August 2015 - Risk & Your Nonprofit: Are You Prepared?

The Learning Lab at Community Development Works (CDW) is your local civic engagement resource center in Central Louisiana. This month, we're focusing on risk management for local nonprofits. Are you prepared for an unforeseen disaster, need to screen your staff and volunteers, experiencing sudden changes in leadership or financial loss? Take advantage of the free resources below and visit CDW's Learning Lab to help your organization prepare for any crisis. 

  Explore Risk Management Resources

The Rapides Foundation is pleased to announce a new affiliate membership with the Nonprofit Risk Management Center. Affiliate Membership will provide benefits to CDW participants to access Risk Management services:

  • Full webinar vault
  • Monthly invitation to live 30-minute webinars
  • Deep discounts on the Center's self-directed risk management cloud applications for building a risk plan and/or writing risk policies
  • RiskHelp - the ability to pose a risk management question to the Center's project staff and receive an answer in 3 - 4 business days 
Visitors to the Learning Lab can access these services free of charge upon demand.
In addition, the Learning Lab offers a collection of Risk Management Center materials on how to address a crisis, assess the level(s) of risk your organization may face in its operations, and create the policies necessary to survive.
You can check out these Risk Management publications from the eLibrary for up to 21 days:




Managing Risk in Nonprofit Organizations provides comprehensive guidance on such topics as identifying risk, prioritizing risk, selecting appropriate risk management techniques, and implementing risk management strategies to protect the nonprofit.



Or stop by CDW's Learning Lab to research best practices:


Financial Risk Management  is a practi cal, how-to guide covering financial accountability, fraud prevention, and board-staff communication on financial management issues. You will learn how to identify, measure and minimize risk to financial assets, while maximizing accountability to stakeholders, fiscal integrity and mission-fulfillment.



Vital Signs addresses the Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment Methods and Treatment Phases of a crisis. The chapters include sample worksheets to illustrate how you can use your time and brainpower wisely. Blank worksheets are included.

Available i n Learning Lab

Available in eLibrary
   Find Funding

To follow the latest funding opportunities and trends in giving, CDW's Learning Lab subscribes to monthly publications such as:
  • Chronicle of Philanthropy
  • Federal and Foundation Assistance Monitor
  • Grassroots Fundraising
  • Giving USA


Here are some upcoming funding opportunities to know about:

Government Funding Opportunities
Deadline: August 12
Initiative supporting engagement with humanities ideas

Department of Agriculture

Deadline: August 13

Initiative supporting  financial and technical assistance to recipients in developing their capacity and ability to undertake projects related to housing, community facilities, or community and   economic development
Foundation Center
Foundation and Corporation Funding Opportunities  

Deadline: August 21

Initiative to support outreach and provide education on breast health and breast cancer screening, link medically underserved women to health care providers and clinical screening services, and work to ensure that they obtain any necessary follow-up care.

USTA Foundation

Deadline: September 1
Initiative supports programs integrating tennis and education
Deadline: September 30
Initiative supports sustainable agriculture, environmental education and environment health
Deadline: September 30
Initiative supports youth sports programs and camps
Deadline: OPEN
Initiative supporting health and housing


For more funding opportunities, visit CDW's Learning Lab to use our subscription to the Foundation Center's Directory.


Tools You Can Use
Engage Community
CDW's Learning Lab is your local civic engagement resource center
in Central Louisiana where nonprofits, community/civic groups and concerned citizens can research successful program models and community statistics, identify funding and volunteer opportunities, and stay current on the latest best practice research and nonprofit news. 
By offering these tools to community members who want to make a d ifference and motivate others to do the same,  the Learning Lab is a
community builder's work space.
Recruit Board Members


The 2015 Cenla Boardbuilders class kicks off in August and now is the time to sign up to connect with these emerging leaders. It's just an easy two-step process to become a Nonprofit Partner. 

  • Step 1: Apply.
  • Step 2: Attend Networking lunches.

It's that simple to recruit governance-trained volunteers for your nonprofit board. View the networking schedule and learn more about the program.


H aving board members trained in leadership and governance is key to developing and running a solid, successful nonprofit. 

Apply today as a Nonprofit Partner 
Survive a Crisis

Are you prepared? Learn about a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) and share this risk management infographic from CDW's Learning Lab with your colleagues and board members. These quick steps to disaster planning will help keep you covered through unexpected storms.



Community Development Works
1101 4th Street, Suite 101B
Alexandria, Louisiana 71301

For more info, contact:
Felicia Walker
CDW Learning Lab Technician