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We had the opportunity to meet with the Kansas Securities and Exchange Commission and the Emporia State University School of Business to discuss some innovations in crowdfunding concepts last week.  By combining real world application, academic prowess and regulatory institutions, it is our hope that we can create better conduits for local people that want to invest in business start ups or expansions.
Emporia Main Street 

The weather cleared up for most of the Flatland Cruisers Car Show, area graduates were honored, and now we take one last deep breath before the insanity that is the Dirty Kanza rolls in.  Be prepared for bikers everywhere!  Please drive carefully, watch for extra training rides on gravel and chain up your dogs if they have a tendency to chase bikes.  And, please go out of your way to make all of our guests feel welcome.  Hard work and ingenuity are the community's competitive advantages, and you can help Emporia achieve great things by doing your part during big events!







For more information on the Tallgrass Writing Workshop, CLICK HERE.


For more information on the Emporia Arts Center, Click HERE.



Wild Edibles Trek        

Stories, local history, plant identification, recipes, and more are all part of our fascinating adventures along the trail. We will cover 2+ miles of trail. You'll learn more than you ever thought possible and get a new perspective on the practical uses of edible and medicinal plants. Fishing plants, fire-starting plants, Kansas bananas, Vitamin C drinks, sweet water from a grape vine, pine needle tea, medicines, poisons, life-saving information, and a visit to an Indian earth lodge are part of the September trek.So, put together a group of family and friends, and let's take a hike!  Sponsored by the Emil Babinger Trust.

Instructor: John Crisp

Cost: $5 

Schedule: Saturday, May 30th, 9:00am-12:00pm

Location: Shepherd's Valley Farm, 2408 S 100 Rd, Americus, KS 66835


To enroll please visit https://flinthills.augusoft.net/  or call 620-341-1392.


Amy Becker

Director of Sustainability & Community Education

Flint Hills Technical College




  Mobile App QR Codes

 Learn more about local amenities, organizations, businesses, events and more with the E-Town Mobile App!  The ETown App is a joint project among Emporia State University, Flint Hills Technical College, USD 253, The Emporia Gazette, the City of Emporia, the Emporia Convention and Visitors Bureau and Emporia Main Street.


For IPhone Users, Click Here!


For Android Users, Click Here!


For the iPad Version, Click Here! 


For the Web Version, click here:


Property Availability Guide
For property owners with property available for rent or sale, this is a free service to collect information and post it on the Emporia Main Street Web Site.  With other market information available, we hope this site makes it easier for potential businesses and property developers to find spaces they need.
CLICK HERE to enter information about your available property and view previously submitted information.
Business Investment Guide
Business Investment Guide 

Do you know a business that should locate in Emporia?  Maybe you know an entrepreneur looking for resources or a business owner looking to expand?  The Business Investment Guide is community information designed to help you point your contacts in the right direction!



       The Invest Kansas Exemption and its role in area crowdfunding

The word "crowdfunding" has become associated with on-line portals like kickstarter or IndieGoGo which provide people the opportunity to donate to a business start up-sometimes in exchange for basic merchandise.  Because these are basically considered donations with a high "buyer beware" threshold, they aren't deemed a security.  Those of us that concentrate on funding for small businesses, and the expansion of existing locally owned businesses know that the true power of crowdfunding comes when people consider their funding power as a legitimate investment in their local economy.


The problem with soliciting funds on a mass scale from the general public is that you can inadvertently form a "security" and easily violate securities rules and regulations.  These legal standards were set in place to prevent individuals from taking advantage of unsuspecting investors by requiring that solicitors follow a set of guidelines.  The Kansas Securities and Exchange Commission found a middle ground between regulated securities and crowdfunding with their IKE fundraising mechanism.


For those of you familiar with the Radius Brewing Company concept, IKE was used to solicit funds from twenty-two local investors at a maximum $5,000 level (larger investors used a different mechanism).  The IKE program resulted in approximately $100,000 raised with the principal paid back after a seven year period and interest paid in the form of $30 monthly gift certificates (this equals approximately a 7% interest rate).


