Offices to recognize the professors who were selected at each of the CUNY campuses. The University Faculty Leadership Development Fellows, Office of Faculty Affairs, are presenting the awards. Professor de Goeas-Malone, who is the Education Program Co-Director and a Lecturer at LaGuardia, was nominated by Dr. Billie Gastic Rosado, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Arthur Lau, Chair of the Education and Language Acquisition (ELA) Department. “I am deeply honored to receive this award and very grateful to Provost Rosado and Dr. Lau, the ELA department chair, for recognizing and nominating me for it,” said Professor de Goeas-Malone. “This award is a powerful reminder of why I love teaching and motivates me to continue providing the best possible learning experiences for our students. From high school dropout to receiving this recognition, what a ride.”


Happy Holidays from Communications and External Affairs

This is the last edition of Campus Update in 2024. We will return on Wednesday, January 8, 2025. Submissions can be sent to CampusUpdate@lagcc.cuny.edu by 5 p.m. Mondays for inclusion in the following issue. Happy Holidays! 

MBJ Winter Dining Hours

M-Building Cafeteria: 

  • Closed December 12, 2024 thru January 5, 2025 

E-Building Café (Atrium): 

  • December 16- 20, 2024: Open 8:30 a.m.- 2 p.m. 
  • Closed December 21, 2024 thru January 1, 2025 
  • Service resumes January 2, 2025 

C-Building Café (Lobby): 

  • December 16- 20, 2024: Open 8:30 a.m.- 2 p.m. 
  • Closed December 21, 2024 thru January 1, 2025 
  • Service resumes January 2, 2025 

Student Computer Lab Hours

The computer lab in the Library will be open during Library hours from December 16, 2024– January 5, 2025. During this time, the lab in Room B-333 will be closed. 

LaGuardia Offers Funding Resources for Virtually Every Student

Through the Friedman Fund for new New Yorkers,any eligible student at LaGuardia can receive support through scholarships, experiential learning stipends, and emergency aid, to help students complete their degree or continuing education program. Students of any citizenship status can apply for support through the LaGuardia Foundation here.

LaGuardia CARES Supports Students in Need

LaGuardia CARES(College Access for Retention and Economic Success) provides resources for daily living expenses, including food, healthcare, rent, utilities, childcare, emergency transportation, medical expense, tuition, books, supplies, and more. If you know a student in need, consider directing them to LaGuardia CARES to learn more about their services. If you're interested in supporting LaGuardia CARES' work,click hereto learn more about donating.


Happy holidays, from us here at the Archives and from the children of the NYC Housing Authority’s Harlem River Houses in 1977! 


LaGuardia Student Receives NYC Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Award 

LaGuardia student Christiane Villaroel was presented with the New York City Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Award by Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson and Joseph Trimble, executive from Wells Fargo (pictured) at the 19th Annual Hispanic Business Award Banquet and Scholarship Award Ceremony on December 6. Christiane, who received a $2,500 scholarship, was selected as a candidate for the scholarship by the LaGuardia Community College Foundation, a longtime partner of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Over the past 19 years the NYCHCC has awarded more than $210k to students who attend an accredited university in the New York City area. Christiane is pursuing his Associate of Applied Science in Programming and Software Development and aspires to become a software engineer. He is currently as a software engineer apprentice at Wells Fargo.


CTL Call for Seminar and Workshop Proposals

The Center for Teaching and Learning invites LaGuardia faculty and staff to propose seminars, workshops or other professional development activities for the 2025 spring semester or 2025-26 academic year. Proposals should align with the CTL goals for the year and with the College’s new Strategic Plan, which prioritizes shared equity leadership as a college wide practice. Proposal applications for Spring 2025 are due January 21; and applications for academic year 2025-26 activities are due March 10. Additional information is available here.

Peer Advisor Academy Recruiting Students Through December 20 

LaGuardia’s Peer Advisor Academy recruits, hires, and trains current LaGuardia students for placement in department-based advising roles throughout the college. The program is currently seeking applications from students with a minimum of 12 credits accrued by the end of Fall I and a minimum GPA of 2.8. While all students meeting these criteria are welcome to apply, there is a particular need at this time for students majoring in Education, English, and any of the non-candidacy Health Science majors. If you know a student who you think may be a good fit for this program, encourage them to apply for the position here

Jack Kent Cooke Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship Application Open Through January 9

The application for the prestigious 2025 Jack Kent Cooke Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship will close on January 9. This prestigious national transfer scholarship program provides up to $55,000 per year to a small group of exceptionally promising community college students and alumni who plan to begin studies at a four-year institution in Fall 2025. Students must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher in order to qualify for the scholarship. If you know a student who you think would be a good fit for this scholarship, please direct them here to learn more about the program and apply for the scholarship.


