Hello AMTA Maryland!

As we step into the new year your leadership team is busy planning 2022.

This is a renewal year, and we plan to offer the 7 required CEs at our Annual Meeting in April (more on that soon!)

Today we are looking for CE providers who can present the Ethics, Communicable Disease, or Diversity Classes for us.

Do you know someone? Have you taken one of these classes from an instructor you recommend? Please reply and share their information with us.

We are also always interested in hearing of other CE classes that you found interesting or helpful for your practice. As we are able we would like to begin offering additional CE classes.

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.



David Madon, President
Amelia Mitchell, LMT, LLCC, BCTMB, Board Member and Government Relations Chair Mark Hamilton, Board Member Molly Farwell, Financial Administrator and Chelsea Adams-Cook, Secretary
Your AMTA-Maryland Chapter Board
CE Carryover from 2020
CE Carryover

Remember that the 17 standard CEs from the 2020 renewal can be carried over and used for 2022. So if you had earned those CEs during 2019 or 2020 you can use them for your 2022 renewal.

The 7 required (Ethics, Diversity, Communicable Diseases) must be taken during this renewal period.