IKE still has a series of rules (CLICK HERE for more information), but it simplifies the investing process.  The form is relatively short (CLICK HERE for the link), and the process is fairly straightforward.  The major things you want to remember are: 1. File BEFORE you solicit.  2.  IKE was meant for in-state investors, and 3. The maximum contribution for non-vested investors is $5,000.  There are, of course, other regulations to consider.


More programs exist within the Kansas Securities and Exchange Commission that are designed to help businesses and prospective businesses raise capital.  The IKE program has been used a total of eight times in the state of Kansas since its inception, and Radius is generally referred to as the "best example of success" within the program parameters.  But, for people looking to raise more extensive funding, there are other programs and assistance within the Kansas Securities and Exchange Commission.


These programs aren't a good fit for everyone.  Typically, crowdfunding requires a business type that the community identifies as a pervasive need that is unique within the market trade area.  If you are opening up the fourth version of the same type of business within a market, it may be difficult to garner public investment support.  If you have a unique concept, and need capital and the public support that encompasses crowdfunding activities, then IKE (or other programs) may be right for you.


Potential investors need to know that IKE funding, security based funding, or even securities based funding are typically an "at risk" funding type- meaning you can lose some or all of your investment.  If you purchase a stock on the stock market for $50, and the company implodes and suddenly the stock is worth 25 cents, you've lost $49.75.  All investments carry risk.  One of the reasons why we met with Kansas Securities and Exchange officials was to talk about ways to mitigate those risks.


Risk displays elasticity in economic models.  By working with the Kansas Securities and Exchange Commission to create centralized portals, and working with backing agencies to help modify the parameters of principal associated with loans, equity investments or convertible notes, we hope to mitigate risk to an extent where we can encourage involvement in vetted business concepts.


Emporia Main Street researches potential funding avenues for you and other potential entrepreneurs because we understand the importance of full capitalization on the success of a business.  While we will admit that delving into the world of securities isn't exactly "fun", all of you are worth the hours of research to promote existing programs and modify market opportunities to fit your needs.


Im a Main Streeter 

 Did you know???

Last week we took Logan Avenue 5th Graders on a tour of the Howe House, met with some local foundation representatives about community needs, held a Promotions Team Meeting, hosted a Design Team Meeting, attended a Dirty Kanza meeting, did some individual consulting with a few local businesses, worked with some corporate groups attending the Dirty Kanza, met with the Kansas Securities and Exchange Commission, worked with the folks at the Brickyard 20 Ale House and American Cancer Society to provide fencing for their event, worked with public works to answer some logistical issues for the Flatland Cruisers Car Show, coordinated media for some upcoming events and prepped for a busy end to the month.  May is just crazy around Main Street, but all the activity generates some 
good questions from all of you

1.  "Why were you meeting with the Kansas Securities and Exchange Commission?"- From a local member.  Two reasons: First, Radius Brewing Company represents the most successful use of a type of funding called "IKE".  For those individuals that were part of the "Founders Club", they were participants in IKE Crowdfunding that allows unique funding without a "securities" classification.  The second reason is a little more complex.  After Radius opened, we met with a number of individuals that contributed to the project, and some that chose not to contribute.  Similar to our after event reporting, when we engage in a new type of project we want to get feedback on how we can improve.  We took some of the initial thoughts to the ESU School of Business, and together we set a basis for a new concept in crowdfunded loans, equity purchases and/or convertible notes that have a corresponding risk mitigation system embedded that encourages diverse community financial support for qualifying business start ups and/or expansions.  Now, I know that may have sounded like a bunch of goop thrown at a page, but we are trying to find creative ways to implement a sustainable, diverse and growing economy.  As the project continues, we will have more community discussions about how the crowd can take ownership of our business future in Emporia.  For an article concerning the Securities and Exchange Commission visit to Emporia, CLICK HERE.
2. "Do you need any help during the DK?" From a committee member.  Always.  The midnight clean up is always the most difficult part of the event, but we have a lot of other volunteer opportunities both Friday and Saturday.  If you want to get involved, please contact Emporia Main Street.