Virtual One Stop Hours Expanded During Holidays 

Enrollment Management’s Virtual One Stop is operating with expanded office hours beginning December 23. Students looking for enrollment services support can meet with staff from the Admissions, International Student Services, Registrar, Student Financial Services, Student Information Center, Transfer Credit Evaluation and Testing offices on Zoom from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the following days: 

  • Monday, December 23 
  • Thursday, December 26 
  • Friday, December 27 
  • Monday, December 30 

Regular hours (Fridays, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.) will resume on Friday, January 3. 


30 Internationally Trained Nurses Complete SBS-Funded Course for NCLEX-RN Exam

This month, 30 internationally trained nurses marked the completion of the NYC Welcome Back Center’s NCLEX-RN Prep Course for English Language Learners, funded by NYC Small Business Services. The students hailed from Albania, Bangladesh, Brazil, Burma, Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, the Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Tibet, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam. Fourteen have passed the NCLEX-RN exam and are now working with ACE’s Career Development Center and Career and Technical Education Assistance Center to obtain full-time employment within New York City hospitals and healthcare institutions. The remaining students will take the NCLEX-RN exam throughout December and January.  

The NYC Welcome Back Center is part of ACE’s Center for Immigrant Education and Training (CIET) and is at the forefront nationally in adapting the Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (I-BEST) model for English language learners. For the NCLEX-RN ELL course, CIET English language instructors team-teach with LaGuardia health science faculty to help students develop English skills within the context of nursing education and exam preparation. This NY-BEST model has proven to be very successful. According to data from the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, the average re-licensing exam pass rate for LaGuardia NCLEX-RN ELL students is 74%, significantly above the national NCLEX-RN pass rate average of 40% for immigrant nurses in 2024.


Cheer for the LaGuardia Red Hawks Women’s and Men’s Basketball

The mighty Red Hawks invite students, faculty and staff to support them during the following upcoming games. Show your school spirit and support the Red Hawks. Check the Athletics website for full schedules: 

Women’s Basketball

  • January 4, 1 p.m. vs. Hostos CC
  • January 7, 6 p.m. vs. Bronx CC
  • January 11, 1 p.m. vs Northern Essex CC
  • January 15, 6 p.m. at Camden CC
  • January 18, 1 p.m. at Westchester CC

Men’s Basketball 

  • January 4, 3 p.m. vs. Hostos CC
  • January 7, 8 p.m. vs. Bronx CC
  • January 11, 3 p.m. vs Northern Essex CC
  • January 18, 3 p.m. at Westchester CC
  • January 21, 8 p.m. vs. BMCC

Women's Basketball Team Recruiting New Players

Do you know a student who might be interested in joining the Women's Basketball team? It's not too late for them to join. The Women's Basketball team is seeking enthusiastic athletes to join the team and help them close out the season. Eligible students must be taking classes full time and have a GPA of 2.0 or higher. Interested students can join by visiting the M-Building Gymnasium any weekday from 5:30 to 8 p.m., or by filling out the Athletics Interest Form. Students can also reach out to Coach Shareika Parry with any questions about getting involved.


Updates from LaGuardia’s Library

  • Enjoy your break! The Library will be open during intersession with reduced hours. Please see our calendar for more details. 
  • Want a chance to win an Amazon HD Fire tablet? Enter the 44th Annual Library Research Review Competition. Students can enter research papers written for courses taken at LaGuardia during the 2024-25 academic year. The deadline is July 5, 2025.
  • Need one credit for Fall II? Check out LRC 103, our Internet Research Strategies course. You can find more information about this class and our other classes here


Payroll Announcement: Dec. 20 Paper Check Distribution on Thurs., Dec. 19 and Fri., Dec 20

The Payroll Office will be distributing paper checks dated December 20, 2024 in room E-402 on Thursday, December 19, 2024 from 3 to 5 p.m. and Friday December 20, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you can’t pick up your check during this time, you can pick up your check the following week, Monday, December 23.

Please Note:

  • The office will be closed on Tuesday, December 24 and Wednesday, December 25.
  • No appointment is necessary.
  • Paper checks not picked up will be returned to the City monthly.
  • This distribution is for employees not enrolled in Direct Deposit. Direct Deposit paystubs are accessible to view and print by using NYCAPS ESS-Employee Self Service.
  • If you need help or have any questions, please contact the LaGuardia Payroll Office at payroll@lagcc.cuny.edu.

