Issue 66 | January, 2022

Thank you for joining us for the latest edition of the GSRNC eNewsletter!

We hope you enjoy it!
Rescue Happy Endings!
Kimbo came to GSRNC with a tragic story--his human mom had been murdered and he was seized by the police. Depressed and broken at the shelter, Kimbo awaits rescue...

Poor Stefan was dumped at the shelter when he was around nine years old. Shy, nervous and covered in hair mats. Can Stefan find love again?

The See's Valentine Store is Open!

The GSRNC See's Candy Valentine's day store is now open! Get some sweets for your sweetie and help German Shepherds at the same time. See's will donate up to 50% for each order!

It came to our attention that See's had some issues with their gift receipt process during our Holiday 2021 sale. Arrrgh! See's assures us the problem has been fixed! So, go forth and express your love with chocolate! Shop here!

Store closes on 1/28/2022

German Shepherd Memories!
Here's a fun memory from GSRNC volunteer Doug G.
When my daughter Emily was just crawling, we already had our first of many GSDs, a handsome, smart and gentle boy named Dakota. He was the perfect family dog - he watched over all three of the women in the household like a hawk and Emily adored him. This photo shows Emily giving Dakota a little “head butt”. That’s how she gave hugs when she was a lil’ squirt!
Karen Oliver of Bring Rover Over in Martinez shares some dog training tips that can help build the bond with your dog.

Teaching your dog to "touch" is a foundation that can open a door to other learned behaviors.

Last call for GSRNC 2022 Calendars!

The GSRNC calendars are almost sold out. So if you want one, better act fast! Our 8.5 x 11 wall calendars feature full-color, high quality photos of our amazing rescue dogs.

This year's cover features Hans, the first winner of our Calendar Cover Dog contest. Hans hit the campaign trail and raised $1,100 in donations for GSRNC. Hans is a very good boy!

Save money when you order multiples! Click here for full details.
GSRNC volunteers love a happy ending! Hearing the doggy love connections is what it's all about. Today Dave and Arlene S. tell us about Fritz's adoption story.

We love to hear about happy GSRNC adoptions!
If you love your dog and want to share his or her story, please send it along to:
Support GSRNC Every Time You Shop for Your Pets!!

Make a donation with every purchase! Pet Food Express has launched a new way to donate to GSRNC directly.

Shop. Support. Share! This is how you can help:

Shop online at Pet Food Express by clicking here or on the picture of the cute puppy.

You will SUPPORT our work with 4% of every purchase coming back to us!

Plus, you get a 20% discount off your first online order when you use the coupon code WELCOME20 at checkout!

To help make this a success, please share this link with your friends or download a flyer here. The link can also be found on the GSRNC home page.

Do you have a GSD memory you'd like to share? Send your story to us at: and we may use it in the next newsletter!
German Shepherd Rescue of Northern California is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization
Foster ~ Volunteer ~ Adopt 1-800-savegsd