3. "Is the Dirty Kanza a rain or shine event?"  From a vendor.   Unless we have truly severe weather, yes.

4.  "Are all the houses behind the Chelsea project going away?" From a local resident.  The structure on the far north side of the 1000 Block of Mechanic Street is staying.  All the dilapidated houses to the south of the structure are going away to make room for a public parking lot.

Mulreadys Logo
Happy Hour Specials- 4 to 7 p.m.
Monday- Our Signature Drinks are $1 off
Tuesday- All Draws are $1 off
Wednesday- Dealers Choice (whatever we're in the mood to do!)
Follow Mulready's on Facebook and Twitter!


5.  "Can I sign up for a Veteran's Banner?" From a ton of people that have stopped by the office.  We will release the new application for Veteran's Banners very soon.  We confirmed with IM Design that the price of the banners will again be $150.  On July 1, at 8:00 a.m. in the Emporia Main Street office, we will start accepting fully complete applications (picture, descriptions and payment).  The first 55 of those complete applications will receive a banner this year.





In This Issue #295 05/19/15
May Events
Ride Along for Charity
Tallgrass Writing Workshop
Emporia Arts Center
Big Brothers Big Sisters
FHTC Classes
ETown Mobile Application
Properties Available
Business Investment Guide
Invest Kansas Exemption
Did You Know?
Calendar of Events

President's Circle



Emporia Realty Group


608 Commercial



IM Design Group  
IM Design Group


17 W. 5th


KISS logo
541 Sherman




Brickyard 20 Ale House

Brickyard 20 Ale House

402 Merchant



Image result for u.s. cellular logo

2326 Industrial Road




Bobby D's Merchant Street BBQ


Cable One


ESB Financial 


Flint Hills Roofing and Gutter


Journeys Inc.


KVOE AM 1400KVOE FM 101.7MIX 104.9


Longbine Auto Plaza


Moon Title & Escrow


Roberts Blue Barnett Funeral Home

Evergreen Design Build
Kaw Valley Engineering
Emporia Main Street Calendar of Events


May 20

Board of Directors Meeting

8:00 a.m. in the Emporia Main Street office


May 27

Business Enhancement Meeting

8:00 a.m. in the Emporia Main Street office


Mr. Stinky Feet

Emporia Public Library

Brown Bag- Noon at the Library


May 30

The Dirty Kanza


June 3

Eric Vaughn

Emporia Public Library

Brown Bag- noon at the Library


June 10

Richard Renner - 

Vodvill Klown

Emporia Public Library Brown Bag- Noon at the Library


June 17

Randy's Music Jam - 

Randy Sauer

Emporia Public Library

Brown Bag- Noon at the Library


June 24

35th Infantry Division Band Brass Quintet

Emporia Public Library

Brown Bag- Noon at the Library


July 1

The Band of Many Colors

Emporia Public Library

Brown Bag- Noon at the Library


July 8

Hispanic Roots Folkloric Dance

Emporia Public Library

Brown Bag- Noon at the Library


July 15

Drum Safari

Emporia Public Library

Brown Bag- Noon at the Library


July 16

Midnight Madness


August 17

Welcome Back Block Party


September 12

Great American Market



For more community event listings, please visit:



Do you have an upcoming event for your business or organization?


Let Emporia Main Street know and we may include it on our upcoming calendars!


General Level Members


AKA Marketing


Amish Woodworks






Atherton & Huth


Bath Expressions


The Beauty Bar


Ben Moore Studio


Bennett Dental Group


BG Consultants


BLI Rentals


Bluestem Farm and Ranch


Brown's Shoe Fit


Bruff's Bar and Grill


C & J Woodworks

Candlewood Suites


Capitol Federal


Cassell Insurance


Chester Press


Clark Carpet and Tile, Inc.


Coffelt Sign Co.