Receive Your 2024 W-2, 1127 Waiver and 1095C Forms Electronically 

As an employee of a CUNY community college, you may choose to have your 2024 W-2, 1127 Waiver and 1095-C forms delivered electronically instead of by paper copy. Electronic Delivery is voluntary, secure and accurate. To choose Electronic Delivery, log in to your NYCAPS Employee Self-Service (ESS) account. The electronic version can be viewed, printed and/or downloaded. 

Employees are reminded: 

  • If you have previously chosen Electronic Delivery, do not re-enroll. 
  • To electronically receive your 2024 W-2, 1127 Waiver and 1095-C Forms, select the paperless option in ESS before noon, Friday, January 3, 2025. 
  • You will receive an email providing instructions for securely accessing your 2024 W-2, 1127 Waiver and 1095-C forms. 
  • If you choose electronic delivery after noon, Friday, January 3, 2025, your 2024 W-2, 1127 Waiver and 1095-C forms will be printed and mailed directly to you. 
  • All employees in an inactive leave status on Friday, January 3, 2025 will have their 2024 W-2, 1127 Waiver and 1095-C forms printed and mailed directly to them.

For more information about NYCAPS, visit About NYCAPS Employee Self-Service. If you have questions, contact LaGuardia’s Payroll Department at payroll@lagcc.cuny.edu or ext. 5518.


What is a Smishing Scam? How To Protect Yourself 

Smishing scams (also known as robotext scams) involve receiving unsolicited, automated text messages that impersonate a familiar business, government agency, or financial institution. Often, smishing scam texts try to capitalize on your fear, saying you could lose money if you don’t respond, or trick you into giving them your personal or financial information. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Robocall Response Team recently issued a new alert warning that scammers are increasingly using text messages. 

Here are six tips to protect yourself from a smishing scam:

  1. Don’t respond to suspicious text messages – delete them instead. 
  2. Never click on hyperlinks or attachments in suspect messages, which could install harmful malware on your devices. 
  3. Set your software/hardware to update automatically. 
  4. Use multi-factor authentication. 
  5. Only share personal and financial information through secure channels, not by text, email, or phone call. 
  6. Report suspicious text messages to the FCC, the FTC, the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center, your mobile carrier, and any company whose name appears in the suspicious text. 

For more guidance, visit online security and identity theft. If you have any questions, please contact our IT HelpDesk at: ITHelp@lagcc.cuny.edu

Introducing the DoIT Project Management Office (PMO) Request Form

DoIT is pleased to announce the launch of a new, streamlined process for requesting project management services from the Department of Information Technology (DoIT) Project Management Office (PMO). The PMO coordinates a wide range of initiatives using rigorous project management methodologies, ensuring structured guidance and successful outcomes. In an advisory capacity, the PMO involves stakeholders, e.g., Student Affairs and Academic Affairs, to establish IT-related project requirements, produce detailed planning, scheduling and work documents, and coordinate ongoing activities for the duration of a project.

To request PMO support for your IT-related projects and provide us with a clear understanding of your project needs, complete and submit the PMO Request Form. You can access the form in the Faculty and Staff Portal. On the left-side navigation, under “Request Support,” select “Project Management Office Request Form.” Please refer to the “How to Start a Project Management Request” guide for help with accessing and completing the form. Once we review your form, a project manager will contact you to discuss your request and outline the next steps.

For questions or additional information, please contact Jetmir Troshani.

IT Reminder: Complete Mandatory Cybersecurity Awareness Training

This is an important reminder to log in to Blackboard and complete the Cybersecurity Awareness Training course. You can find this course under the “Organizations” tab, along with the other essential annual training courses required for CUNY employees. This course was developed specifically for CUNY and covers phishing attacks, spam, and best practices for protecting your CUNY accounts and sensitive data. We encourage you to take it as soon as possible to protect the University's data, as well as your own. Your active involvement is crucial to our collective security efforts. If you have any questions regarding the training, please contact Maritza Acero.  


NEW YORK TIMES: ⁠Dr. Joshua Tan, a professor of physics and astronomy at LaGuardia Community College, commented on reports of unidentified drones flying over parts of New Jersey.


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"Campus Update" is produced and published by the Communications and External Affairs Division. Faculty and staff who wish to submit items for publication can email CampusUpdate@lagcc.cuny.edu. Submissions must be received by 5 p.m. Monday to be considered for publication on Wednesday.