Complete Works


Country Mart/Price Chopper


Dan's Hands Massage


Davis Paints


DG Wingz


Disciple Shoppe


Dorsey Eye Care


Douglas Chiropractic


Dr. Kerri Thompson, DDS


Dynamic Discs


Eastwood Lake Apartments


Eclectic Bikes


Ek Real Estate


Emporia Construction and Remodeling


Emporia Radio Stations: KVOE, 104.9 & 101.7


Emporia State Federal Credit Union


E-Town Solutions


ESU Memorial Union


Evergreen Design-Build


Flint Hills Eye Care


Flint Hills Mall



Flint Hills Music


Floyd's Automotive


Forget Me Not Productions


Four Seasons Apartments


George Groh and Sons


Gerald Schumann Electric


Granada Coffee Company


Graves Drug Store


Haag Management


Hair Krafters


Heart Center Studio


Helbert & Allemang


High Gear


Java Cat Coffeehouse


Jimmy Johns


Junque Drawer Emporium


Kansas Radio 96.1 The Wave


King Liquor


L & L Pets


Little Red Rooster


Lyon County State Bank


Lyon County Title 


Mark II Lumber




McKinzie Pest Control


Midas Touch Tans


Mike Alpers Agency


Mr. Sisters Sweets


Modern Air Conditioning, Inc.


Mulready's Pub


Navrats Office Supply


Papa John's Pizza


Paper Moon Antiques


Pizza Hut


Pizza Ranch


Plum Bazaar


Poehler Mercantile


Pool and Associates


Prairie Sage Apartments




Rand Simmons Law Office


Redline Trucking


Reflxns Salon


Rhinestone Cowgirl Salon


Rockin' Accessories


Sauder Custom Fabrication


Schellers Lawn and Landscape


Scott's Lawn and Landscaping


Second Love Gifts


Stanley Jewelry


Studio 11


Studio 50.4




Sunflower Gymnastics


Sutherlands Lumber Co.


Sweet Granada


Textbook Corner


Thompson Auto Repair


Thrifts and Gifts


Toso Appraisal


Total Technology


Town Crier Bookstore


Triad Leasing


Uncommon Threads


Value-Net LLC 


Waters True Value Hardware


Westar Energy


Williams Automotive


Wright CPA Group PA


Wright's Furniture


Xan-A-Do Salon

Non Profit Level Members 


Big Brothers Big Sisters


Cradle to Career Cneter


Emporia Eastside Community Group




Emporia Arts Council


Emporia Chamber of Commerce


Emporia Farmers Market


Emporia Friends of the Zoo


Emporia Presbyterian Church


Emporia Friends of the Library


ESU- Alumni Association


ESU- Small Business Development Center


ESU- Memorial Union


ESU- Theatre Dept.


Flint Hills Community Health Center


Granada Theatre Alliance


National Teachers Hall of Fame


Saint Francis Community Services


Salvation Army




TFI Family Services

Home Based Business Members


Avon- Amanda Hopkins


Gold Canyon Candles- Stephanie Morgan


Green Door Recycling


Interdependent Web, LLC


Mary Kay- Lori Engle


Origami Owl- Angela Dowell


Paula's Creations


Pampered Chef- Chelsea Gerleman


Purse Lady- Nancy Crawford


Tastefully Simple- Vanessa Apodaca


Thirty One Gifts- Linsey Hopkins


Individual Supporters


Amy and Rick Becker 


Amy Evans


Brad Harzman


Dale & Carolyn Davis


Don Hill


Erin and Casey Woods


Joyce Zhou


Julie Johnson


Kayle Oney


Kelly Wade


Lynn Knechtel


Mark and Amy McAnarney


Michael and Karen Shonrock


Valerie and Matt Zimmerman


Roger Heineken


Smitty Smith


Sue Blechl


Tim & Mary Helmer


Tyler & Melanie Curtis


Yvonne Pool


                                                                                       Main Street Logo                             
                                   Casey Woods                                        
Emporia Main Street
12 E. 5th Avenue
Emporia, KS 66801
(P) 620-340-6430
(F) 620-340-6434
If you only want to go where you've already been, always do what you've already done.  If you want to achieve something different, you must do things differently.